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vertical octagon


New member
Yeah guys…I’m new here @ icmag and have been read lots of threads over the past few weeks…

A little about myself:
• Was a reader @ overgrow
• Have grown two times using the krusty freedom bucket system…in a 20X10ft. space…12 bucket system…first time I had electrical problems b/c I was using more then 80% of it…newbie mistake…anyway..by the time the problem was fixed the plants started to reveg. And I pulled the plug on it @ 4 weeks flowering..halfway through I got 10lbs dried wt.…the 2nd time was a succeed 1.8-2lbs a plant.
• Only grown organic hydroponics…don’t know much about soil and for the mean time don’t plan on it

nice and clean set up with nasa foil for radar heat guns

homemade cool tubes

no...this ain't a mother plant but a 4 week up old baby switching over to 12/12

these were all cut @ 4 weeks due to reveg. b/c out electrical probloms

• Have been reading up on things and plan on starting in the new year!
• I was thinking about using the rotogrow system since it maximizes the 360degree lights..it’s too expensive even at my cost for $2 500US…and the traditional 1gm/1W just isn’t worth it for me period.
• That being said..I had two methods in mind..stadium and vertical octagons which give 2gm/1W and 3/1W respectively
• That being said…I decided to go with the vert. octagon no pun intended but I’m out here to maximize

I have decided to built them using “El Blastido’s” vertical octagon diy parts list and how to guide…looking @ it in my head it makes sense but I not in the mood to play around and waste time so I have some questions for people who have tried this El Blastido’s way or any one who have used coliseum style grows.

Before my questions…
• the octagon I plan on building will have a diameter of 58 inches or 4.8ft
• 3” net cups with diatomites as the medium
• Six rows with 14 sites on each row with a height of 72 inches or 6ft
• Using 3 600W down the center in homemade cool tubes
• Switch to 12/12 after 10 days of veg. *this will change depending on plants growth and type
1. My assess to clones are :
• White rhino
• Hash plant
• Shunk
• Mazare
• More but can’t think of them off the top of my head

My ?Q?’s:
1. has anyone used this system and has it even you 3gm/1W or close to that?
2. what type of plants suit this system, sativa or indica and why?
3. when the plants lean in to the lights(600W), what should the distance be away from the lights? 50cm?
*I figure @ some point when the bloom, there going to need to be tied back.
4. when feeding, el B says he likes to soak with and shrub sprinkler the roots for 30-60 sec. every 5mins. I previous kfb system was a constant feed through diatomite with a bubbler misting the bottom end of the bucket. So my experience on feeding is a bit ahhh…non-experienced I would say. That said, el B’s just didn’t sound right especially on new clones. What should the schedule be on new clones placed in? and a rough feed schedule during the following weeks to go by?
5. would a dip feeder work better? Like 5min on, every hour. Increasing the time on toward 20min as the plants age?
6. the way el B set it up he didn’t put an support brace for the top as he did for the bottom. Will the wt. added on not cave in the octagon? Should I do the top as the bottom?
*I will anyways, b/c flood CAN NOT happen. But would love your in insight anyway.

Can’t think of anymore…though I have plenty stuck in my web.

*Please, answering the questions is greatly appreciated and any other info you’ll like to spit out thereafter as well.

*If you have any question about the KFB system, please title it that (KFB system) in a new thread under the Growers Forums and I will reply. 100%. I just want this thread to be all about vertical octagons for future reference for other grower.



if you got 2lbs per plant inside you probably set a new yield record or on the other hand your full of shit!



That's a big stalk for 4 weeks old. :joint:


man that is some fine pussy you have modleing. does she smell a rat?


Active member
Many growers have achieved 2 lbs per plant using KFB.
Those who don't believe it is possible are not familiar with the method.
It's a pain in the ass and impractical for most, though.



ah man im sitting here burning one and my ol tom is in my lap trying to get a hit. suckers lazyer than me. keep it green or purple zoo and a merry xmas to you


New member
actual it's not a record...3.5-3.75 lbs is by krusty! the person who created the system..if interested pls set up a thread somewhere else this ain't the place...good luck with ur 1lbs/1W if ur lucky btw...and you sure as hell lucky u ain't ever gonna see me in person.

glad to see there's some people who have some idea...i thought this icmag forum was an knowledgable place with knowledgable ppl. obvious it's not..if someone with 536 post hasn't the sightest clue about KFB system.

