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vert fail

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Non

I think you had better speak to a Moderator about changing the title of your thread to Vert Success . he he .

Congrats on the harvest .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
he he elmer :)

im thinking of asking to change it at some point to something more general if i'll do good ole scrog with one plant for a change or something similar. was thinking something like "various fails" or "dirty corner bar" for a new title, eventually.


Active member
bangies tell me your secrets

bangies tell me your secrets

now we are at day 77, was thinking of giving them nice round number of 80 days and then it's chop time. this week i will not attempt to cram into the space where the tent is to take another fuzzy pic, they pretty much look the same. i'll do some dry bud shots or something instead.

but i want to show this not so good pic of my three bangi hazes at the moment. they've been living their whole short life under this 17w 4000k cfl, and i'm bit surprised how "big" plants can grow with a light that small, maybe not so with some line with fat leaves. i quess i'll start to keep small plants on the side of the main project if it takes this little to keep them growing. of course the growth is slow as fuck compared to bigger light but in my hobbyist projects that is not a really concern. you could probably keep matchstick size bonsai mother with just couple watts of quality leds.

still can't tell bangies gender from those tiny preflowers even with a loupe. im pretty sure one is definitely male and the other two i just can't tell. but like i said before i'll collect pollen from them even if all males. next project is still open, if i get only one bangi female, i'll probably do a flat grow with training. and hope its not a crap individual, but time will tell.

and here's the bangies and a beer bottle for scale. 1,4 liter pots.



Active member
yay! i seem to have one bangi haze female, one was male beyond shadow of doubt and got the axe as i after all didn't need that pollen. last one is still a mystery.


im quite certain that i'll do vert next run even if i have one bangi haze female only. it's gonna be a bit stupid and somewhat wasteful but i wanna try :)
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Active member

new project been dragging, the usual, of me fucking up! :D but hopefully something soonish. did a somewhat re-arrangement.

...and probably put this thread to hiatus. trilogy of vertical fails is nice length, 9 pages.

thanks for watching.
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