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"My love is as a fever, longing still
For that which longer nurseth the disease,
Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,
Th’ uncertain sickly appetite to please."

- William Shakespeare, sonnet 147

Lehnert & Landrock - Tunisian couple c 1911





ICMag Donor
Hello Billy, I (we) always can be sure that you found something wonderfull! Day by day! Thanks for sharing, it´s an amazing collection.

Vintage Founds Amigos! :dance013:

So right Herman !! This thread educates, entertains and amazes me every time I look!!

Thank you billy!


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So right Herman !! This thread educates, entertains and amazes me every time I look!!

Thank you billy!

My pleasure Mrs. Babba and Herman, Thank you for following along:thank you:

I see the website I host a lot of my pictures on is down, no worries, I have everything saved on file and would only take me a day or two to put back up if it doesn't recover:biggrin:

Amazing stuff to come!


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"The bystanders looked on in amazement, the seconds were astonished, and at length brought the force to an end by declaring honor satisfied"

-The Meridional newspaper, June 18, 1881


"Animation of two athletes fencing. From The attitudes of animals in motion : a series of photographs illustrating the consecutive positions assumed by animals in performing various movements; executed at Palo Alto, California, in 1878 and 1879"

The Meridional newspaper, June 18, 1881 Article: A Bloodless Duel



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Woman Spinning Hemp on "Spinning Maching" in Kentucky ca. 1905 (Kentucky Historical Society)



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"...a successful ninja is one who uses but one tool for multiple tasks"

-the Bansenshukai c.1676


Ninja scene from - Iwami Buyuden by Hirosada, (Act 1) 1855

Sensimilla Shinobi

Ninja's were the most bad ass outlaw assassins in feudal Japan and the most feared assassins in the world had a secret weapon...


Every aspect of a Ninja's life involved hemp starting with how they would blend into society unnoticed...

Ninja's were often farmers, which when in their peasant cloths would help them disappear into the crowd without raising concern.

The crop of choice for many Ninja's... Hemp...


ninja, from a series of sketches (Hokusai manga) by Hokusai. Woodblock print on paper. Volume six, 1817.

"Sow hemp seeds, raise them, and jump over the shoots every day"

-ninjutsu secret jumping training from -the Bansenshukai c.1676

One of the Nunjutsu secret ability's was centered around growing hemp. The ability to leap inhuman heights...

The Ninjutsu teachings of 'the Bansenshukai' tell us how this is accomplished, "Sow hemp seeds, raise them, and jump over the shoots every day".

So after planting hemp seeds, they would daily jump over the plant. Hemp, being one of the fastest growing plants, would not be noticeably taller day by day but over just a short couple months would improve the ninja's jumping to a reported 6meters...

This hemp training also teaches the ninja some great life lessons...

If you look at the hemp plant at the end of season, it would seem impossible to leap...

But if you work hard and practice everyday from the start, it becomes a natural ability.


Ninja 'Kaginawa' (grapnel) with hemp rope

Even when the hemp jumping training is too much for a unpassable object, hemp again makes it possible for the Ninja...

One of the most important pieces of a ninja's equipment was his hemp rope...

Tied around his waist, the ninja's Kaginawa (grappling hook) literally translates to "hooked rope" or in this case "hooked hemp".

The Ninja's would carry enough length of hemp to climb a 40 meter object.

Another ninja climbing tool was the hooked ladder, made of bamboo and hemp rope with grapnel like spikes. This tool would be employed on walls while still being able to break down into a pile of sticks if need be.


Three archers with 'yumi' bows made of hemp

The Ninja's weapons also revolved around the use of hemp...

One of the most recognized weapons was the "Yumi bow's". These long bows had superior distance utilizing a bow string made of hemp.

Used by the Samuri as well, these long bows were a formidable weapon at long distance while serving as a pole type weapon in close defense...


The 'Kyogetsu-shoge'

Many of the ninja's weapons also used hemp rope to extend their deadly reach...

The 'Kyogetsu-shoge' was a good example although many different design's were used.

The Kyogetsu-shoge is a simple length of hemp rope with a sharp hooked blade at one end and a heavy iron ring at the other.

The Kyogetsu-shoge and similar weapons utilized by ninja could go undiscovered using just rope and simple farm like implements that could be quickly put together. Assassins 101...


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Edo period Japanese hemp and chain armour called Kusari Katabira. This would be worn under peasant or farmer clothing to blend in, the hemp made the armor flexible.

Everything the ninja needed and wore, was to be made of hemp.

