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Very high CBD strains, which ones?


New member
wow. finally got a chance to finish reading up on this. will be looking into the remedy, and others mentioned. thanks everyone for an intelligent thread on an important topic!


New member
I have to go back and read more of this lengthly thread. I am just wanting to say that I have had my Pineapple Thai tested for CBD content and it came out at 2.39 THC and 5.21% CBD. I am keeping the strain going with clones this winter and hope to have some decent ones going this spring. I am also starting some Cannatonic and Soma A+ that I hope to test this spring. Keep the info flowing!!


New member
I have to go back and read more of this lengthly thread. I am just wanting to say that I have had my Pineapple Thai tested for CBD content and it came out at 2.39 THC and 5.21% CBD. I am keeping the strain going with clones this winter and hope to have some decent ones going this spring. I am also starting some Cannatonic and Soma A+ that I hope to test this spring. Keep the info flowing!!
might I suggest seeding the thai w/ A+ and/or tonic pollen? might give you some interesting seeds to test out.


Active member
what does that combo feel like?

lots o CBD.. and some t...also

I have to go back and read more of this lengthly thread. I am just wanting to say that I have had my Pineapple Thai tested for CBD content and it came out at 2.39 THC and 5.21% CBD. I am keeping the strain going with clones this winter and hope to have some decent ones going this spring. I am also starting some Cannatonic and Soma A+ that I hope to test this spring. Keep the info flowing!!


New member
Believe it I don't smoke much, and couldn't tell you the different nuances. My son uses it, he's bipolar and gets anxiety. From the people who use it, they say it settles,or centers them and makes them fell more clear headed. You can feel a high but it's more subtle. Sorry I can't elaborate that much. Sometimes my son blends it with a nice indica for a "fun" factor. Not sure on pain issues. I guess I should experiment with it. Hope that helps


New member
Project cbd

Project cbd

Greetings: This is my first post here. I'm a new patient in NM; arthritis/chronic pain. I have been following the research on cbd rich strains for 2 years. I looked at the Deleted site for the first time in a while and saw it had been updated. The "Deleted" link has a nice chart of cbd rich strains I'm sure most have seen. The page has links to 2 new strains being grown in Montana; Deleted and Deleted. ... is a plant of unknown genetics that's now consistently testing around 7% cbd and 10% thc. ...........is a Blueberry Trainwreck x Ogre, a Sensi Star pheno, comming in at 9% cbd and 10.2% thc. The Deleted link mentions their "great cbd hunt of 2011". They are searching for new cbd rich strains. Their list of known strains included the strain deleted which I hadn't heard of. Strain guide lists it at 8% cbd and 13% thc. I've also included stats from a deleted power point below showing the lowest and highest % of cbd for different strains. I'm hoping it won't be long till stable seeds for some of the cbd rich strains are available. As it stands, Soma A+ is the only one in seed form that seems to be consistent; I've only seen the one test on deleted.The new deleted site is definitely worth a look. I'm excited about the focus and research on cbd rich medicine.

Edit DoobieDuck: TOU Violations 8a. As a privately owned site, we retain the right to prohibit information posted in threads, posts, and signature lines that contains information pertaining to commercial products/entities that do not pay for advertisement or are not products represented by the owner of this site.
8b. Any variety of cannabis can be entered for inclusion in the IC Strain Guide and/or Grow Report section of the Strain Guide. However, posting in the forums outside of these parameters are subject to deletion as Spam.
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New member
I have been in contact with deleted. He told me that deleted has been tested several times in Spain and the U.S. since the first published results, and the 6% cbd and thc have been confirmed. However, he said you have a 50% chance of that pheno with the regular seeds, and a 75% chance with the female seeds. The equal cbd/thc pheno is the shorter and faster flowering one. Hope this helps those who are growing deleted.

Edit: DoobieDuck 8a. As a privately owned site, we retain the right to prohibit information posted in threads, posts, and signature lines that contains information pertaining to commercial products/entities that do not pay for advertisement or are not products represented by the owner of this site.
8b. Any variety of cannabis can be entered for inclusion in the IC Strain Guide and/or Grow Report section of the Strain Guide. However, posting in the forums outside of these parameters are subject to deletion as Spam.
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Active member
That's a big help. thanks.
I'm starting some soon &

I would assume a male of similar
stature would yied
desirable pollen.

Would anybody send a male for lab testing of
desired cannabinoids or just shoot from the hip (so to speak)?
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Active member
Deleted costs $160. for a test

are there other lower cost options for testing?


