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Very useful gear for quick washes - chemex coffee brewers and paper

mad librettist

Active member
anyone else have one? I just bought mine yesterday, and I am filtering a quick wash that was very green looking. The filtered result is amber. Sweet!


The paper is very heavy squares folded in 4. You make a cone out of that.

chemex paper is supposed to trap finer particles.

This is the best part - you can filter your solvent in the freezer. Not only will the cold glass prevent waxes dissolving as you pour, it will stay cold if you put the unit back in the freezer to filter. Different results might be achieved filtering in the fridge as well.

I'm wondering if I can't also convert this into a distiller so I can reclaim my grain alcohol.

mad librettist

Active member
so far I am loving my chemex! the filters are so huge I never worry about overfilling. And I can easily throw this in the freezer to filter, which takes a while and used to result in more waxes in my wash. I am now catching them in the filter.

a second pass through a fresh filter caught no additional impurities, even after sitting in the freezer for 3 days. my initial run was through a single wire strainer straight into the chemex.


Active member
damn i clicked your link on how to make money. i thought i was gonna learn the secret to success LOL never heard of chemex before . will look into it

mad librettist

Active member
the filters are big sheets folded into squares, so you get this, which makes a cone. a big fucking cone, so you can get the solvent off the plant matter without a second dish:



Active member
checked it out . looks good the 13 cup model caught my eye. i have seen them before growing up in mass where they are made. just never knew the name. thanks


I'm not dissing, but rather trying to understand.......

The filter is ONE sheet folded, then looks like its separated at an outside fold, correct ? If this is so, then you'd be getting a mix of filtration as "some" filters thru a single element, and "some" filters thru 3 layers ?

It looks like a great ("normal household looking") tool to use, I'm just curious since I usually use two Tim Horton's coffee filters to run through (and if I'm feeling fussy/anal, a final run of the 1st pass thru a single filter), and come out clean but if I only use one.. my results are less stellar.

Do you have any pics you'd share of the end product ? I'd love to see then as I luvs concentrate porn, lol... and your process from start to finish would be a bonus.

I'll have to see if they are offered in Canaduhhh.


mad librettist

Active member
that's right, the filter is one sheet folded. think of it as any other cone filter, just better paper and an all glass unit that can keep your wash from heating up as it filters. I was doing two coffee filters before and not getting it this clean. I did two filtrations this first run, but did not pick anything up with the filter during the second pass.

I'll work on some pics. I can't make those nice macro shots with my camera tho.

mad librettist

Active member
here are pics of my latest 3 first washes, 1.75 L total all poured into one dish. This is grain alcohol wash, about 2 mins with gentle tumbling. I use a pasta jar for the washing, and I go about 2 minutes. I then filter in the freezer, and store the filtered alcohol in the freezer for 3 days before doing a second filtration. This is fresh frozen trim and bud from 2 haze mixes.

Obviously still a ways to go before the grain alcohol is all gone. To keep dust out, I use unfolded chemex paper held down with the strainers i no longer need.

I noticed that the wash was green at first, and up until it was left in a warm room for 24 hours. Now the green has dissipated and it's amber. So don't get discouraged if your wash is light green.


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mad librettist

Active member
almost all the grain alcohol is gone now. this will be left a few more days.

I smelled the tray, and got a wiff of the spice the plants had while in flower. that is good in my book. Sorry about the white balance, the paper under the tray is white, not blue.


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mad librettist

Active member
I got impatient, and decided to purge over a steam bath.

so I've got some nice melt, from organic fresh bud and trim, using solvents fit for human consumption (ethyl alcohol, water) that has never touched plastic of any kind except the pouring spout at the end of the bottle. It smells a bit hashy and a lot like the spice component of the donor plant.

I definitely feel the chemex brewer helped me achieve lower filtering temperature, and the the rather large amount of paper also helps clarify the brew. Previously, my alcohol quick washes from fresh bud came out much greener, despite taking steps to chill all equipment.


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Looks great mad !

What was your return (starting material weight v. concentrate finish weight) ?

I just finished a bho & added 2 qwiso runs before purge yesterday, and am sure this find of yours would have made things much easier considering my limited jar sizes on hand. The search is ON for one of these !

mad librettist

Active member
I have no idea what my yield is or what I started with, other than I used a whole big bottle of everclear, which is 1.25 L I think. I did 2 minute washes, and it took 3 rounds to use all the solvent. Material used was fresh frozen. Cured would probably yield a lighter amber, but on the other hand I am not going after the purest amber as I like to retain some characteristics of the donor material.

Next time I will document the whole run including the wash. Basically I use a long pasta storing jar, and I tumble it very gently on its side.

mad librettist

Active member
ok here we go, more process pics. The wash is green at this stage - no problemo! We will clear that up later.

The jar is for pasta, it allows me to do a nice gentle tumble by turning it on its side and gently shaking back and forth.

This time I put too much solvent, so I had to wait a bit to pour it all into the filter cone, but normally it's just one shot pour and into the freezer. It will stay there 2 more days, then I will filter it again.


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mad librettist

Active member
well since i had some extra ethanol in there, I decided to drop in some QWISO I wanted to fix that I made before the chemex. I brought the temperature up to dissolve it. As you can see, things got dark green real fast.

The shot glass is coated in QWISO as well, and that is going in too.


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mad librettist

Active member
this is some of the crap filtered out from the ball of QWISO I dropped in.

Kinda wish I had not dropped in the crappy oil, since my wash is now the same color as that bottle of olive oil.

not sure if you can tell, but that pic is a clean filter next to what came out from


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