The undergarments made of hemp, the under armor made of hemp and chain called 'Kusari Katabira', the kimono or farmers clothing to blend into society would be made of hemp, the outer armor or battle armor called 'Shinobi-katchu' would be made of hemp (just like the samurai would wear) and even down to their shoes in many cases would be made of hemp...


edo period - hemp Shinobi-katchu (ninja armor) displayed at Ninja Museum of Igaryu


Left side of the third display case exhibiting Shinobi-katchu, and the right side of the display case exhibiting Kusari katabira

One interesting clothing item the ninja's would use was 'Waraji' shoes. Made of woven hemp, ninja's would weave metal spikes into the souls of the sandal. This would give the ninja's superior traction in slippery or snowy conditions...

For extreme conditions the ninja would use 'Ashiko' cleats. Iron spikes were held onto the underside of shoe's with hemp rope. This would enable the ninja to climb walls or on extreme ice.


Ninja's - Ashiko cleats made from hemp rope - Edo period

If the ninja's needed one tool for multiple tasks, it could be none other then Hemp...


Edo period wood block print showing a samurai holding a yumi and wearing a kusari katabira under his kimono


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I saved a bunch of photo's from the 'Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895'. I will go more into detail about the report later but will start to pepper in the photographs as there are a good amount of them.

This one is one of my favorite's, so serene...


'the spontaneous growth of bhang in the public gardens, Amritsar - April 23, 1894


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"The hemp body molding method is REAL FUN and GUARANTEES reduction where such reduction is most needed. It embodies ancient principles known to the Greeks hundreds of years ago. With new body beauty comes improved health and well being."

-The hemp body molding method


Physical Culture - Issue: Nov, 1934 - hemp body molding method ad

Cover of 'Physical Culture, November 1934'


Physical Culture - Issue: Nov, 1934


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A Miss Universe contestant in the 1956 pageant had a unique talent... She could make wieners stand up.... Hey and some music too...


Miss Universe 1956 - Chicago, Illinois


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I know some of you outdoor boy's need to find some form of entertainment...


Vintage 'squirrel gym' ad


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"I want people to be able to see it from Wilshire."

-Harry Chandler, describing his vision of the Hollywoodland sign


A publicity photo for the Hollywoodland subdivision's groundbreaking includes a plow, mule and surveyors. 1923


In 1923, wanting to draw people to his idea of a high class subdivision in the hills, Los Angeles Times publisher Harry Chandler constructed a huge billboard advertising his vision.

His idea would become a landmark for an entire city and a beacon to a blossoming new industry, The Hollywood sign...

Chandler's original subdivision was named "HOLLYWOODLAND", the original sign read the same only dropping the "LAND" in 1949.

The original sign illuminated the night sky with 4,000, 20 watt light bulbs affixed right to the sign...

Not only lighting up the sky, the sign would blink, "HOLLY" then "WOOD" then "LAND" followed by the original period that was 35 feet around punctuating the statement, finally ending in everything all together "HOLLYWOODLAND."...


Hollyweed sign - original 1976 prank/project

In early 1975 California Senate Bill 95 was proposed by Senator Moscone. Written originally from decriminalization recommendations of a Select Committee in 1974, the bill would have made 3 ounces or less of cannabis a simple "infraction" of the law.

In order to split law enforcement opposition to the bill and pick up the necessary votes to pass the measure out of committee the bill was rewritten to one ounce or less a citable misdemeanor, rather than an infraction...

On July 9, 1975, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 95... This bill would take effect January 1, 1976.


Hollyweed once again in 1996

Wanting to celebrate this new decriminalization, Cal State Northridge student Danny Finegood along with 3 of his buddies decided to make a message of their own...

In the early hours of the new year in 1976, Danny and his 3 buddies armed with ropes and 50 dollars worth of black bed sheets, hiked up to the HOLLYWOOD sign. Using rocks as weights to hold the sheets in place the "HOLLYWEED" sign was born depicting the changing of the times.

Danny would later turn the prank into a class project at Cal State Northridge, receiving a "A" for his effort...

"We broke no laws and did no damage to the sign. An artist's role throughout history has been to create representations of the culture he exists in. By hanging four relatively small pieces of fabric on the landmark, we were able to change people's perception"

-Danny Finegood




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"Poor pilgrims blithe and jolly, in penance for past folly."

-Seceders in limbo -Vagabonds made useful. 1798 etching

Hemp: The Prison Pounding

"Mind your business ye vegabonds, no idling, I'll teach ye a new trade now you have left your old calling. There is a great deal of rope wanted there must be no neglect of duty here."

Back in the 'olde' days of Britain (and some part of the U.S.) a court punishment was pounding hemp in prison... Not as fun as it sounds...


Seceders in limbo -Vagabonds made useful. 1798 etching

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