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Very quick, quick dry method



I jacked this from another site & thought someone might find it useful. I just did it cuz desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm a daily smoker that has been out for well over a month. Here's the method:

Well searching around on google lookin for a different quick dry method i found a Microwave Steam quick dry method. I just tried it and wow.....wayyy better than just the regular microwave......you actually have pretty decent taste and potency for quick drying. So I figured id share my find. NOTE: This is not the best way to dry your buds. But it works perfectly for a quick sample bud.

Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method
A vast improvement in quick dry technology. It does a satisfactory job fairly quickly. Trichomes don’t burst and flavor while not great isn’t awful anymore -- which is all I can say for any of the previously mentioned methods. What the method does is use steam to dry out the weed.

Necessary items

*Tupperware container with lid.

*Buds fresh off the plant (cut into small pieces, don’t shred them – cut into nice little chunks).

*3-paper towels.

*Microwave with power setting options.


First, take 1/4 piece of a paper towel and lay it on the bottom of the Tupperware container. Then put your cut up weed on the paper towel. Next, take two paper towels, fold them several times and get them wet. Wring out most of the water. You want the paper towels wet but not dripping. Now, you lay the paper towels over the top of the Tupperware making sure that you completely and evenly cover the top. Then take the lid and squeeze it almost all the way on. When I say almost I mean to get all sides and corners on tight except for one corner to allow the steam to exit. Now your ready to put your steam dryer in the microwave.

Set the microwave power to 40 or 50 %. I recommend 40% -- I tried it on full power the first few times and it didn’t work nearly as well. Now set it for a minute and let it go. Take it out and let the steam evaporate out and let sit for 15-20 seconds. If the bottom paper towel (the one that the buds are on) is wet change it. If the two paper towels you were using are dry make sure to re-wet and wring out and put back over top and put lid on in same way.

Now microwave at 40-50% for another minute and repeat process for typically 3-5 minutes. This is the best method if you need the herb in less than 20 minutes.


Other Fast-dry method

Other Fast-dry method

Hey, StayHigh - that's an interesting method - I never would have thought of steam drying.
Thought I'd offer up my own "instant dry" method, which I sometimes find works even better than a quicker dehydrator dry (say less than 12 hours).

I take 3 - 4 microwave safe plates and a cone coffee filter. Trim the leaf and stem from 2 - 3 medium sized buds (or less).

Place the buds inside the coffee filter, so they don't touch. Place on your first plate, and set in microwave. Microwave on Medium Low power (30-40%) for 20 seconds.

Remove the plate and take the bud filled filter and place it on your second plate, flipping it over to get any wet spots on the filter topside. Adjust buds away from wet spots, making sure they don't touch. The plate coming out will have moisture on it wicked out of the bud through the coffee filter. I dry that off, and let the plate cool if necessary before re-using.

Repeat the microwave, switch plate process.
Each time you put the plate back into the microwave, you use a dry, cool plate. The main thing during the whole process is to try and keep things from getting hot. I even stop and let the microwave inside cool off if I do a couple of batches.

Continue to zap the bud for 20 seconds at medium low each time until there is only a hint of moisture on the plate when you take it out. At that point, increase to 25 seconds each time at medium low still. Watch the plate moisture, and when it's almost gone again, increase to 30 seconds.

I zap at 30 seconds until the plate comes out dry 2 - 3 tmes; depends on how dry you want the herb.

This was a process developed gradually over time with a lot of trial and error - but I recently saw something similar written up by Cervantes.

Depending on your bud, you may zap it from 3 - 8 times at each stage. Denser bud requires many more 20 second zaps, and some of the airy sativas need more 30 second zaps, but don't output heavy moisture at first.

The only drawback I notice is a slight decrease in overall resin bulk, and mostly the loss in flavors from well cured bud. You can do a coffee filter batch in about 15 minutes.


stay high 149. i just tried this method out, and i've retyped this sentence like 5 times, cos i can't seem to type properly.

this method works.

and i'm like a kite.


New member
How does w€€d dried with this method differ from regularily dried w€€d in taste and potency?

