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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Some tasty cured Djamba
Still has a little "panic" effect but the leather wood smell/taste has balanced beautifully. I like the taste and depending on my mood the high is spectacular. Still not my favorite but everyone else loves it.

Red Death ☠️ fully seeded with dirty Mexican (Michoacán x Oaxaca) pollen. Despite being seeded this RD grown in the greenhouse is off the chain. Sticky resin bomb, pungent almost Malawi like but not it's sweeter. The hit hits hard and gets your full attention immediately. Strong motivational up feeling that is delightful. I'm looking forward to germinating the cross.

red rider


See the world through a puff of smoke
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Some tasty cured Djamba
Still has a little "panic" effect but the leather wood smell/taste has balanced beautifully. I like the taste and depending on my mood the high is spectacular. Still not my favorite but everyone else loves it.
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Red Death ☠️ fully seeded with dirty Mexican (Michoacán x Oaxaca) pollen. Despite being seeded this RD grown in the greenhouse is off the chain. Sticky resin bomb, pungent almost Malawi like but not it's sweeter. The hit hits hard and gets your full attention immediately. Strong motivational up feeling that is delightful. I'm looking forward to germinating the cross.

red rider
Those buds look awesome 😎 👍
When can we place an order? 😂

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It would be a wonderful world if one could place an"order" and receive a tasty fresh flower from here. However I don't believe that will happen in my lifetime (but don't despair I'm old).

Although I'm not motivated by monetary enrichment, I do have a strong desire to share. I enjoy "turning good people on" to quality that only exists from high altitude Colombian. So I think it's much better to have weed snobs come here where the setting is exotic,safe and optimal.
Combined with exciting new climates and interesting people, mountain sativa can be the most exhilarating experience.

FEZ (White Rhino x NYCD) grown in the greenhouse and pollenated by the Mexican. Good night cap weed but mostly held in reserve for pain relief.
I can only imagine things getting better.

red rider

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
It would be a wonderful world if one could place an"order" and receive a tasty fresh flower from here. However I don't believe that will happen in my lifetime (but don't despair I'm old).
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Although I'm not motivated by monetary enrichment, I do have a strong desire to share. I enjoy "turning good people on" to quality that only exists from high altitude Colombian. So I think it's much better to have weed snobs come here where the setting is exotic,safe and optimal.
Combined with exciting new climates and interesting people, mountain sativa can be the most exhilarating experience.
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FEZ (White Rhino x NYCD) grown in the greenhouse and pollenated by the Mexican. Good night cap weed but mostly held in reserve for pain relief.
I can only imagine things getting better.

red rider
Beautiful brother 🙌 Nothing like true high altitude sativa, you are doing the Lord's work keep it up😊🙏

🌸Om Namah Shivaya🌸

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well I believe in theory it's a good thing some of my ideas but realty is a bitch. However the heart,the corazon of the idea is already realty.
I've been reading for years about the contaminated genetics (whatever that means) in Colombia as well as other locations. I've been here over 20 years and I saw the crippi come to town. But I know there's hundreds of native varieties that haven't been touched in years. These varieties are acclimated to their unique micro climates and I believe can be called Colombian. Of course the commercial commodity cannabis grown by unwilling cultivators is hybernized for maximum profit has eliminated the long flowering tropical varieties. Genetics are a crital part of the equation but it's 50% the other critical part is cultivation environment. The plant has to grow in the ground under the sun in Colombia to be Colombian. Just like us plants are the environment they grow in.
My point is and I can only speak from my perspective is there's still unhybernized varieties here and a few nonprofit growers cultivating it. Not impossible at all to find.
The thing is that taking eight to ten months to harvest a plant is something only the truly committed attempt. As such the connoisseur quality tropical sativa is rare.

It's time consuming and costly to maintain and care for a plant for that much time making the harvest priceless.

The real value of this type of cannabis is held only by those whom know this quality and can appreciate it completely. Even those that love the plant,that love the effect,that live the "lifestyle" are ignorant to it's true power.

To know this plant one must be committed to it.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
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Takes planning and preparation, one must be properly equipped.

