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Vick on dogfighting in GQ: ‘People act like it’s some crazy thing they never heard of

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No....Michael Vick is an arrogant, obnoxious, overvalued tool who can barely put together a coherent sentence in actual English and who shows zero remorse or regret for what he did other than the money it cost him in lost salary.

He possesses one skill that makes him stand out from the crowd (he can throw a football.........whoopee!), and unfortunately in the sick society we live in, this alone makes him almost God-like in many peoples minds.

Just like any other celebrity.

If he did not toss a football well, and was just some other asshat running fighting dogs, we would never had heard of him, and he would still be in jail.....but that's not the way it works when you have celebrity worship like we do today.

Fuck Michael fucking Vick in his wrinkled arrogant millionaire asshole with a big splintery pine 2x4...then snap it off and beat his fuckin' head in with the other end....he is nothing more than a festering fistular gonad of a human being, and deserves nothing more than a swift kick to the nuts.................

Every 45 seconds or so.............

You sound like the biggest fucking retard on earth.


You people are pathetic.

Bunch of fucking dope dealers talking shit on a guy who went to prison and did his time.

Fuck you all . buncha fucking losers.

Go sell some fucking weed to the high school kids.

mad librettist

Active member
Your wrong, it proves that anyone who thinks like you do should never be allowed to own a dog.
A dog that will cry, fuss, whine, and beg to fight is a dog that needs training to eliminate that behavior.

absolutely! and also an exercise program appropriate for a dog that has the sporting spirit. a dog that is keen deserves to work his heart out, come home, eat like a pig so hard that he makes a thunderous belch, pass out, and do it again tomorrow! No breakfast thank you, we are working today and can't risk stomach torsion!


A bunch of dumbass brainless stoners thinking they know it all.


You guys hey, i got an idea, go smoke some more fuking weed retards



Hey go smoke some more weed and come back with your fuking incredible insight.


God damn retarded stoners are the best.

Have a good day retards.


like i said i know chips do,never seen ageurilla eat ainsect, in memory, im sure its possible out of curiosity i doubt they spend pourposfull time hunting them with other resources available.

Ya, I've never seen a gorilla eat an insect either, though to be fair I don't hang out with gorillas that often. But, I did google "gorilla's diet" and they surely do eat insects.


Cannabrex Formulator
You sound like the biggest fucking retard on earth.


You people are pathetic.

Bunch of fucking dope dealers talking shit on a guy who went to prison and did his time.

Fuck you all . buncha fucking losers.

Go sell some fucking weed to the high school kids.

A bunch of dumbass brainless stoners thinking they know it all.


You guys hey, i got an idea, go smoke some more fuking weed retards


Hey senor!



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
anything that makes human causalities is worse than something that makes animal casualties

anyone who puts crimes against animals above crimes against man is a sociopathis miscreant who is no less dangerous

Wow. That facade of zen superiority kind of got away from you, didn't it? I guess I must be a sociopathic miscreant, because I believe that any crime against innocents of whatever species is far worse than a crime involving a cognizant and willing adult human. And incidentally, the dog in my avatar is a boxer, not a "bull" as you stated earlier.


Hey Retard how's it going?

I bet you're a great person being extremely fucking stoned all day. a very productive member of society i am sure.


fuk off pal! i'd lump you out. :wave:

Oh wow...it's some disgruntled gobshite slinging anti marijuana insults on a marijuana website.

Aint never seen that before :)....do you want to send in your addy to receive your originality medal....:moon:

h^2 O

yup i know chimps do,but in my first post i was using geurillas as a example,and i know they dont,but they do have canines,its analagous to our species evolving and having the added benifit of agriculture. meaning theirs no excuse to continue.

Oh okay I get you. Well with gorilla there's no way to tell if their ancestors ate meat, most likely not. Which brings the question well why huge canines? I woyld say for competition, I'm sure they use those huge fangs when they fight other males.
I mentioned in another thread that humans still have like 2" canines but they've recessed under the gums. Seems we lost our fangs when we discovered weapons.


Active member
Hey go smoke some more weed and come back with your fuking incredible insight.


God damn retarded stoners are the best.

Have a good day retards.

it's ok sweetheart....doesn't look like your gonna be around here much longer.

...i hear mike vick needs a new bitch to probe w/ his electrocution rods.....i think it's your calling.....send us a postcard when ya get a chance homie :wave:


Your wrong, it proves that anyone who thinks like you do should never be allowed to own a dog.
A dog that will cry, fuss, whine, and beg to fight is a dog that needs training to eliminate that behavior.

so you want to train a dogs natural instinct out of it?


I know men who will pay you 7. Figures if you can teach a cur to scratch....

I call complete horseshit !!!!!

They don't do it for humans.

Good owners find where game can be channeled.
For my yard it's schutzhund and pulling.

LMAO I would love to see a cur scratch


so you want to train a dogs natural instinct out of it?

I really dont think the average pitbulls "natural instinct" is to cry, whinge ect. to fight another dog.
If " natural instinct " is uncontrolled aggression the yes it should be trained out of the animal.

mad librettist

Active member
I really dont think the average pitbulls "natural instinct" is to cry, whinge ect. to fight another dog.
If " natural instinct " is uncontrolled aggression the yes it should be trained out of the animal.

no pitbulls have the instinct to actually fight every day for the sake of it. it is a learned behavior built on what is meant to be a last resort for a dog. period. certain dogs do have medical issues that cause uncontrollable aggression.

dogs have the instinct to go through a series of ritualized contests to determine social hierarchy, only they have an even stronger instinct to watch humans for cues.

even so, the instinct to struggle for position in the pack is not normally expressed as a dog fight. Even a pack meeting a pack is going to be just showing off 99 times out of 100. this is true for dogs and wolves.

Dog fighting is an aberration caused by humans exploiting the specie for sport.


Cannabrex Formulator
Hey Retard how's it going?

I bet you're a great person being extremely fucking stoned all day. a very productive member of society i am sure.


fuk off pal! i'd lump you out. :wave:

Hmmm....lump me out...I never heard that one....

AHA! I know...I'll look it up in my OED!!

Well, it apparently means he wants to beat me severely...so in addition to being an insulting donkeyhonker, he has violence issues as well.

For yer info, fukndeeny, I am a taxpaying, home owning electrician and father of three, married going on 18 years now.

So yes, I am stoned most of the time (it helps me deal with asshats like you without killing them).

And I am productive member of society...you may be as well.......I really don't give a pint of moose piss either way

But one thing is for sure.....I am at least eloquent enough to be able to explain to someone why I think they are a total tool....instead of just calling them a retard and threatening them with lumping....


no pitbulls have the instinct to fight. it is a learned behavior. period. certain dogs do have medical issues that cause uncontrollable aggression.

dogs have the instinct to go through a series of ritualized contests to determine social hierarchy, only they have an even stronger instinct to watch humans for cues.

even so, the instinct to struggle for position in the pack is not normally expressed as a dog fight. Even a pack meeting a pack is going to be just showing off 99 times out of 100. this is true for dogs and wolves.

Dog fighting is an aberration caused by humans exploiting the specie for sport.

wrong mister dog professional pitbulls do have the instinct to fight ive seen it even when not provoked or or accepted.My boy had a pit that was fight crazy even tried to fight a female that they wanted to breed to him.That same dog would play with kids at parties and loved all human beings
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