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Florida would be an awesome place to grow cannabis outdoors if it wasn't for, you know, the backwards attitudes.

'The Sunshine State' :smoker:

lot of the pics at the beginning are gone.

great thread though, thanks for sharing.

Appreciate it Gaiusmarius, still have quite the journey to go. Host sites keep going down but I have everything saved. When I get a chance I'll reload it all up:tiphat:

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Florida would be an awesome place to grow cannabis outdoors if it wasn't for, you know, the backwards attitudes.

I grew my first monster plants in the everglades of Florida in the mid-80's...
It was sooo easy. Mother Nature did most of the hard work....

The hardest part was keeping them hidden from the "low and slow pot spotter" Cessna planes that flew all over that area back then...


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The Swedish Olympic Curling team 'broomstacking' during the competition of the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France 1924

'Broomstacking' - Pausing the game during competition, its the stack of brooms made while everyone shares a smoke and a drink!



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"A Chinese seaman being arrested at the port of New York for the 'attempted smuggling of opium'." New York, 1926



Invertebrata Inebriata
He made it all the way across the ocean on a ship with all that dope on him. That's impressive in itself. Welcome to America, here's your cell!


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He made it all the way across the ocean on a ship with all that dope on him. That's impressive in itself. Welcome to America, here's your cell!

I'm guessing for many immigrants, this would have been their only opportunity to come to America.


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"I believe I can see you in my dreams. Come to me secretly...

There is no limit to what I want to say"

- Eung-Tae's wife's burial letter to him in 1586


Relocated grave/memorial for Eung-Tae Lee and 'Mother Won' in Andong City, South Korea

Hemp's Sole One

Little is known about that magical fabric that bonds true love together. In the case of one Korean couple that magic was Hemp!


Burial site of Eung-Tae Lee in Andong City, South Korea

In 1998 a research team was called in to relocate some old graves for a new apartment complex being built at the site in Andong City, South Korea. Little did the team know they would be unearthing a 400 year old love story...

Unearthing one unknown grave, the team discovered it belonged to a man named Eung-Tae Lee who had died in 1586 at the age of 31.

A bundle of clothing buried with him was tenderly wrapped in hemp rope. When the clothing was examined they discovered they were not for him but made for a woman and child...

Laying next to his head was a object wrapped in hemp paper. The object stunned everyone...


Human hair/Hemp weaved sandals from 1586

“with my hair I weave this”

- Burial note written on hemp paper wrapped around hemp/hair sandals, 1586

When the hemp paper was opened a pair of sandals were discovered. Taking a closer look at the sandals they discovered human hair had been weaved right in with hemp to form the sandals.

On the paper wrapping they could decipher sentences like “with my hair I weave this” and “before you were even able to wear it”...


Close up of Eung-Tae Lee burial hemp/hair sandal from 1586

“before you were even able to wear it”

- Burial note written on hemp paper wrapped around hemp/hair sandals, 1586

The team had discovered a ancient tradition never before found. As a symbol of love or hope, a loved one would weave their own hair with hemp to make shoes for a ill person.

The shoes are a stunning display of love lasting over 400 years. When the team started reading the letters left with the body they found themselves right in the middle of a centuries old love story...


Active member
Hemps Soul One Continued...


Human hair/Hemp weaved sandals from 1586

“There are references in Korean literature to the tradition of making the shoes with human hair as a symbol of love or hope for recovery from an illness, but we have never actually found any examples,”

- Se-Kwon Yim, former director of the Andong National University Museum

The letters around the body were from family members and loved ones of the man. While the team was reading the letters, one took everyone's breath away.

The letter was found laying on the chest of the man, close to his heart away from the other letters. It was a grieving letter from Eung-Tae's wife who was still struggling with his loss.

The letter would tell of a love lasting centuries...


Korean funeral letter, 1586

To Won's Father

June 1, 1586

You always said, "Dear, let's live together until our hair turns gray and die on the same day." How could you pass away without me? Who should I and our little boy listen to and how should we live? How could you go ahead of me?

How did you bring your heart to me and how did I bring my heart to you? Whenever we lay down together you always told me, "Dear, do other people cherish and love each other like we do? Are they really like us?" How could you leave all that behind and go ahead of me?

I just cannot live without you. I just want to go to you. Please take me to where you are. My feelings toward you I cannot forget in this world and my sorrow knows no limit. Where would I put my heart in now and how can I live with the child missing you?

Please look at this letter and tell me in detail in my dreams. Because I want to listen to your saying in detail in my dreams I write this letter and put it in. Look closely and talk to me.