Edit DoobieDuckTOU violation
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New member
Greetings onegreen day: The shorter, faster flowering pheno holds true for the male as well. Unfortunately, the lab costs are prohibitive for me right now. I wouldn't even know where to get the test done in NM. I do remember reading that cbd stays consistent throughout the plants life cycle. If you test a leaf from a plant in veg, it will have the same cbd as the flowers will have. If this is true, it would save a lot of time selecting high cbd plants; if you can afford the lab costs.


Active member
I wonder what would the alternate pheno be like?

Greetings onegreen day: The shorter, faster flowering pheno holds true for the male as well. Unfortunately, the lab costs are prohibitive for me right now. I wouldn't even know where to get the test done in NM. I do remember reading that cbd stays consistent throughout the plants life cycle. If you test a leaf from a plant in veg, it will have the same cbd as the flowers will have. If this is true, it would save a lot of time selecting high cbd plants; if you can afford the lab costs.


New member
Jaime said 50% of the regular seeds would be the cbd/thc pheno, 25% would have mostly thc, and 25% would contain mostly cbd. He didn't mention the levels of thc/cbd in these other 2 phenos. Are you wanting to cross a Cannatonic male with another strain?


Active member
since I save pollen for F2
I may try the cannatonic pollen on something else.

Nothing else going right now but I can
store the pollen with a desiccant in the frig for a while.

Jaime said 50% of the regular seeds would be the cbd/thc pheno, 25% would have mostly thc, and 25% would contain mostly cbd. He didn't mention the levels of thc/cbd in these other 2 phenos. Are you wanting to cross a Cannatonic male with another strain?


Active member
I do remember reading that cbd stays consistent throughout the plants life cycle. If you test a leaf from a plant in veg, it will have the same cbd as the flowers will have. If this is true, it would save a lot of time selecting high cbd plants; if you can afford the lab costs.

If that's true then no wonder I feel so different smoking a bunch of mostly-not-trichomy month-blooming popcorn buds! It's almost a psychedelic effect, though.


Active member
Jaime said 50% of the regular seeds would be the cbd/thc pheno, 25% would have mostly thc, and 25% would contain mostly cbd. He didn't mention the levels of thc/cbd in these other 2 phenos. Are you wanting to cross a "deleted" male with another strain?

so basically the indica-looking ones are likely the ones w/ CBD?
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'AMS' or 'ANTI MOLD STRAIN' from Green House Seeds is 15% THC, CBD 1,1% and 0,7% CBN. Its a 50/50 Swiss Indica/Sativa and is nice to smoke.:tiphat: Peace


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CBD Potency Decreasing In Confiscated Marijuana Samples

CBD Potency Decreasing In Confiscated Marijuana Samples

Median CBD Potency Decreasing In Confiscated Marijuana Samples, Study Says
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Santa Monica, CA: Detectable levels of the cannabinoid CBD (cannabidiol) are declining, according to a review of over 5,000 marijuana samples seized by law enforcement in California. The review appears on the website of the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Investigators at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica assessed changes in the median THC and CBD levels of cannabis samples seized in California between the years 1996 and 2008. Researchers reported that median THC levels rose during this time period while median CBD levels fell.

"[M]edian THC potency has increased from 4.56 percent in 1996 to 11.75 percent in 2008," authors reported. "The increase in THC was far more dramatic in non-border areas (from 4.18 percent in 1996 to 13.95 percent in 2008) than in border areas (4.52 percent in 1996 to 6.84 percent in 2008). ... [W]e see the opposite trend for CBD. ... The median level of CBD dropped from 0.24 percent in 1996 to 0.08 percent in 2008."

Authors of the paper speculated that the falling potency of CBD in seized samples was because "growers are making greater use of plant strains that favor THC production over CBD production."

Cannabidiol is a nonpsychotropic cannabinoid that is believed to temper the psychoactive effects of THC. In preclinical trials, the compound has demonstrated the ability to both treat symptoms and modify the course of various diseases. A recent review published in the journal Trends in Pharmacological Sciences reported that CBD possesses over a dozen separate therapeutic properties – including anti-cancer properties, anti-diabetic properties, anti-epileptic properties, and anti-bacteria l properties.

In recent years, a select number of growers have begun breeding 'CBD-rich' strains of cannabis (defined as four percent CBD or higher) specifically for the medical marijuana market. Information on these strains, their CBD content, and their availability to the public is available online at the website: http://www.projectcbd.com.