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Vick on dogfighting in GQ: ‘People act like it’s some crazy thing they never heard of

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Game Bred
Please don't compare japan's tosa matches to western dog fights or stabbing bulls to death with a sword...

Kinda displaying your ignorance.

I get you are against dog fighting(we all get it)and it's great you are against it.
But you really seem not to know anything about it.

Mike Vic was worse than just a dogfighter. Most dogmen would never allow a dog to look like the picture you keep posting.

That does not excuse fighting it serves to educate.
If you want to end fighting you need to know something about it.

Btw some people believe watching a human repeatedly stab an animal to death to the cheers of a crowd is just as deplorable.

Course if your real concern is for the welfare of dogs you would want Vick allowed to play...


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
he is simply saying it was so much a part of his culture it clouded his judgement but since there are alot of bad things associated with culture now that hes past it why the fuck isn't everyone else

im dying to type "its cultural" just to start a shit storm

but ill be good

I am so sick of seeing this bullshit of "culture" being an excuse for reprehensible behavior that I could puke. In some places, "culture" excuses female circumcision. In some places, "culture" excuses a 12 old virgin being defined as a girl that can outrun her male relatives.


Kronically Ill
dogs fights are human driven activities

rehabilitate the humans so you wont have to rehabilitate dogs anymore

you can reach a persons heart and reason if you have the same same genuine love for them that you have for dogs

you know the love that understands them regardless of how fucked up they are

we are just as animal as animals and our conscience must be cultivated or it will not exist

the harmonious existence among all creatures has to start with us

and if you enlightened enough to have compassion for something as different from you as a dog then you aren't far off from opening that gateway in your heart and understanding for people

yeah its a really tough concept

the cultivation of love and compassion but trust me

once life is opened in this way

you will have reached the potential mankind possesses

don't let anger for the things that seem wrong consume you, let understanding flow so you can know the difference between you and those who don't understand and simply fill the differential with compassionate insight

enlightenment is real it comes from us

as much as people who abuse animals suck, what made them become people who abuse animals is just as tragic

Interesting ideas on expressing selfless love and compassion.

I guess my real question is do people feel that EVERYONE is capable of being rehabilitated??

"Bad" people....... murders, rapists, pedophiles, animal abusers, etc...................can they ALL be rehabilitated? Where/if are lines drawn?


3rd-Eye Jedi
I am so sick of seeing this bullshit of "culture" being an excuse for reprehensible behavior that I could puke. In some places, "culture" excuses female circumcision. In some places, "culture" excuses a 12 old virgin being defined as a girl that can outrun her male relatives.

lol come on keep beating it the horse aint dead yet


One things puzzles me the most on this thread...
How can one jump on defense of this scumbag and finish the comment saying that he is a animal lover?!
I love how complex we can be ;)

im not defending anybody i dont even watch football i could care less about michael vick.But it seems alot of people here are against dog fighting but keep saying dog fighting people should be shot they shouldn't be allowed to live and thats ok right.So a dog is more important than a person


3rd-Eye Jedi
Interesting ideas on expressing selfless love and compassion.

I guess my real question is do people feel that EVERYONE is capable of being rehabilitated??

"Bad" people....... murders, rapists, pedophiles, animal abusers, etc...................can they ALL be rehabilitated? Where/if are lines drawn?

of course the line needs to be drawn but condemnation in this or those cases leads to what?

elimination or permanent incarceration?

is the crime worthy of the cost of these choices cause that's where it leads to

think it has to be reserved for those that have no chance at rehabilitation and nothing to offer society

condemnation after paying the price is simply condemnation

we all at some point or another struggle with our own conscience and whether we like to admit it we all don't always choose whats best for others but simply what feels right for us

we see the cause and effect of said actions and if our mind perceives it we can adjust

amazingly enough most people are good jsut ignorant to the perceptions of their fellow man

and our differences in life experience and perception compound the issues

we all look at the same sun but we don't see it from the same exact angle

if you add the complexities of human society
the differential in perception is what causes most of the "discord" in our world

its like looking into a 3 dimensional mirror with someone else and saying i see something different

yes of course you do but were still looking into the same mirror

our minds can process the same thoughts and concepts but getting minds to calm down and process in parts that aren't tied to emotion is the tricky part and that's what is needed to get to an "understanding"

its very possible to break cultural boundaries if you learn to see the people before the culture

we are all human all in process all imperfect and in possession of an understanding very relative to our own "trip"

being compassionate is not a sign of weakness but of understanding


bullshitter is what you are, and making some arbitrary distinction between professional criminals involved in cruelty, and amateur criminals doing the same.

breeding down to make practice dogs is not a myth. I rehabilitated one and he is now a wonderful pet.

in my last neighborhood dog fighting was going on, and bodies get dumped. This happened in secret as the hood does not approve as a rule. I have moved, but I still live in what most of you would call "the hood". Dogs here are pets and beloved family members, and fighting is an aberration.

it's also my experience as someone who works with dogs for a living that dogs fight because their owners teach them to. dogs are good at reading people and giving them what they ask for. work with any other mammal and you notice that dog behavior is decided by human inputs.
with all the dog sports out there, no one can say their dog needs to fight. It is also not "natural" for dogs to fight. In nature, dog pecking order is mostly established through ritualized contest. An actual fight is very rare for the obvious reason that it's already dangerous enough to hunt for food, so a pack can't afford fighting. The role of the alpha pair is to maintain order and peace. It's not an MMA tournament.

take a good look at what you are defending for sport. this needs to go on every page of this thread, because it's easier to sugarcoat things you can't see. Do you feel "best medical care" makes it ok to do what you see below?:


why am i a bullshitter do you kn ow me or are you just talking out your ass


Game Bred
why am i a bullshitter do you kn ow me or are you just talking out your ass

I like how he says dogs fight for owners approval...

