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Vertical tree grow/smaller more numerous plant comparison grow


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I finished another 12 hours of trimming today and will continue tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get the plants finished so that I can clear out the room for the new babies. I will post pictures of the total yield drying. The babies are about a foot tall now not including the pot, so probably 1 week of veg under the 1000's and then I will trigger. This time no more monsters!

Speaking of monsters, the other garden with the tree's is doing well. I checked on them today and fed and watered. They are four weeks into bud and some of the buds are already a toonie in thickness (Canadian 2 dollar coin for anyone not from around here) and some about two feet long! Looking real good and I am almost posotive I will get 2 pounds bone dry from each light. At least that what it seems like now and I have tons of experience with this exact cut.

I'll post pictures tomorrow - night all!



cant stop wont stop
nice room you have goin there.. lookin pretty good

trees is the way to go!!

only question i have is whats up with the free hanging bulbs?? no reflectors?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
LMFAO! i just noticed the one planted in the timmies cup! i hope you didnt rinse it out before you planted. i bet it will give it a nice boost.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Steppinrazor, I have found when growing medium to large plants that the hoodless vertical method produces the best yields. What I do is basically hang the bulb from the ceiling vertically and place the plants around the bulb so that the base of the light is hanging at about 1 third from the top of the plant. This allows the light to be at almost a 45 degree angle maximizing the effective light produced from each 1000. You really benefit when there is more than 1 bulb so that the inside plants recieve light from both sides. That is the quick explaination anyways. I have tried many different methods and this produces the best yield for me anyways.

Billybig_bud!, I can`t go a day without my Timmies! If you are from Canada you know how important our Timmies Coffee is to us. If I like it so much I am sure my plants will also and you are correct, I didn`t wash out the cup. Hopefuly it will give her a little boost lol. In the USA Timmies coffee never took off because at all the coffee shops there they offer bottemless cup deals so Timmies couldn`t make the profits being strickly a coffee and donutes business. Every franchise owner that owns one becomes rich. Too bad there is limited stores to run because if one was available to me I too would be running one. May be I could make it a coffee donut and weed shop - now that would be cool!

I finshed trimming the remainder of the plants today and have the room almost ready for the new babies. Unfortunately I forgot my camera tonight. I`ll try to rmember tomorrow.



Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i always start my morning out with a large triple triple. its like rocket fuel. how long do you flower the ak for? looks like some killer nugs! timmies just recently offered stock to the public. wonder what that will be worth a few years down the road? timmies has exploded in the last 10-12 years. i am frow where timmies originated. it was just your average dump for a few years and tim eventually opened 4 timmies in the same city. he then expanded to hamilton in the same fashion. not much later he re invented his formula and viola! what we see today was born. cheers tim.


ICMag Donor
I am surprised that 12k btu a/c will cool that room, i'd be looking at at least double that... Whats your secret.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Billy_Big_bud!, you are probably very close to me. I wouldn't be suprised if our paths haven't crossed before. I usually get an extra large four by four with milk instead of cream. I hate it when they don't stir, and half the time when asking for a four by four I get a cold coffee. The secret is to ask for my milk from the tea dispenser, then it's just perfect. Funny all this talk of coffee is making me want to take a trip and get one lol.

terminalc, I was very suprised too when I first hooked it up. The reason I used it was because I had it just sitting in the corner of my garage collecting dust, so I thought I would give it a try. I originally was only going to use it for a week until I got another one, but it worked so well I just kept it.

I think the reason it cools 5 - 1000's is because the room is located in an unfinished basement and I have it seperated into two very large rooms with a wall I built out of 2X4's and plywood. Even in the summer the basement is relatively cool and by not having any venting in the home all the hot air seems to stay upstairs and not circulate thorough the house like a home with a forced air furnace.

Also, the AC is expelling the hot air into an old wood furnace pipe that goes straight to the roof. This causes negative preasure in the room and sucks cool air in from the adjacent room that I like to call the lung room. This is where my carbon scrubber is located also.

Last night I took a picture of all the buds placed on a matt covered floor, minus the 2 pounds that had a head start drying. I moved them to another location after that picture was taken and then hung them all up. Tomorrow I will take a second picture of them hanging. Sorry to not post the pic's yet, I'll do them all at once probably tomorrow. Everytime I use the camera I forget it at the grow location so that I can't use the pictures. I wish I had a normal memory like most people. Oh ya, I'll also give an updated pic on what the babies are looking like now. Soon they will be ready to trigger and I can't wait to get a move on. I just need to remember the camera now.

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Proud Cannadian Cannabist
ya it is a small world around here. as much as i try to stay low, i am always running into someone from yesteryear......TGT how long do the AK flower for?

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