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Video of judge beating his kid


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I was cursed at, spanked, slapped, grabbed, choked, lifted by the face (the way you'd palm a basketball) and experienced many other unpleasant parental activities.

It is probably the number one reason that I QUESTION AUTHORITY to this day.

I don't feel like a victim because it is my life. But when i see that shit happening to others, I feel the wrongness of it deep within.


Quick poll?

Of the people saying that this is "somewhat normal" childhood punishment....

how many would think there was something wrong with this video if we knew the person being beaten was his wife?

How many would think it was ok if this was a police officer beating a suspect?

How many would think it was ok if this being doled out by a babysitter or other non-parental authority figure?

How many would think it was ok if this was a guy beating his dog this way?

None of you?

Then STFU about how it's not that bad. If you got worse from your parents then YOU'RE A VICTIM, TOO. Too bad you didn't have it on tape. You may have survived it, learned from it, grown from it... but that would happen to most of us if we got hit by a bus and survived. We learn from painful experiences. That doesn't make it OK.

(That he's a judge who presided over other cases of child abuse/neglect/etc. makes it that much worse.)
If I saw someone doing the little bit I watched to a stump,I would hav serious questions about his sanity..


Andinismo Hierbatero
what the fuck? really... why is this fucker not getting jail-time????

that excuse about it "happening a long time ago" and hence it is not a crime anymore is plain bullshit.

if you steal money from a bank and they catch you 20 years later, you still get canned.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I got the belt a few times when I was a kid. I dont remember what I did to deserve it.
Never did much for me other than make me angry and make my ass hurt.
That said, I havent watched the video in question. Ive seen enough pain, suffering and cruelty already, in real life.
When Mrs. Ahab and I started to have kids, I decided I would never hit our children. They have grown into productive, cool, happy adults .
My dad's dad was beat by his dad, his dad beat him and my dad whipped me.
Im glad I broke the cycle.


I was cursed at, spanked, slapped, grabbed, choked, lifted by the face (the way you'd palm a basketball) and experienced many other unpleasant parental activities.

It is probably the number one reason that I QUESTION AUTHORITY to this day.

I don't feel like a victim because it is my life. But when i see that shit happening to others, I feel the wrongness of it deep within.

^^^^^^^ ............ the defense rests your honor!


Active member
I got the belt all the time when I was a kid and it didn't traumatize me one bit.
It was the price you had to pay to do whatever you wanted to do, whenever you wanted to do it.
I still do whatever I want to do to this day.
Mostly because Wifey has a weak swing arm.

This guy is a scum bag though, strapping a girl. My sister just got yelled at and the cold shoulder treatment and the week long extra chores business.

Screw that. Give me the belt and get it over with. I get repentance and Dad gets the guilty ass whackin parent thing.
Even as a child I valued expediency and an efficient process over a long drawn out methodology.


I was cursed at, spanked, slapped, grabbed, choked, lifted by the face (the way you'd palm a basketball) and experienced many other unpleasant parental activities.

It is probably the number one reason that I QUESTION AUTHORITY to this day.

I don't feel like a victim because it is my life. But when i see that shit happening to others, I feel the wrongness of it deep within.

I ended up going the other way with it and joined the military after high school. For me boot camp was such freedom, knowing they couldn't hit me meant I had no fear of drill instructors, which they didn't appreciate.

I don't say it is right, I believe it is quite wrong. Yet when I see a kid acting out my impulse is the same actions I was raised by, which is why I won't ever have kids. Well part of the reason.


The tape was hard to watch...totally overdone with verbally abusive insults. and she had cerebal palsy to boot...what a piece of shyt.

we got the yardstick when we were kids...but its not like it hurt...flimsy thing it was...my brother and I would laugh when our mom left the room. My dad...well you didn't want to piss him off. It kept us polite.

But I tell ya what....I'd love to take those two 12yr old fukin pukes who threw a cart 4 stories down on a woman and beat their fukin asses. what kind of kids would even think thats funny...I don't understand that kind of behavior. the single mother says she can't control them....ya think? Now those fukers need some tough discipline.

Anyhoo I wouldn't be surprised if he blows his brains out because of all the embarassment his indiscretions caused him. then the girl will feel responsible and have to deal with that guilt forever....no win situation there.
as long as women, children and pets get beat up
we cant talk about civilization.
partents who beat their kids are simply very seek
and create the next generation of beaters.


Active member
I saw a whore getting choked by her pimp the other night and didn't even blink. That video made my stomach ill. 'nuff said I reckon'.