You got to adapt to situations you're not familiar with. Constantly adjusting and modifying with radical situations as they occur.

But that's part of it, there's no halfway, it's all or nothing.

At the end of the day (always wanted to write that) has it been worth it. I can't say because the story continues, the journey goes on.
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The best is yet to come.

red rider


See the world through a puff of smoke
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Takes planning and preparation, one must be properly equipped.
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You got to adapt to situations you're not familiar with. Constantly adjusting and modifying with radical situations as they occur.
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But that's part of it, there's no halfway, it's all or nothing.
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At the end of the day (always wanted to write that) has it been worth it. I can't say because the story continues, the journey goes on.
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The best is yet to come.

red rider
Funny to see kale growing in Colombia.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes that finca is in the cloud forest below Zipacon. Around 7000ft , I stayed there for almost a year. I don't eat kale but it was growing there when I got there. Real basic living there, no running water, intermediate power and a shit load of angry bulls. Grew some pretty good weed there but too humid to dry.


The company did provide me with transportation. Nothing more exhilarating than riding a 125 street bike in the mud being chased by bulls after a nice joint of sativa.

Malawi x Haze

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Turns out last Wednesday the power cut off at the finca. It's not unusual for the power to go out and could be an hour or up to three days (only once). So I thought I'd cruise on down to town and hang with the kids. As I head out the door at the finca a yellow piece of paper falls on the floor. Taxi is waiting so I grab the paper and jump in the taxi and off we go. The paper is a cut off notice from the power company. So I message the owner of the finca with a picture of the notice. So the person responsible for paying the farms utilities failed to pay the bill despite repeated warnings. I never saw a bill or warnings before.
So here we are Saturday, I'm pretty sure my little seedlings are ok and the plants in the greenhouse should be fine but I just stocked the refrigerator and freezer. Probably all the refrigerated food is bad. My daughter and I are heading up to the farm to check it out. The owner said he paid yesterday (well said he was going to pay) but hasn't confirmed.
It's these little events that compacted s forward progress. Poor organization of people I have no contact with that control my situation is slightly annoying. What can you do.
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Take a hit look at the mountains and remember how much I love being here.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Camped out at the finca last night, without power. Plants in the greenhouse dehydrated and no electricity to pump water into the house. So I just manually got some water directly from the tank. So all is good at the moment, I'm really only concerned with finishing the pollenated RS. So back to Paipa till Tuesday, it's cool cause there's nothing to here at the moment.
Luckily I only have two little seedlings that could use a light but I think they'll be ok for a couple more days. I plan to flower some plants here in the future but scouting new locations now.
phone pics 2020 2021 1285.jpg

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I believe I mentioned this story before but I got to bring it back up. In the late seventies I sitting on the hood of my buddies car. We were burning a joint,he had some "Red leb" hashish that was available for a few years around that time. We got to comparing the hash to the bud and came to the conclusion that we liked the weed more, much more. The redbud Colombian just had a better effect and clean(ish) finish, it was just better.
We then began contemplating why Colombia didn't produce hashish. If the weed was that good surly the hash would follow suite. I had read somewhere in high times that there was such a thing as Colombian hash. I never saw it but at the time (pre cocaine) I couldn't understand why they sent bud instead of more profitable hashish.
Fast forward four decades and now I know Colombian hashish. I fooled around with dry sift but I found high quality bubble to be the shit. Pure sun grown Colombian high altitude sativa hashish is coming.