In the german forums they say that w€€d dried fast does'nt taste as well as w€€d dried slowly over a long time...
cAipirAnhA said:
How does w€€d dried with this method differ from regularily dried w€€d in taste and potency?

In the german forums they say that w€€d dried fast does'nt taste as well as w€€d dried slowly over a long time...

Yep, that's right. Buds taste alot worse when quick dried. I won't touch quick dried buds, i like to do things the right way. The taste is alot worse, it's less potent, the smell is worse, it looks worse, etc.


cAipirAnhA said:
How does w€€d dried with this method differ from regularily dried w€€d in taste and potency?

In the german forums they say that w€€d dried fast does'nt taste as well as w€€d dried slowly over a long time...

It definately tastes different than a proper dry and cure. I wouldn't recommend doing it with my whole stash, but doing a couple little taster nugs won't hurt


As far as drying goes, it works... actually far better than me and my brother assumed it would. However, you do lose some taste, sweet smell and as far as potency goes... i'll let you know in like 20 minutes. Very impressed with the method overall... mad props to stayhigh.

I am another guy who would never ever ever dry my whole crop like this, just a taste ;)

blazindro :joint:

i can't believe it worked. haha. great method to get an early smoke.
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blazindro212 said:
As far as drying goes, it works... actually far better than me and my brother assumed it would. However, you do lose some taste, sweet smell and as far as potency goes... i'll let you know in like 20 minutes. Very impressed with the method overall... mad props to stayhigh.

I am another guy who would never ever ever dry my whole crop like this, just a taste ;)

blazindro :joint:

i can't believe it worked. haha. great method to get an early smoke.

how was the smoke though?


Active member
I've got an old fridge that was turned into a grow box and now has become a drying box. Still has it's air vents and exhaust fan. Kinda like a big dehydrator. It's about 65f in there with 50-55% humidity. Buds dry slowly, but nicely.

The only thing is, this shit isn't stinking like pot. Not like hay, and not like pot. Not green, but not dead either. I don't get it. Will it smell more like pot after the cure? When they were wet they had a nice smell to them. Lowryder buds.


While I definitely think that weed should be properly cured for maximum potency... but quick dry methods are great for just a quick sample.

Do you think that vaporizers could quick cure weed while you hit it?
vapes are def the best way to quick dry.. i have a ss. and ill take a bud and cut it up then stuff my whip with the wet herb(more than usual,like an inch of free space).. take a couple of tokes to dry.the bud will shrink as you vap and you wont pull any vapor. than dump , break it back up and vape like normal..taste wasnt really bad, and the vapor was strong..cool to do when you just want to test a small bud or your in need. but yea the steam method is one of the best quick dry out there.peace.

Mr. Nevermind

You should put a warning up. I did this like 4 years ago and learned a lesson. You cant zap it more than 10-20 seconds at a time. if you do then it will spark and catch fire inside the microwave. can char the inside of microwave fast. so you have to stand in fromt of it and make sure it wont blow up. I did it a few years ago and it wasnt worth it if you ask me. I would rather be patient , dry it out and enjoy it



New member
Mr. Nevermind said:
You should put a warning up. I did this like 4 years ago and learned a lesson. You cant zap it more than 10-20 seconds at a time. if you do then it will spark and catch fire inside the microwave. can char the inside of microwave fast.
that shouldn't happen as long as you don't put any metal objects in your microwave.

Mr. Nevermind

demonseeder said:
that shouldn't happen as long as you don't put any metal objects in your microwave.

there werent any metal objects in the microwave. Just a bud on the glass in the microwave. It has to do with the moisture in the bud and the waves hitting them. Microwaves when heating a liquid are dangerous if there is something touching the liquid. Like when you boil water in the microwave. If you dont put anything in the cup the water will get hot but wont bubble or boil. But if you put a wood toothpick in the water it will biol and bubble. Same deal. Its dangerous throwing a bud in the nuker and not watching it. sounds like this method is a bit safer but i wanted to post so peopel knwo if left unattended that they can cause a fire is all.

Just want the people to play safe.



Active member
This method works! oh man i was incredibly high last night off buds i cut not 30 min before :yoinks: lost a little bit of taste but wasnt harsh at all. thanks for this write up! :joint: