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"Specimens of male(right) and female(left) hemp plants from the seed field, Khandwa, India" October 28, 1893


"Specimens of male(right) and female(left) hemp plants from the seed field, Khandwa, India" October 28, 1893 (Photo from the British 'Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895') Plate 97


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"International Arms and Hashish store"


'International Arms and Hashish store', Darra Adam Khel, Pakistan 1976


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“Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, Let Newton be! and all was light.”

― Alexander Pope


Suspect Arthur Hall being interviewed by police, as officer displays marijuana plant recovered in raid, Los Angeles, California- 1950


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"For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."

-Dr. Carl Pfeiffer


Dr. Harry L. Williams (left) administers LSD to Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, chairman of Emory University's Pharmacological Department, in 1955

'Disperceptions of Unknown Cause'

Following the Office of Strategic Services (U.S. predecessor to the CIA) secret 'Truth Serum' projects(post #196 in this thread), the CIA turned there hopes for a more advanced form of weapon, Mind Control...

After rumors of Korea using drugs to interrogate POW's during the war, the secret mind control projects of the United States had begun...


MK ULTRA was "concerned with "the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior." The program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers participated. Because the Agency funded MKUltra indirectly, many of the participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency."

-United States Supreme Court

Dr. Pfeiffer would start experiments with the government at 'Bordertown Facility' in New Jersey under unknown projects in 1951(possibly under 'Artichoke' or 'Bluebird').

With Project Mk Ultra started in 1953, Dr. Pfeiffer would find himself in charge of an extensive secret United States LSD and Drug Program.


In 1955 Dr. Pfeiffer, under Emory University, began his collaboration with the CIA under MK Ultra for 'behavioral modification experiments' at Atlanta Penitentiary...

Taking 'willing' participants within the prison system, different experiments were undergone while under the influence of various drugs all under the umbrella of the CIA's secret program.

Dr. Pfeiffer is said to have ran Subproject 9 and eventually expanded to include Subprojects 26, 28, and 47 under the larger MK ULTRA umbrella.

These experiments would use LSD, heroin, morphine, temazepam (used under code name MKSEARCH), mescaline, psilocybin, scopolamine, marijuana, alcohol, sodium pentothal and even some homebrewed superhallucinogens such as '3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate'(aka bz) in experiments of the 'willing'...

"Some of the drug traffickers and criminals held for deportation at Ellis Island were given the option of staying in the United States indefinitely if they 'volunteered' for various secret government projects, including CIA-funded Project Artichoke experiments that were just beginning at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary and various mental hospitals in Louisiana."

-H.P. Albarelli, Jr.

The first step was to be approached and interviewed by the prison psychologist, Dr. L. Bryan. According to a 1983 lawsuit, 'Scott v. Casey', A consent agreement was read to each participant by a medical staff person[5] and required to sign which stated:




Date __________

I, ________, the undersigned applicant, hereby apply for permission to participate in an investigation designed to study the hallucinatory effect of lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD-25, and similar compounds which is being conducted by Emory University School of Medicine in cooperation with the Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice. I understand that I will be required to undergo a physical examination, including laboratory tests, in order to ascertain if I am a suitable candidate. I further agree to take the drugs offered me on the day of the experiment. The procedure, the potential benefits to humanity, and the risk to my health of participation in this study have been explained to me by Dr. ________, and I understand that there can be no guarantee that I will not become ill as a result of this experiment. I hereby freely assume all such risks of participation in the investigation.

I further agree to cooperate to the fullest extent with the personnel conducting the investigation during the experimental period. I understand that upon completion of my participation in this experiment, the fact that I have thus voluntarily rendered outstanding service to humanity will be placed in my official record. In addition, I understand that each time I am used as a subject, a sum of $3.00 will be deposited in my trust fund account. No such deposit will be made until the Medical Officer has certified that my participation has been satisfactory.

In consideration of the money referred to above, the other considerations referred to above, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledged by me, I, acting for myself, my heirs, personal representatives, my estate and my assigns, do hereby release Emory University, the doctors, physicians, their assistants and all others participating in this experimental program from all liability of any kind or character, including claims and suits in law or in equity for damages, injury or death which may result to me or to my property from my participation in this experimental investigation.

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this the ____ day of _________, 19____.



"The Bordertown facility is significant, because during World War II, and from 1951 to 1964, it was the site of secret CIA and U.S. Army behavior-modification and mind-control experiments. Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer of Emory University in Atlanta and the University of Illinois Medical School oversaw some of these experiments, which were intended to both trigger and study 'a model psychosis characterized by visual and auditory hallucinations.' Pfeiffer later refined his objectives with extensive experiments in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. Questioned about these experiments in 1981, the CIA's Dr. Sidney Gottlieb said, 'We learned a lot from the Atlanta experiments. The Agency learned that a person's psyche could be very disturbed by those means.' "

-H.P. Albarelli, Jr.

In 1957 Notorious Whitey Bulger, would become a 'willing' participant in Dr. Pfeiffer's Atlanta Penitentiary experiments referring to Dr. Pfeiffer as “a modern day Dr. Mengele”...

“I was in prison for committing a crime,” he wrote, “and feel they committed a worse crime on me.”

-Whitey Bulger


Man’s Magazine, August 1956 article


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'Disperceptions of Unknown Cause' continued...

Appearing in a surreal campy style men's pulp magazine article from 'Man's Magazine' in 1956, an alleged “Dr. Robert H----” goes "INSANE FOR SCIENCE"...

