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Vertical LED Grow Light


Active member
I think theres definitely a market for them as more and more growers realize the efficiency of vertical lighting, that coupled with the efficiency of leds would skyrocket grams per watt, skyrocketing interest in said subject PROVIDED that your lights YIELD similarly or better than current hids on the market. just my 2 cents, i love what you guys have done with led's, keep the train rolling itll get there :tree:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
The conclusion that I've come to (being an experienced vert grower) is that LED's and efficient vert setups, using traditional bulbs, have about the same GPW yield.

Now I don't know if we would actually see an improvement from going with a cylindrical LED light, simply because LED's don't operate on shooting light 360 degrees. We might actually see a little less GPW, but then I don't know for sure.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Bridgelux & Semi

Did you look at the Luxeon K2's when you were designing? They are discontinuing that line actually, but I found them to be some of, if not the most efficient LED's on the market.

That 2000lumen cool white from Bridgelux is crazy good... too bad they're $24 an LED : (


Active member
Did you look at the Luxeon K2's when you were designing? They are discontinuing that line actually, but I found them to be some of, if not the most efficient LED's on the market.

Yes, we certainly looked at Luxeon. We are still looking at them and Cree, Edison, Osram, Showa Denko, Seoul, and a few others for our PRO series (if it's feasible). I was supposed to visit China this month to work on the PRO development, but my schedule did not allow it. Instead, I am purchasing a Quantum Light Meter to carry out the independent testing of each company on my own. We will compare the light output from the various manufacturers, along side the cost and determine which one gives our customers the most bang for their buck. We will be carrying out the various testing in February.

any news on the side or supplemental LED light product?

Sure. I think I'm the only company actually telling people what our future plans are, but oh well lol. February China goes on their major "New Years" holiday (I believe). They take off the first 3 weeks, and work the final week. As of right now, there is nothing we can do prior to them going on holiday, so production of any new units will wait until March. The new units take approximately 30-45 days to produce, meaning the first vertical and supplemental lights should be available sometime in April.




Cam how about this. Can you make a unit those screws into a light socket that holds one of your led engines? I keep seeing all these CFL grows! Alot of these guys build there systems up! If you sold a led bulb screw in deallio they could just replace one CFL with your light. Then they would see the increase and buy a few more!!

Just thought it would be cool cause it doesn’t seem like it wouldn't take much to make happen, and it could get a whole new channel of grows possibly.

I wonder just how many CFL growers would like that.


Active member
Cam how about this. Can you make a unit those screws into a light socket that holds one of your led engines? I keep seeing all these CFL grows! Alot of these guys build there systems up! If you sold a led bulb screw in deallio they could just replace one CFL with your light. Then they would see the increase and buy a few more!!

Just thought it would be cool cause it doesn’t seem like it wouldn't take much to make happen, and it could get a whole new channel of grows possibly.

I wonder just how many CFL growers would like that.

something similar to these...but with the wattage and spectrum tuned to your specs.



well I would say have all the LED's one one face, like the spotlight style.. that way she can make one of those led circles right on the face.

one Q

sleepy That's the shit!! now if that was base UP and you could just screw another one right into the bottom of one bulb and have 2 then get however many you need and just srew them all together.... Oh man!


Active member
Cam how about this. Can you make a unit those screws into a light socket that holds one of your led engines? I keep seeing all these CFL grows! Alot of these guys build there systems up! If you sold a led bulb screw in deallio they could just replace one CFL with your light. Then they would see the increase and buy a few more!!

Just thought it would be cool cause it doesn’t seem like it wouldn't take much to make happen, and it could get a whole new channel of grows possibly.

I wonder just how many CFL growers would like that.

We could make a screw-in unit, but right now it's not worth the $$$ for us to do so. Our entire product line will be replaced by custom panels that are proprietary to our company, much like the 205W. That means the 63W, 126W, and even 318W will all be replaced in the upcoming months with more powerful models (released one at a time, and we're likely another 2-3 months prior to the next one being released). The cost of developing just that bulb, would be the same as making a brand new unit all together, so it will likely come after all of our new panels are made. The bulbs also cost a lot more in terms of $ per watt, meaning they aren't as good of a value as purchasing any of our units for the customer. Just to give you an example, if we were to sell a 12W bulb like a lot of other companies do, it would retail at $70.00 shipped. 5 bulbs would supply 60W of power, while costing $350! Then again, if people are willing to pay those prices I guess there is no harm, but even I wince at it lol.
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Ahh I see. I know I have seen the design already made but with wack led's in it lol. though maybe you could "pimp" one of those units.

