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Veterinarians' Hospital

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey PrimoPrimo
Thanks man, notice the self flush she is doin, leaves yellowing all by themselves


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Dr Dog said:

Yo bros
Hey Z
Welcome back man, yup looking good, check it out above
Hella Fella
Thanks for stopping in
About 4 weeks or so, I was hoping to chop her mid June, but we will see what the trics say
Hey bro, crazy crazy frost on that PC

That's a great shot.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks Sammet, I try to limit my updates, mainly due to posting essentially teh same shot over and over, but I could not resist when i looked in room and saw that, the tops is starting to turn a bit purple/red now, so i will get a good shot later this week, probably Sunday

Raistlin Majere

oh nice pictures my friend :bow:
i like ALOT !!
so healthy and i can almost smell them throught the screen

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks bro, much appreciated, one of my favorite things to look at now, I am shocked when i see the frost in person, almost does not look real

Dude you really have to get a name easier to spell. I am starting to smell my plants throughout the rest of my house now, which is something I could not before, so you may be able to smell them in your screen soon enough. Thanks for dropping by man


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
nice pic Dog !!

Chopday is comming closer at my end....should be sweeeeeet :p


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Core Jay, thanks bros

I tooka few shots last night, but they was, or I was in no mood to look through lots of pics, just tired last night

But here is what I got

So basically 2 smaller freeze plants and I thought 1 pc and one ecsd, but they both look very ecsd. So basically there on the left you have the two freeze and the the two ecsd xstrawd, the pollen chuck is up front, the freeze in the back, and the ecsd x strawd plant on the right

The freeze, buds are starting to fatten up now, this is a crazy plant, I will try and get a few macros of her bud structure, later.

Th Ecsd x Strawd D, picture is a bit deceiving, buds are fairly big, not many and far spaced, this is not a volume plant by any means, but has a nice smell to her, and her buds are solid

The pollen chuck, this plant is auto flushing on me, but check out some of her colors that are coming through

Macros, to follow probably Monday

Raistlin Majere

nice shots man :respect:
can't wait to see those macro's
BTW: Raist is just fine, although i been thinking on one more name change
we will have to see :)

keep it green broham :joint:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Great show bro, they all look awesome. ECSD cross has some nice tailing to her. Have a good week-end man.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Some pleasurable views of your plants :yummy:

Macros are going to be looking mighty good this week :canabis: I look forward :lurk:


im not gonna post in here till those Macros are posted, so ill cya then..............

...........wait... what? ..........Oh dammit! :spank: :spank: :spank:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Sunday May 18

Sunday May 18

Well I have a few days off now, and those who follow my grows, know, that means pictures
Got in there at lights on, had to feed a couple of the young plants, and just check on the older flowering ones.
Here is what I got​

Pollen Chuck



A small freeze​

Hope everyone enjoys the pics

Thanks man, if you change your name again be sure to let me know who you are

Thanks man, some of them are big and fat, mostly frosty, nice smell going on in there too


Thanks bros, you know how much i like taking pictures


Dont be bringing any of those Kiwi Riot cops around here lol

But here you are, you reason to be here, macros!



lol :)

as good as i expected mate.. ive had my eye on that PC (shes so damn pretty) but today, that ECSDxStrawD really caught my eye!

such a nice green with beautiful orange hairs, and snow covered! shes a model too i see! i gotta wipe up some drool... thanx for the macros :D


Med grower
ICMag Donor
That PC is one frosty girl! I love that red on yellow on the leaves. Excellent showcase of your skills right there. :yes: How smelly is it in there?

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, the PC has 39 looking fans in late flower, love it!!! They all look superb herb... counting the days man.... have a good one.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Some great colours going on bro :yummy: Almost feels like an autumn harvest effect.

I think I even see some purpling in the Freeze as well :headbange I've only seen that outdoors before as of yet :yes:

Looks like you're gearing up for a few great rounds :canabis:

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