Only thing is in this campy article using fake names, the Doctor's photographed are very real...

Dr. Harry L. Williams is shown administering LSD to Dr. Carl Pfeiffer...

A campy peak into the CIA's MK ULTRA...

Man’s Magazine, August 1956 article 'I Went Insane for Science'





mack 10

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"International Arms and Hashish store"

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'International Arms and Hashish store', Darra Adam Khel, Pakistan 1976

I wish I could if seen this,
So cool. I want one of those half pound goat skin cured super charas and maybe an ak47 rifle, lol. Gotta love Pakistan


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"Carts at the hemp market SW of Muiluk [Wuchuan], China 1932"



Muiluk [Wuchuan] & Wangpo - Kwangtung [Canton province] (China), hemp market southwest of Wuchuan - 1932

"Hemp market with bundles of hemp fiber, SW of Muiluk [Wuchuan], China 1932"



The same hemp market from within the grove. Bundles of hemp fiber. Muiluk [Wuchuan] & Wangpo - Kwangtung [Canton province] China - 1932


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"Man smoking water pipe on city sidewalk"


Man smoking water pipe on city sidewalk, Hong Kong, China 1940's


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Drug Suppression unit of the Governor's Task Force on site of a marijuana crop near South Lake Mall, Morrow, Georgia, June 9, 1988


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Posing with the Hemp Man

Kanapinis: Return of the Hemp Man

What if I told you there was a day where from sun up to sun down you were not only offered but expected to eat delicious fried pancakes with more toppings then one could imagine?...

A day where everyone in town dresses up in folkish costumes to gather in the towns square in a mardi gras party like atmosphere...

A day where dancing, singing, carnival games and strong drinks are all not only expected they are the norm...

Now what if I told you this glorious day's anticipation builds to a battle where the victor is always the Hemp Man?....

Even better... This day is real...


Užgavėnės participants Salantai, Lithuania 1923

Lithuania was one of the last European holdouts to practice Paganism. Subsequently the area was also one of the last to adopt Christianity. With such strong ties to the past, ancient ties hold strong...

Užgavėnės in Lithuania is much like its counterparts around the world Carnival or mardi gras but this festival has held much more of its Pagan traditions...

The Festival of today begins much like carnival, the day before Ash Wednesday. In pagan times the festival was held on the Vernal Equinox.

The festivities are much like Mardi Gras or Carnival with one enticing addition... Hemp...


Užgavėnės costume with doughnut type pastry called Baronka/Riestainis around the neck, it just keeps getting better and better...

Swarms of festival attendees are in costumes portraying devils, witches, goats, the grim reaper, gypsies and other folk like characters meant to scare away winter, usually with a smile.

A large parade through the center of town begins the festivities. Parade marchers are dressed as whimsical characters with a often buxom woman named 'More' being the main attraction...

'More' is the female representation of winter. Her effigy is paraded as the finale of the parade. Children and passers-by laugh at 'More', beat her with sticks, and throw snowballs at her. Goats beat 'More' with their horns, cranes and storks peck at her, gypsies tell her fortune, demons wait for her “soul” in shadowy stances....

Its the devils and witches however, that defend 'More'... Not to be, the party continues!


Salantai, Lithuania -Užgavėnės 1920's-30's

Songs with chants like "ziema, ziema bek is kiemo!" literally meaning "winter, winter get out of my yard!" ring through the streets...

The music, dancing, eating and drinking and general merriment all climax with a great battle between two central characters...

Lašininis (translated to fatso or porky) is the male representation of Winter, hated by the gathered crowd... Suddenly his rival appears its... its... Hemp Man!

Kanapinis (translated as Hemp man or Hempen man) as the male representation of Spring, steps forward to meet his foe Lasininis to the cheers of the crowd...

Its a hard fought battle but in the end, Hemp always wins...


'More' and 'Lasininis' female and male effigies of winter at Užgavėnės festival.


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Kanapinis: Return of the Hemp Man continued...

Not enough hemp in this festival for you? A closer look at the Užgavėnės games played might change your mind...


The black flies daiktas- flea, a Užgavėnės game

The black flies daiktas- flea, is a Užgavėnės game using a hemp sheet to toss the 'black fly' to the gathered crowd waiting to catch it. A good ol' game of toss-up, hempen style...

Next we have the 'True friendship išraiška- fight', a Užgavėnės game where standing on stumps, 2 participants using hemp sacks, filled with of course hemp, pummel each other to knock the other off. Hemp laying the smack down...


True friendship išraiška- fight, a Užgavėnės game

As night draws near, a effigy of 'More' is lit ablaze. As 'More's' bonfire burns to the crowds cheers, winter is finally beaten giving way to spring beginning the agricultural year.

In some area's the taller the flames, the taller the next years hemp crop will be...


Užgavėnės festival burning 'More', female effigy of winter

Traditions don't end with 'More's' bonfire...

In some area's the taller the flames, the taller the next years hemp crop will be...

The next day, superstition says to bury some of the ashes from the fire in the soil of the coming crop field. Doing this will protect the crop from bad demons during the coming season...


Užgavėnės participants Salantai, Lithuania- Febuary 25, 1936 (notice 'Hemp Man' with his strands of hemp in his hand, second from left)

As a society we move forward further and further away from what we once were, I suggest we remember the Pagans of old and all burn More!


Man celebrating Užgavėnės while grilling, 2009

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