No force on earth besides drive will make a cut scratch.

You can't train it you can't bribe it you can't make it happen.


im not defending anybody i dont even watch football i could care less about michael vick.But it seems alot of people here are against dog fighting but keep saying dog fighting people should be shot they shouldn't be allowed to live and thats ok right.So a dog is more important than a person

Well pretty much anyone who inflicts willful cruelty/death on any animal for entertainment or profit deserves to be treated like the animals they hurt.

Do onto others what you wish others to do to you and that includes animals.


Cannabrex Formulator
TV has brainwashed many of you

And you have been equally brainwashed to believe that the ability to play a game well makes someone a Super Star and merits adulation verging on worship.

It is a very sick and twisted society that values an arrogant scrote like Vick over groundbreaking teachers, research scientists and humanitarians.....just cuz he can throw a football.
Then again, most folks will believe in whatever world their corporate masters create for them to believe...cuz it is just so much easier that way, ain't it?

The professional sports industry is just another tool used by the Corpo-Nazis to ensure they have a steady supply of complacent, manipulable worker/consumers who are well and truely entertained and (more importantly) properly distracted from the vigorous ass-raping they are getting from a system that sees them as nothing more than a resource.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
And you have been equally brainwashed to believe that the ability to play a game well makes someone a Super Star and merits adulation verging on worship.

It is a very sick and twisted society that values an arrogant scrote like Vick over groundbreaking teachers, research scientists and humanitarians.....just cuz he can throw a football.
Then again, most folks will believe in whatever world their corporate masters create for them to believe...cuz it is just so much easier that way, ain't it?

The professional sports industry is just another tool used by the Corpo-Nazis to ensure they have a steady supply of complacent, manipulable worker/consumers who are well and truely entertained and (more importantly) properly distracted from the vigorous ass-raping they are getting from a system that sees them as nothing more than a resource.

I agree with everything you said btw.... Damn that was beautiful!


if you grow up seeing dog fights as a younger kid or teenager and the older guys are making money off of it having fun... you may be more likely to participate in that activity and enjoy dog fighting and think it's not so bad. Especially if you look up to those older guys. That doesn't mean it's right.. but they are more likely to think it isn't so bad as others.

vick or anyone. white, black, mexican etc..


3rd-Eye Jedi
Ah, more words of wisdom from the more highly evolved armchair sociologist and zen philosopher.

im rubber your glue ... yada yada

culture was not an excuse it was a reason, that's why it cost 2 years and millions of dollars

if it was an excuse it would have been excused

don't have to be highly evolved or be a philosopher to get that

or to put the pic of the bull as your avatar and your stance together to get an :understanding: of your mindset also





Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
To me, the “culture” rationalization is similar in nature but a far weaker justification than “I was following orders”. It didn’t work at Nuremburg, and it shouldn’t work now. Obviously my avatar reveals my feelings on the topic of animal abuse, which is not to say that I consider my animals to be on the same plane as humans. When people place the welfare of animals ahead of humans, like in the case of Placerville jogger who was killed by a mountain lion and the lion cubs received more contributions for their care than the woman’s children did, it reflects how twisted our society has become. Pets have taken the place of extended family in our society, and it has resulted in some pretty strange decision-making.

On the other hand, one of the common threads running through the background of psychopaths is the torturing of animals. These “people” are incapable of rehabilitation or remorse, and in my view should simply be put down. I’m not saying that Vick falls into this category – I don’t watch TV, I don’t follow sports, and I know very little about the man. What I do know is that he has had opportunities that very few people have had, that involvement in dog fighting had absolutely nothing to do with earning a living, and that he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care about participating in activities that the vast majority of his fan base would find revolting.


where i grew up, people didn't think that smoking weed was right, or selling it. They, the middle class - upper class, think it's for white trash or black people. So in their minds it isn't right but to me it was. A lot of my friends wouldn't smoke because they would be judged so much by it.... but they drink plenty of alcohol.

lol i felt like saying that.. but i'm not comparing it to dog fighting.


I hate Michael Vick and dog fighters as much as the next guy, but it just seems to me like they're more important things going in the world. And not many people really seem to care about that.


people see animals as humans for some reason now. They see them as innocent humans.. the pros say people love dogs so much because they have a mind of a 2-3 year old baby... that might explain all the doggie outfits and people who choose to not have kids but get dogs instead.. it's some form of a child.

some people are just way more sensitive to certain things. like the people who say don't kill animals for food so they are vegans.
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