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Vert on the cheap?


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I have around 2 weeks max to set up a vert grow, and around a $200 budget (that's a light where i come from..). So i'm basically just gonna hang a light in the corner of a bedroom and donut 8 plants around it. Already have the plants 3 weeks in veg, so if i don't follow through i would have wasted weeks of power, nutrients etc if i have to throw them out. When my current horizontal grow is done, i'll do the same with that..

Are there any problems associated with growing in the corner of a large room, no reflective surfaces etc? Ideally i would section off the room, but due to a lack of budget and where the windows are etc that's easier said than done

Anyone have any good ideas on how to make a window vent that isn't so totally obvious? Would much rather cut a single hole in the ceiling for exhaust, and put a vent over it when done growing. Two vents in the same room would look a bit odd

What are my options in terms of fan? Can't find those honeywell or whatever fans over here, or anything similar for less than hundreds of dollars. I've read standard oscillating fans burn through bearings when laid down flat?

I can get a whole bunch of panda plastic as my flatmate is a dairy farmer and they use it for silage wrap. Would i be better off trying to section off the required space with the panda plastic? Bearing in mind i have no money for wood, and even if i did the windows are in an awkward place so i would have to section it off on an angle. If i section it off just with the plastic what could i do for a door? (no frame). Landlords live next door to me so they might wonder what i'm up to if i start lugging in 4 metre lengths of 2x4

Lastly i could probably get a loan if i need to if that would make what i'm doing easier, but i can't really think of how money will really help with what i'm trying to do. And i don't want to invest a whole lot of money into the area i'm growing as i intend to move out sometime in around 6 months

Anyone got any links to any "ghetto grow" vert setups?


Active member
lol i have odor control i have two carbon filters. Heat control would be exhaust to the ceiling? I've been growing next to my landlord for a year and a half, they don't do inspections and even if they found out, i doubt they would get police involved. So yeah, quite serious...


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Sup fellow ~Out of the box~ Thinker / builder. ..

2 cents for ya..

Corner the doughnut ..
Look in my pool build thread and build a net box using the panda.
Simple build with a few hooks in the ceiling and maybe a couple in the walls.

Panda the floor as well. .

Get a pool...lol (optional)

Keep it fun and cheap..

Post some pics and post a build..

Switch to a PPK. Lol

Ummm. ..
Umm. .

Dont sweat the little stuff.. Yet.. It's all in the details...


Good. . Welcome ta vert ville

Got me a chair and a jar... Sup. .

~:respect:~:lurk:~ :alien: ~:ying:



Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Anyone have any good ideas on how to make a window vent that isn't so totally obvious? Would much rather cut a single hole in the ceiling for exhaust, and put a vent over it when done growing. Two vents in the same room would look a bit odd

Dark curtain with a box(blackened out) behind the inside curtain with the exhaust connected to the box.

From in the room.
You would see a box covering the window with ducting connected to the top so as to not blow into the curtain. (Curtain is taped together and the window open)

Fro outside.
Looks like a curtain ...

What are my options in terms of fan? Can't find those honeywell or whatever fans over here, or anything similar for less than hundreds of dollars. I've read standard oscillating fans burn through bearings when laid down flat?

Humidity fans rock. The flat (fan on top) type.
Add water and ya got humidifier

Add dehumidifier pellets and ya got a dehumidifier

Add nothing and ya got air movement ..

OK that's 4 more cents for ya...:)


Active member
Hey man, your setup looks sweet. Never really thought about going vert in my 4x4x6 room, figured that space might be a little bit too tight and heat could become an issue. That pool idea is a goodun, wish i had thought of that when i set up my first coco grow. I drain to waste in 20L square containers cut down the middle with a screen/mesh of fence wire for plants to sit on, then i move them every so often to empty them. Pain in the ass but worth it if its only once a week

Umm still not entirely sure what a PPK is.. was gonna hand water 100% coco for the first grow and automate the second. Already automated in my horizontal grow and its sooooooo much better than hand watering

Can't really visualize your box over window idea. Have thought about this before and can't figure out how to make it not look like.. well, a box over a window lol. Will get on to googling it. Might be more worth it just to cut exhaust and intake holes in the ceiling tho, that way i could have windows closed which would help reduce noise

I'm now thinking of light proofing the whole bedroom, then making a curtain out of panda plastic to pull across for reflection. Doing the same thing i am now for waste drain, and using some form of screen or training method (i like your bamboo idea) to keep plant from growing into the light. Though if my plants grow into the screen or bamboo or whatever, i won't be able to move them easily to get rid of waste water. Need wet/dry vac...

I really can't wait to try this out. Currently my horizontal grow is in a home made tent exhausting into main bedroom. Main bedroom door is left open for heat control. Works ok but i cant seem to yield even a lb from a 600. Hoping by going vert i can yield around that per 600 every 4-5 weeks


Active member
I could pin cardboard to the wall in each corner of the window to create a "frame" that i could then tape plastic over, the cardboard would be holding the plastic away from curtains and i could have a piece of ducting for a vent hole going through the plastic?

I'm terrible at explaining what i mean so i blessed you guys with a top notch paint diagram explaining...

This would be used for intake only. Should work ok no?


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Active member
Excellent is right, that was one of my main concerns. Now i just need to figure out how to drain to waste and i'll be away laughing. Main bedroom door has a lock on it which is handy, if i can keep the noise to a minimum you won't even know its there :D

As for light proofing cracks and shit, weather strip stuff for windows effective? (black stuff not white). My veg room is in a wardrobe inside the bedroom, so will need to be sealed up nice. What about the crack underneath the bedroom door? probably just staple a towel to the door or something?

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