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Veterans For Medical Cannabis, Fear no more



Thanks Mike for your hard work on this. This will put a lot of veterans here in the states minds to rest on this issue. It just needs to disseminate throughout the country, as there is a lot of misinformation out there.

Please help out and pass on the word.

Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access
Embargo: Release July 16, 2010

Veterans Health Administration Tolerates Veterans Use of Medicinal Cannabis as Adjunct Therapy to VA Hospital Supplied Opioids.

In a July 6, 2010 letter addressed to the Executive Director of Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access (VMMA), Robert A. Petzel, MD, Under Secretary for Health of the Department of Veterans Affairs wrote, “If a Veteran obtains and uses medical marijuana in a manner consistent with state law, testing positive for marijuana would not preclude the Veteran from receiving opioids for pain management in a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facility.”

According to Michael Krawitz, recipient of the letter and himself a disabled US Air Force Veteran, “The work we did on this issue was for all Vets of all time periods. My personal injuries led me to find medical cannabis to help control my chronic pain. My fellow Vets, thousands of them have found the same medicine to relieve their suffering and will appreciate this strong support and Dr. Petzel's attention.”

The VHA letter went on to clarify that, ”The provider will take the use of medical marijuana into account in all prescribing decisions, just as the provider would for any other medication.”

Pain contracts now in place in the VHA will need to be rewritten. “Standard pain management agreements should draw a clear distinction between the use of illegal drugs, and legal medical marijuana.”

Modern research shows Cannabis to be an important adjunct medicine that both compliments and reduces opioid therapy and is discussed in video lectures at www.medicalcannabis.com, the web site of Patients Out of Time.

Veteran Organizations and Media Contact:

Michael “Mike” Krawitz
(540) 365-2141
[email protected]



May your race always be in your favor
RIGHT ON!!!! RIGHT ON, RIGHT ON, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! in case you didn't figure it out, I'm a disabled vet.


New member
This is way cool. Now if my state (AZ) can pass the medical marijuana bill in November....

This is another big step in legitimizing our herb.

I am a vet too, and got questioned by a surgeon who saw a positive test result but seemed to let it slide.


Feeling good is good enough.
A Vet owned and operated Co-op or Dispensary...

Zero robberies!

On time on target.


Feeling good is good enough.
In States that permit MMJ it would be great to open Vet operated Co-op or Dysps. close to VA Hospitals.

Many brothers and sisters battling PSTD and chronic pain are in dire need.

The thing is... we understand each other better than civilians and I prefer to work along other ex military folks.

I am used to give and follow orders without pretty please with sugar on top.

And if we keep the "Mission First" philosophy there is no way it couldn't work.

We are used to security, discipline and team work.


Many law enforcement personnel are ex military and don't like the idea of fucking with veterans.
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I'm a disabled vet I use to live on the pain killer diet supplied to me by va. I replace all those poison with cannabis and feel a hell of a lot better. No sick morning throw up over and over.


Feeling good is good enough.
I'm a disabled vet I use to live on the pain killer diet supplied to me by va. I replace all those poison with cannabis and feel a hell of a lot better. No sick morning throw up over and over.

Good for you my Brother!


May your race always be in your favor
I noticed in the thumbnail photo that it was the New England VAM making that decision Lets hope the rest of the VA medical districts in the country get the same message.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Duk many thanks for posting this news. This is not only great for those who served our country but for the medical MJ movement as well. A big move in the right direction by an important group. Thank you veterans for your service...DD

Guest 16149

wow big step in the right direction, I am a ex vet, but not injured in the service, when I was going to the VA for pain management a few years back, they had me on Morphine, when they did a urine test and I showed MJ in the system they kicked me out of the program, I am grateful that they did, I have had no pain killers since 2005, just smoke MJ for pain relief and here is the kicker, the MJ helps more than the morphine ever did because I have nerve pain which the opiates do not touch.


I lived 9 years in that Morphine haze glad to be free of it. But I'm here in one of the red states. The county governments and the city put forth bills to try to push it past the old drunken men of the state houses. However they're seem to busy playing with themself to vote on it. Then they tease us with it ever 4 months or so but never vote on letting us vote.


Feeling good is good enough.
Very glad to see all you folks coming out of the bunker to SOUND OFF!

How about creating a:

Veterans' Social Group

It could be our "rally point" so to speak.

What is the SOP to create a new one?

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