My ?Q?:
7. el B. uses 3inch piping and mesh basket...i was thinking of the roots..and the basic rule is the plant and roots grow at the same rate...and knowning me..i don't think that 3inches of space in the pipes is enough..the bottom most plants might get over feed due to the 5 above slow drainage.
that said...would 4" or 6" be better?
*i'm thinking 6"..b/c the more space the more air flow for the roots...also what if i throw a strip of air curtain down each column...b/c in the KFBS the roots locked and tied themselves around the curtain..

does anyone have anyone knownledge about anything on this forum. the only reason i came here was b/c of the OG refugees...if ppl like grizz keep reponding nonsense then i guess i really miss overgrow!


Yeah, every Hydrogon I've seen was with 6" or 8" columns.

I use 3 x 1000W with home made vertitubes in my soil octagon (check my gallery if ya want) but there's no reason 600's won't do great - especially if they're digi.

It looks like with your buckets, you vegged em till they were 4-5 feet tall or something? I can see why you'd have the huge yields per plant :joint:

I think you'll really enjoy the much quicker veg times with your new Hydrogon!



New member
thx for the reply..greatly appreciated!..and i look forward to checkin' out ur gallery later tomorrow...

ur right on the money..in the KFBS the plants get flipped at 4-4.25 depending on the strain and by the end of the strech they are 5' in height and width...each plant using a 5' by 5' space with light hanging b/w givin off in 360 degrees

i would do 1000W but i have like 18 600W just laying around from my previous grow so i'm going to use them
i read about one of these types of grows in high times a couple years ago. this guy had one sprayer at the top and another in the middle pointing down and i think he left it on 20mins/hr if i remember correctly becuase he had so many problems with water not reaching the bottom.


Man if that plant in the pic you posted is 4 weeks old I do have alot to learn, and maybe i do, but i still dont belive you, sorry.


New member
when the light are hitting the buckets from four different directions..
that's 600W X 4 = 2400W on each plant...do the math..1W=1lbs

the more light a plant gets the faster to grow

add a room controller system..controlling the CO2, a/c (temp at 75-80) and the humidity...plant thrive in perfect atmosphere..

if u don't know that, then i'm sorry for u! and i'm not even an expert. u should do more reading.

the set up looked like this "o" being the light and "x" being the plant
_ _O_O_
--X-X_ X
--X_X_ X
--X_X_ X
--X_X_ X
_ _O-_O_
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Active member
^^^ your math is off. You may be able to get the yield you say, but here you're just making stuff up. What do you mean 'you do the math?' 2,400W on each plant at 1g/w would be 5 lbs according to your math.

The reason it doesn't work out is because it doesn't make sense to apply the 1g/w calculation to a 360 degree light. 1g/w is based on a reflected light. I hope the other logic and math you used is better than this.

You'd get the correct projected weight by adjusting with pi and r etc, but your simplistic statement to do the math obviously doesn't take that into account or you'd show us the math yourself.


New member
hey coolio..there was a mix up which i just edit..

for anyone else who want to know about KFBS..pls educate yourself 'n read up on it before u start criticizing!


it's a 40 page thread on this very site..most these guys are probably kicked off this and other sites from debates that have gone out of hand.

but the thread is pretty interesting anyways..n humorous and times..



ok slim I am sorry for the slander. Your right I know nothing of this system. I can see how it works with all that light, and how the yields would be enlarged. by what you showed you are running 16 lights to get that kinda yield. does the extra electric use pay for itself to get that yield or can I get as much yield running a theater system with a lot less light? Im estemating 5 to 6 lbs in 8 ft x 6ft x 8 ft high room. every 60 days. Give me some links to study your style of grow and your thoughts on my questions.