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Veterinarians' Hospital


The Tri Guy
Sorry Dr Dog, getting back into the flow again now, I have so many threads to catch up on, a lot of good peeps on this board, I'm neglecting everyone, luckily stoners tend to be more understanding than most. I just have a bit of stuff going on right now that is taking a bit of time up and causing a little stress. Anyway, love that 3rd pic, and yup, keeping track of the olympusoff, we seem to have lost Packn though, expected to see him on the boards over xmas, wonder if he's coming back. Rambling now, makes a change from not posting lol.


Still Getting Sky-High
:rasta: Very nice & frosty Doc, both of them SS & blubonic :canabis: . so the mumbles is drying eh, she looked superb too.. i'm looking foreward for a smoke report of her :joint: hehe. take care bro!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thought it woz time for a visit...and i woz right..:smile:
damn these look frosty....and at that age ..hatt off my friend !


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Dr., lookin great. Just stopped into say HI:wave:Im droolin BIG time over that SS!!!I wish we had smell-o-vision so i could smell that skunky goodness...absolutely beautiful!!!!Peace man, and keep it green...

- Zeus

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Always nice to have you around man, we will have to catch up one day soon.

S/G how goes it bro. I am actually smoking some mumbles 2 right now, I will give a smoke report on her, after she has cured for about 2 weeks, but I can say that I am pretty stoned right now, and it is smooth. Huge bong hit, no coughing! Smells a bit like urine, which is throwing me off a bit, I have bought much weed that has had that smell, but have never grown any, but thanks for stopping in bro

Core, my bro
Yeah getting super frosty man, almost has me searching for problems since they are so white

Thanks for the kudos bro

Hey man, I can tell you I can smell teh SS as soon as I get in my front door. I have a "febreeze noticeable" right at my front door, apparently superskunk is a "noticeable " scent now, it was overpowering it

Thanks for stopping in man

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Superskunk Thursday

Superskunk Thursday

Yo Yo

Got a little motivated today to take some new pics of my superskunk plants

The older one is slated to come down on the 24th, which would be 8 weeks. It is really starting to pack on the weight now, and still as frosty as ever. The newer one looks like it is going to follow the footsteps of its sister, starting to get really frosty as well. I will start with the newer one and then finish with a snow storm.

Just around 3 weeks or so flower, starting to pack on the frost, buds are just starting to take shape, plant is overall very healthy, and should produce a fair amount of buds.​

So this plant started her flush today, molasses and water. Really flushed her, about 1/2 that went in came out, she is so stinky, I can smell her everywhere throughout my house. This one should be a pleasure to smoke.​

That is all I have now, feeling a bit under the weather today, so I will try to get some pics early next week, I should have some new blubonic pics by then.

Anyways bros, take care


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Frosty as ever is right man! :yummy:
Some great shots there Dog :yes:

Looks like I just missed you this morning :bat: Glad i caught your update though...nothin like some great bud porn to go with the W&B joint :joint:

Have a great day eh :wave:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Dr Dog said:

Hey DD - Any chance of getting another shot like the one above but with a black background behind it? (or a dark background?) The amount of frost on that girl deserves to be shown off - truly a great plant, very well grown.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Sammet here you go, best I could get done today, not felling well, and squatting down to take pics, is not very enjoyable. But thanks bro, I am impressed with this girl

OGA OGA OGA thanks for topping by bro, I was on a for a bit but went back to bed, I should be on later.


Grower of fine herbs...
Looking awesome dude, congrats on all the great work that you have done with the SS.. take your time and have a good one smoking on her ya hear? haha peace doggy!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks bro, yeah she is something I could take pictures of all night

Thanks man, and I will PA. lol
cannot wait to see what you can do with teh Core beans, give me something to shoot for

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Johnny
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the kind words my friend, coem by anytime, there is always someone here


You know it is hard being really really ridiculously good looking, at least that is what my buds are telling me
Thanks for stopping in


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey Doc, very nice looking plants bro & very healthy :canabis: , they'r packin up nicely in weight & frost :rasta: ... take care! :joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey SG, thanks for stopping in man, wait till you see what I am about o put up, some NASTY pics

Got some real nice pics this eve as lights were about to go out, all is doin well. I am trying to fight the temptation of popping more seeds, with all the new stuff I have now, but I have to wait till I am almost done in the flower room, I have no room for anything else at the moment, and I need to start construction on my grow room, but I have hit an unmotivated streak I guess, just hanging out. Been feeling a bit under the weather, so maybe I will hop out there tommorrow and throw some studs up.

So here is my update for the week of Jan 13. <<<date drop, so I can look back easier and see the date.

After a mid winters heat wave, my temps are getting back to reality. I was getting 30 degrees at lights on, and that was not cool, forcing me to be there to open her up, especially last few days being sick and having to wake up before the sun does.​


So, a weird little one, but getting frosty. This should be a crazy plant to grow out, she is just going to sit there and pack weight on, no stretch at all.​


the newer one.

these are the lower popcorn buds.​

Anyways, going to go watch some tv, you dudes have a great rest of your sunday. Ciao

D Rock

Those buds are dense and Frosty, Dog you always do a swell job. Looks good brother.