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Vert PL-L 550Wflo/110Wveg NGB,Drbud cab



Thanks Tilt. I'm working on a small 4-spot single bulb vertical grow now for breeding. It will be a wide-base, mission style lamp big enough to squeeze 4 mt38's and a single 55w pll down the middle. I am always struggling to make space to start seeds, and really enjoy polenchucking, plus you and a few others have me real interested in vertical, and a hollow lamp is about all I can get away with because I have a tween kid at home. I bet with that much light in a confined space I should do well if I can utilize the full length of the bulb. This setup will allow me to start seeds, veg, and then flower so it should be a good step towards keeping some sanity in my other cabinets. I am very excited to finish it up and get it running. Finding the time has been tough though.

I have heard the dirty downsides of the poly tubes from others, but I bet the cloth will work well for you in other ways too. Keep us posted if you need to change the diameter of the cage or anything. As for the white paint, it may not even make a viable difference, but it certainly won't hurt.

Another thing I switched to in my main cab, since you are a mt38 user also, is a passive hydro setup. I use a plastic bin as a res, and just fill it up to about 2" deep. I'm using a 50/50 mix of coco and perlite like what many hempy-bucket people use and it works great. I am using maxibloom as discussed in the K.I.S.S thread with a little bit of a macro supplement and a little bit of silica. If you ever get the urge to try hydro-ish you could do it just using your existing plastic bins most likely. I'm flushing the first few now. Here is the thread where this has been getting discussed, although I am the only mt38 user I think, but they are ideal for this method imho. Learning curve is how much to start them on, Downsides are that they dump water when you pull them out of the res so you can't just pick them up as easily as dirt, and they seem to take about a week before there is any positive growth. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=209848


Active member
You mentioned using the master cooler fan in amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-120mm-Silent-Value/dp/B000O8I474. I decided to splurge and bought the Scythe slipstream that is only 7.5 dba. I beat myself up trying to figure out which one to buy. The cfm is only 24.5 but I had the lights on with the tubes and the heat was not that bad. I read the thread on computer fans and it said to throw out cfm ratings and to concentrate on static pressure. The static pressure is roughly the same and I am going to have a panasonic whisper fan helping pull the air through. That said I've got a couple questions:
1. Looking down the t12 there is not much room for air to come through. Do you think it would be a bad idea to drill holes around the 4" grey box so the main exhaust fan could help pull some of that heat out?
2. Has any of your pvc gotten any discoloration? I've only run the plls for 2 hours at a time along with some cfl's since i didn't have the fan set up yet I didn't want to get the room too hot. I kept a temp/humidity guage to just see how hot it got which it never went over 83 degrees. Any thoughts on this?
I am really hoping the fans are not under powered. I swear a mosquito is louder than the scythe slipstream. If I had known how loud it was I would have bumped up to the 40 cfm model. I'll let you know how they work. They were only $5.

I have a light meter and there is basically no difference with and without t12 guards if that has any bearing on your hard ware cloth experiment.
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I have one of those 6" inline duct fans poked into the top of my flower chamber to get any heat build up. The only discoloration I have seen is from resin build up on the tubes.
the temps will go way down when you get plants in the cab.bad idea drilling holes through the box you need to direct the airflow over the bulb esp. the base

The tube guards just build up resin and dirt that is a pain to clean.

On other notes. The Borg (spider mites) have invaded, with perpetual harvest I am in for a long drawn out war with them it seems. If anyone hasnt dealt with them be sure and look for yellow speckling on any leaves.

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