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Vertical Virgin pops his Cherry - 600w Sun tube Tent Grow w/ CO2


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
So here we go... drumroll please...

New Ladies, New Cab:

125 w CFL

new babies:

Alien Dawg Ether
Star Dawg
Lemon Kush
Voodoo OG

:thank you: you know who you are.

add that to the previous list and i'm on some of the best genetics of my life thus far. And this time i'm not losing them.

anyway, those are for later. Back to the vert experiment.

600 w HPS with Sun Tube
Bubba and White Diesel

I couldn’t possibly keep up with all the work it takes to make this transition go 100% all in one shot. I have made a lot of changes but i couldn't follow through with a real VScrog. Best I could come up with was the old fashion staking them and twist tying them where I sort of want them. Its actually not a terrible WoW (Wall of Weed) for doing it manually. The number one limiting factor for not making the sweet rectangles that I saw on here earlier was time followed immediately buy $$$. I swear someone should be mass producing individual plant Scrog trellis’ of different shapes.. hint hint.

Anyway, here we are, before training:

after training:

side view

sort of flat.. like a wall…


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
The other day. With 1000w MH. Unstaked.

and now (with a little viewing walkway):

More space. Less heat. Let's try it.

i guess thats it. I did that 8 times. I left the Bubbas to mess with another day. I still have a lot to do, like find something to prop the 8 WD up on about 4" to make it a sort of stadium.

I have my fingers crossed.

See ya. :wave: Feel free to chime in if you see something..


oh, day 1 of 12 / 12 is tomorrow.


Active member
looking gooooood bro! careful planning is KEY! why dont you go to a nursery or a dollar store and get some plant stands??? They do come in diff. heights and widths...JMO!


looks good, ima chime in and say i would have bigger pots. even if it only increases yield 5% its still a good investment of 5% of 600 grams :p


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
looking gooooood bro! careful planning is KEY! why dont you go to a nursery or a dollar store and get some plant stands??? They do come in diff. heights and widths...JMO!

looks good, ima chime in and say i would have bigger pots. even if it only increases yield 5% its still a good investment of 5% of 600 grams :p

Sup Sumpn, Notso..

So i never heard of plant stands.. or maybe it didnt occur to me that thye exsisted but i just went to plantstands.com and got learned. Expensive tho. I will get on that next.

Notso, bigger pots huh? I thought these would be big enough.. just two grows ago i upgraded from 3 gal grow bags to these. they said they were 4 gal pots. I actually was looking for the ones that are 4.6 gallons. I thought these would be okay. My veg time is only 2 - 3 weeks. This time ended up being three weeks because i had a lot more to do to switch to vert. But i will consider it. I used to use 5 gallon home depot buckets and get major yields with THSeeds SAGE but i was vegging for like 6 weeks..

I will crank on the CO2 tomorrow morning and get that all set up. Then i will need to look into some plant stands and something for these bubbas. I need some more stakes but i was thinking of leaving them alone and just keeping them low b/c they have such great christmas tree shape. A room full of these in a flat garden would be a sweet canopy.

What else do i have to do? Damn, keeping this grow log definitly helps get your op in gear. If you say something on here you have got to do it. Nothing like Accountability.. sometimes.


Ive done from clone with 3 weeks (assuming your clone), and from the 3 gallon soil I was seeing inverse root boundness vs the 5gal buckets(and yield). CO2 too, :O bigger pots would love it

edit: the 5gal root hit the outside tho in them, so i know they liked the extra room. both will work good tho


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Ive done from clone with 3 weeks (assuming your clone), and from the 3 gallon soil I was seeing inverse root boundness vs the 5gal buckets(and yield). CO2 too, :O bigger pots would love it

edit: the 5gal root hit the outside tho in them, so i know they liked the extra room. both will work good tho

Possible 5 gallons for next time...

right now trying to keep it all a like, like my previous grow so i know if i want to stay with vert. Thank you tho. I truely value any thoughts/suggestions for improvement. I am really excited to he how this finishes uo.

BTW, i request to move my thread to the grow diary sub forlder.. I think i can get a little more exposure there. hopefully gather some more good ideas. Keep an ete out/

Peace and Love,



If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Just an update...

no buds yet. little buds sites forming but mainly the stretch is on.

Sort of a new thing for me. The stretch is getting some branches in pretty close to the light. Pretty good temps so no worry of burning but if they get much closer... it will be time for a second round of training.

anyway, not much to report but here are some pics.



If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
so i'm not sure what to do here... the stretch is getting a little out of control. I took them all out today for a manicure. cleaned up the bottoms but the tops are looking stragglllyyy.. I raised the bulb to about that hieght.

not sure if this is going to be the way to higher yields... i hardly think any solid buds could sit on the ends of these long branches

trimmed out all the bottom stuff on something like this...

bubba does not have very bad strech.. i just cleaned her up a little..

now she is flat as a board



Active member
It's going to be bud city in there in 2 weeks NGW! I'll snap some pics of my vert for my liberation thread later on, my 4 plant 1K vert is exceeding my expectations :D


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
New Babies.

I am going to start a thread called M.I.L.C.

Moms I'd Like to Clone

to outline my mother selection process. It will be a while before that happens though... they are still small.

Also, I need to give credit to the man that set me up with all this by way of genetics. If he is cool with it he knows how to get in touch with me and I will put his name up. If not, you know who you are. Thanks!



If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Sulfur Burner.

Used to eliminate PM (if you have it)

Now i use it as preventative. Haven't seen it since.

Use once for 4 hrs in Veg and again for 4 hrs at the end of the first week of flowering.

Bye Bye PM.


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