I guess the 63W pannel is a low enough wattage, just needs the white side crap trimmed off like the 205 has.. That way they can fir the unit in a pc cab!


Active member
Heat is a big problem in large vertical grows. As Krusty once said, "the HVAC guy is god". Your light might not need to outperform HID's on a gr/wt basis. The saving in reduced air conditioning costs alone could be enough to get people to switch to your light.
Would it side light a 4 1/2 tall foot plant?
Too bad the prototypes are so expensive - I'm guessing if you don't do this, some one else will, maybe the Chinese.


Yeah a 126 watter will side light your plants from one side to the other. I just wouldn’t waste it on that. Hey if you’re looking to save some $ LEDGirl will sell you her demo 1st gen light for cheap. I had great success with it and still am, but I paid full price 3 months ago!

Just like any other technology!!!

You won't find any good knock off led units for a loooong time, you could spend a small fortune trying to find them as well! When you do find one, real LED companies will be blowing those units away...


Active member
MeanBean, thanks for the tip on the demo.
I wonder what application LEDgirl has in mind for her vertical bulb. Probably not in coliseums- no advantage there for LED's compared to tables, except saving some floor space and, possibly more even light distribution. It doesn't seem like it would be worth the hassle of setting up the coliseum when you could light the same area easier on tables.
I thought perhaps she might be thinking of "Freedom Style" grows that use many vertical bulbs to illuminate a small number of plants. The LED's might save airconditioning costs which can be large. There could be a lot of sales here, if she could demonstrate that the LED's can work for big plants.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I'm actually wrong about vertical LED's probably not being more efficient... with a but.

But, after seen knna's, friends thread, I realized it wasn't about 360 degrees of light, it was about taking a flat garden and turning it upwards. IE saving space, not using light more efficiently, but using space more efficiently.


Active member
Since a coliseum is just a table joined at the ends and tipped over, with a 360 degree bulb in the middle, it makes sense that it would have a GPW similiar to an LED over a table. Both setups direct 100 percent of the radiation into the plants. If there is an advantage to using LED's in a coliseum, it would have to because of the better PAR watts.
What does Mr. Celsius think about this?
My guess is the larger market for vertical LED's will be in the Freedom Style Grows which use large numbers of vertical bulbs to light just a few plants. These growers measure their results in kilograms/plant, not GPW. Mostly they are in Canada and the PNW where electricity is cheap, so GPW is not such a big issue. The trend in these operations has been toward more bulbs/plant. Ten years ago it was 1KW/plant, now 2KW/plant is becoming common and I have seen up to 4KW/plant. This generates a lot of heat in a confined space-LED's could help here. Also, some operators are limited in how much electricity they can buy- LED's would help here also.
To interest any of these growers, you will first need to demonstrate that you can grow a
1.5 or 2 pound plant under LED's. Their yields run from 1.5 lbs/plant in dirt with no CO2 and low-yielding strains like OGKush to over 4lbs/plant with hydro, CO2 and strains like G13.
A demo grow should be possible using your existing LED panels. Just hang them vertically around a single plant in a 20 gallon pot. All the plant wouldn't need to be lighted at the same time. You could rotate it daily. The main thing would be to make sure that all the LED light went into the plant and none was wasted. Since you will be rotaing the plant, I would avoid hose hookups for watering and use soil as the grow medium.
To run the experiment you need someone like Subcool over at Rollitup.org. He is an experienced grower and already has his own following. (I assume he hasn't become like Ed Rosenthal-too busy to actually do his own work). Or perhaps you know someone. Last I checked you still had some lightly used 125Watt panels sitting around your shop that you've been trying to sell. You could use them and do it yourself.


Active member
Instead of re-inventing the wheel, try to be a bit practical. Who is seriously going to have a 2' wide light with 4 sides in their grow room? No offense, but it's not realistic. It seems to me like a lot of you are having a very difficult time picturing this light (not sure why), so I went ahead and drew a sketch for you. If you're interested in the light, let me know. Otherwise, I don't see a need in continuing this thread. We already know what the 126W can do, regardless of whether it's up, down, sideways, or elsewhere.


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