red rider


Active member
I believe I mentioned this story before but I got to bring it back up. In the late seventies I sitting on the hood of my buddies car. We were burning a joint,he had some "Red leb" hashish that was available for a few years around that time. We got to comparing the hash to the bud and came to the conclusion that we liked the weed more, much more. The redbud Colombian just had a better effect and clean(ish) finish, it was just better.
We then began contemplating why Colombia didn't produce hashish. If the weed was that good surly the hash would follow suite. I had read somewhere in high times that there was such a thing as Colombian hash. I never saw it but at the time (pre cocaine) I couldn't understand why they sent bud instead of more profitable hashish.
Fast forward four decades and now I know Colombian hashish. I fooled around with dry sift but I found high quality bubble to be the shit. Pure sun grown Colombian high altitude sativa hashish is coming. View attachment 19008855

red rider
that's badass. don't know what else to say really lol

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I lost a piece of hash.....
Spent most of the day washing the Muisca bud I had slated for a very disappointing return. After drying I pressed it and rolled it into balls. I had a big ball of good and a little sphere of really good. Without a thought I left the two little balls on the dinning room table instead of putting the hard earned hash in a secure location. Then around three am I get up and moved something on the table. Next thing I hear is the unmistakable sound of a tiny ball of hash hitting the floor tiles. I looked everywhere, I moved all the furniture, inspecting every inch and nothing. Waited till the sun came up and the hash is still MIA. It's no big deal, tiny piece and I still have the big ball but damn it pisses me off. I keep checking the bottom of my feet thinking I stepped on it but no. I was saving that little piece to smoke with a new grower buddy Camilo. Nice local guy that lives about twenty minutes from the finca. Him and his lovely wife have a little finca and he's growing outdoor organically. I gave him some Muisca seeds and I wanted him to try the Muisca bubble. We smoked some Muisca flowers last time they came over and they liked them. He collects wild mushrooms (Boyacá is famous for the quality mushrooms) during the rainy season (now) and he gave me a shitload. I like to eat one now and again but not like forty years ago (orange sunshine). But I like speaking with Camilo and offering some cultivation suggestions and lot's of stories from the day. Well It's light out now and although I searched every where I have hope that the little lost ball of hash appears.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
For me bubble is as far as I take it. I don't care for rosin or god forbid chemical extracts, dabbing not for me. Bud and hashish (dry sift or bubble) is how I like my cannabis now days (subject to change). The Muisca bubble to me is incredible and I could never have enough of it. Really nice hit that's strong and heavy yet clean and cerebral. I wouldn't want it more concentrated, it's there. For me hashish can be compared to women, I love them all but prefer blondes (sometimes). But anyway I this Muisca bubble is right on the money.

It sure makes the view inescapable.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately I don't have a cat around at the finca. Too many dogs around and my neighbors dog comes down for visits and occasional sleep over. But I like cats and will get another one when I relocate later this year. I had a good Colombian farm cat in zipacon that was given to me as a kitten. That cat was good company with only one incedent where it got into trouble with me (pooping/digging in the veg plants).

Excellent hunting cat,even eliminating some insects. She learned quick with some dog like tendencies. Never got in the way or caused problems in any way.


Cool to smoke with just hanging out. But one night she "fell"onto the water reservoir and drowned. I was crushed to lose my cat friend and I suspect foul play as the finca owner didn't like my cat around. I'll get another cat one day but I'll never forget Luna the Colombian farm cat.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Muisca a native Colombian high altitude tropical sativa. The resin from this particular plant like most of the tropical plants I grow is small and sparse. But the hit is my only opion, it's all I'm looking at. Morphology, yield, smell, taste, color, flower time all secondary. The Muisca has the hit (one of many) that I look for. The flowers are nice and great day starter morning motivator. Not overwhelmingly potent but the effect has a very high quality feel.

This Muisca makes tasty dry sift that I find absolutely delightful. The pressed sift produces a luxury effect that brightens while elevating mood. It's similar to the effect of the flowers but now potent.
However in order to truly know Muisca to really understand the Muisca you must know the bubble. The result of almost a year's work and dedication.

This is the heart of Muisca and where she shows her true power. The taste is simply delicious like tropical perfume, the smoke saturates the room with familiar aromas. But it's the hit that sets me back almost immediately. One tiny hit and the smoke expands in my lungs causing a cough no matter how careful I am. Then while coughing the forehead sweats and instant transformation. I smoke all day long and have been for decades , but rarely does anyone tell me I look high. Couple hits of Muisca bubble and there's no hiding it, half masted bloodshot eyes and a stupid look on the face. It's like a trip and very unique among other super stars.

red rider