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Vermont High CBD Hemp Growers Unite!

Hello fellow Vermont ICMAG members.

I am looking for farming partners for cultivating a 2017 legal CBD hemp crop (less than 0.3% THC) in 2017.

Are you interested in what CBD can do for you?
Are you a dairy farmer who wants to make real money?
Do you own at least 5-10 acres of farmland in Chittenden County?

*I am a very experienced (20 years +) legal cannabis cultivator
*I am a true Vermonter who has a science background and understands cannabis genetics/breeding
*I have worked at dispensaries as Master Grower
*I do not wish to work with drug cannabis and only wish to grow 100% legal high CBD cannabis

pm me to start a dialog about growing a lucrative, legal crop right here in Vermont.


Active member
There's already hemp fields growing in chitt county. You claim to be from the area.......you shouldnt have to come on to icmag looking for partners for this. How many dairy farmers in vermont you think visit icmag? Do this on vermont front page forum, If your using shane lynn and his monopolized douchebag hut(dispensary) as a work history be careful. Just like green state gardener its all about money not helping patients.
High CBD Hemp in Vermont

High CBD Hemp in Vermont

Hey VT Stash:

I am from the area and I am well aware of the "hemp" fields growing in Chittenden County and that's the problem. It's just industrial seed oil hemp and fiber hemp not high CBD hemp which is the only thing that has any real value. I realize dairy farmers probably aren't on here but cannabis growers most certainly are. The post may bridge the gap who knows? You would be surprised how many dairy farmers grow to just pay the bills so you never know.

As far as using CVD for a reference I would never mention CVD even if I had worked there. I agree it's a complete debacle and I want absolutely nothing to do with Vermont's failed, monopolized, Medical MJ program.

I'm just some guy trying to live a dream without having to look over the shoulder. If you could lend any help information that would be great!


Active member
The problem isnt in chittenden county...........its that montpelier has its head buried in its ass. I bet you zuckerman would be on board with this though. In all honesty it would be nice to see a HUGE network of NO EGO! gardeners who could come together/work together and achieve something along these lines.........cbd's are wonderful for patients i KNOW this cause ive seen it in action in simpsons oils. Maybe one could start small by renting space on pine street, the abandoned lots down there where they let folks spraypaint old containers and trucks and stuff, wire up and insulate a few of them over winter start the hemp and plot out (no pun intended) a spring field to start utilizing! It's a great idea! I would be willing to help in anyway i can, im just poor.


Active member
As far as using CVD for a reference I would never mention CVD even if I had worked there. I agree it's a complete debacle and I want absolutely nothing to do with Vermont's failed, monopolized, Medical MJ program.

After i allowed my military records ETC ETC to be scrutinized and hand beat by a "treatment team" for vt's mmj program and they accepted me with open arms......got my money then drop me into a program that after hours,weeks of my life wasted trying to understand the laws they'd written realized it was INTENTIONALLY written that way to confuse and discourage less stubborn folks from even trying! My family go back in northern VT 300 yrs plus and its documented at the fletcher free library! This is very important to me honestly. I dont wanna come off as sour cause im not, just sensitive because this last 16 months have been shit being stolen from my porch, folks breaking into elderly neighbors bathrooms to grab medications(while their home no less), folks on bikes being hit by drivers and the drivers just keep going.......none of these behaviors were up here 15 yrs ago.............anything i can do to help the community get back what made it great would be wonderful!
Yeah I'm 100% with you about Montpelier. That's why I've given up on drug cannabis in the state of Vermont. (they just legalized in MA, and ME today btw) There are ways to get around this. I've worked at a high CBD hemp farm this fall and it's totally attainable with hard work and planning. These guys are doing their own thing however and also working with green state gardener.

As far a Pine St is concerned there are two major problems. I know of the truck lot which you speak of and it's pretty much a no go. Heavily traveled area by homeless and undesirable addicts.

Another issue is all the soil down there is heavily polluted with bad bad toxins like PCB's, fuel spills and other bullshit. Cannabis will just suck up all the toxins and make your crop unusable. It's another reason why that area of Burlington is undeveloped. Soil remeadiation is costly and CBD hemp aint gonna fix it either.

I'm working with another grower in Johnson who has some great High CBDs going right now only problem is I need to be in the Champlain Valley.
Sorry to hear about all the BS. Vermont ain't what it used to be with all the Herion and opiate pill addiction being so rampant. I came back here from being on the west coast to raise my kids here in VT and part of me wished I stayed out west. A lot less problems ad yeah MJ is legal in Cali and Nevada as of today! WTF Vermont? Wake up!


Active member
No i meant we could lock up a few trailers and start them inside down there.......Security wont be a problem (trust me) lmao! I just wanna help and i gotta tell ya green state gardeners are certainly not anyone id affiliate with after the way i was treated by one of the owners there last time i dipped my head in to see whats what.
Not a great first time meet and greet i can tell you that! I have a couple idea's floating around in my head that may work. My gawd ID NEVER SUGGEST planting ANYTHING into lake champlain soil, from texaco beach to red rocks is not kool man. i can remember a time when i could walk behind rhino foods and not see one damn person! GONE ARE THOSE DAYS!!!!!!
Ha ha so funny about green state gardener. Those guys are complete ass-clowns who will sell you snake oil and grab your money as fast as you let them. Do not shop there period. I would run away from those guys harder than Shayne Lynn even...

Let me know if anyone comes to mind who is interested in High CBD hemp farming who has farmland willing to convert over to hemp production.