When I give birth to the child in me, who should it call father? Can anyone fathom how I feel? There is no tragedy like this under the sky.

You are just in another place, and not in such a deep grief as I am. There is no limit and end to my sorrows that I write roughly. Please look closely at this letter and come to me in my dreams and show yourself in detail and tell me. I believe I can see you in my dreams. Come to me secretly and show yourself. There is no limit to what I want to say and I stop here.

- Eung-Tae Lee's burial letter from his Wife in 1586


Human hair/Hemp weaved sandals from 1586

"Dear, let's live together until our hair turns gray and die on the same day.

How could you pass away without me?"

- Grieving Korean funeral letter from a Wife, 1586

When the handwriting was compared between the letter and the note on the shoes, it was confirmed to be the same. The shoes had been made by the mans loving wife with her own hair.

Only hemp can tell the story of true love, 400 years in the making!


'Korean beauty' Jang Yeon Hong 1904


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A United States soldier swaps pipes with a local in Burma, 1945


The Photograph was published on the cover of the United States Military WW2 magazine 'Yank' in 1945

YANK - July 1, 1945

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Hemps Soul One Continued...

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Human hair/Hemp weaved sandals from 1586

“There are references in Korean literature to the tradition of making the shoes with human hair as a symbol of love or hope for recovery from an illness, but we have never actually found any examples,”

- Se-Kwon Yim, former director of the Andong National University Museum

The letters around the body were from family members and loved ones of the man. While the team was reading the letters, one took everyone's breath away.

The letter was found laying on the chest of the man, close to his heart away from the other letters. It was a grieving letter from Eung-Tae's wife who was still struggling with his loss.

The letter would tell of a love lasting centuries...

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Korean funeral letter, 1586

To Won's Father

June 1, 1586

You always said, "Dear, let's live together until our hair turns gray and die on the same day." How could you pass away without me? Who should I and our little boy listen to and how should we live? How could you go ahead of me?

How did you bring your heart to me and how did I bring my heart to you? Whenever we lay down together you always told me, "Dear, do other people cherish and love each other like we do? Are they really like us?" How could you leave all that behind and go ahead of me?

I just cannot live without you. I just want to go to you. Please take me to where you are. My feelings toward you I cannot forget in this world and my sorrow knows no limit. Where would I put my heart in now and how can I live with the child missing you?

Please look at this letter and tell me in detail in my dreams. Because I want to listen to your saying in detail in my dreams I write this letter and put it in. Look closely and talk to me.

When I give birth to the child in me, who should it call father? Can anyone fathom how I feel? There is no tragedy like this under the sky.

You are just in another place, and not in such a deep grief as I am. There is no limit and end to my sorrows that I write roughly. Please look closely at this letter and come to me in my dreams and show yourself in detail and tell me. I believe I can see you in my dreams. Come to me secretly and show yourself. There is no limit to what I want to say and I stop here.

- Eung-Tae Lee's burial letter from his Wife in 1586

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Human hair/Hemp weaved sandals from 1586

"Dear, let's live together until our hair turns gray and die on the same day.

How could you pass away without me?"

- Grieving Korean funeral letter from a Wife, 1586

When the handwriting was compared between the letter and the note on the shoes, it was confirmed to be the same. The shoes had been made by the mans loving wife with her own hair.

Only hemp can tell the story of true love, 400 years in the making!

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'Korean beauty' Jang Yeon Hong 1904

G `day Bc Dub

Brilliant stuff .
I never cease to be amazed .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Green Squall

Well-known member
I'm sitting here pretty high, watching Frankenstein (1931) and instantly noticed this strange pipe the Baron was holding. Not the best picture, so if anyone can find a better screen shot, post it.



Active member
Beautifull story there, Billycw

G `day Bc Dub

Brilliant stuff .
I never cease to be amazed .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Thank you Guys, enjoyed writing that one up. I'm a sucker for a good love story:tiphat:

I'm sitting here pretty high, watching Frankenstein (1931) and instantly noticed this strange pipe the Baron was holding. Not the best picture, so if anyone can find a better screen shot, post it.

True Classic Green Squall! Looks like a German piece:biggrin:



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Demon Rum Leads To Heroin "And the last state of that man is worst than the first"

- Editorial cartoon showing 'Uncle Sam' bothered by Demon Rum and the various monsters of drug addition which follow him, from Life magazine, June 26 1919


St. Phatty

Active member
I thought that woman character on Deadwood did a good job portraying the effects of Laudanum.

The Yuppie's wife. I think the Yuppie eventually got killed.

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