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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
heres the Black Forrest - 13 weeks. calyxes are starting to swell so i dont think it will be too long now



Hi, I just wanted to say what a great grow thread this is. Scrog is definitely a good way to maximize light coverage and yield per plant. I always wondered why more people weren't doing it.

Verdant Green, your stuff looks awesome!

I've recently become licensed and am 60 days into my veg with an assortment of seeds. I hope to eventually get some pictures up.

For the SCROG units, I am using "Sterilite" plastic storage totes.
The 30 gal. size is about 22"x16", and I have a couple larger ones, like 32"x18" for the larger plants. I used a razor blade to cut out the sides from the top to about 5" from the bottom. Now I have side windows to access the undercanopy for watering or maintenance, and also for airflow. I left the ends intact so I can still pick up the whole tote by the handles to move it and it's sturdy. The tote also functions as a drip tray, so it's not a bad makeshift scrogger unit for $5-7.

I used twine to tie across the top to make my screen, one strand at a time, kinda ghetto, or kinda custom for each individual plant....depending how you look at it, but it is working well. (BTW, one tote, same brand, seemed to be made of a thinner plastic, I thought it would cut up easier but it keeps wanting to shatter like glass when you cut it. Use the ones with the more rubbery type of plastic.)

The plants look healthy and are overgrowing the screen in at least one case, a nice "problem" to have. They started under 125w cfl and then an additional 150 hps. They did not get into their totes in the big tent until about 2-3 weeks ago. I am growing in a 4 x 6 tent under 600w Cool Deluxe halide. Am adding another 400wHPS this week and changing the 600w to a pulse start 3k before I start the bloom cycle.

My goal is to have about 7-8 plants blooming while 6-7 plants are in cutting or veg stage to have a continual harvest, one plant every 10 days or so, since I am allotted only 15 plants total under the med law in Washington state. It will take time to manage things into the staggered/continual harvest because I started all the seeds the same day, but will start staggering them in next cycle as the first ones are finishing in February. Staggering the process will also help economize space since I can really only fit one girl in a tote at a time in my 3by3 tent. So each cutting should get 2 weeks to root and another 7 weeks to veg, with the final 10 days in her tote before flowering. Hopefully this will optimize the process. Not an exact science, but a work in progress.

Peace and good luck guys. Verdant, keep shining the light. Hope to share more later.


all i have to say is amazing well done
i am in the process of building at 250w cab and yours is an inspiration i only dream to achieve


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi mediscrogs - sounds like you've planned that out very well. veg time can be quite variable with scrog - you have to take into account the stretch when you flip it to 12/12. some of my strains will fill the screen and grow 6 inches above it from just 2 or 3 weeks veg, others you would have to veg onto the whole screen before you flip em. keep us posted how you get on. you will also find that clones- when you have picked your mums - are a little easier to scrog and more predictable.

hey cave good luck with the cab - try and get the environment as good as you can and the rest should follow :)

ozeek - yep if you get the tops 6 inches from the bulb then you can get good light penetration from 6-12 inches and fill that with buds

i'm just about to try a CMH bulb in my setup - waited 2 months or so for it to arrive and i paid the duty today so i should finally have it :elf:

got a couple more pics to post later



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
heres the JTR at 4 weeks, looking pretty good but not much frost yet.
canopy is a little uneven but not bad for a plant from seed - they always tend to be a little more skittish than clones ;)

and the 8/8 germ black forrest crosses i made :D


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looks great verdant

should be an awesome screen when that is done bro


Hi there again V.G;
I have been away from icmag as my final tests at college became harder.

Finally I am on Holiday!!!
Summer is comming also...some guerrilha garden is going to become real!!!

Some weeks have been gone, and your new strains are awesome.
It´s always a pleasure visit this thread!

I have bad news> I will have to move from my place.
And I will not be able to finish my run here.

I am thinking to flower them outdoors as they are vegging for 4 weeks!

Anyway, good luck with these new strains!
The black forrest is also great!

How far is she from ripeness, do you think?

All the best bro,



New member
I was looking at your cab pics and was wondering if your hood had any cooling?? To me, it looked as if the heat would rise to the top and be sucked out via the filter. How close are you able to get the light to the plants and if you could what are your outside temps, compared to the inside temperatures with the light on? Thanks for all your help!

Hella THC

I love that pic of your seedlings. 8 little uniform soldiers, all in a row and at attention!

Keep up the good work VG

- Hella


Hi Verdant, thanks for the advice. This is all a learning experience for me, starting with seeds and seeing what the plants do. I know it may not be the optimal way for all of them. So far it's really been a lot of fun to learn hands on.

I wondered if it might be easier with clones. I might want to top the clone because with the one main stalk I seem to be ending up with a bare spot in the middle of the screen.

So, has anyone tried this new cloning technique? Look, now they are two totes of Diesel instead of one. Is it really that easy?:

:xmasnut: lol

Unfortunately the new clone also appears small because I haven't figured out yet where or how to resize the photos so they appear big on the page. Help, waiting for a miracle. lol. :thanks: Peace


Nice work as usual, VG. I'm a big fan of modular ScrOG myself. Converted around '00 and won't be going back anytime soon...




Hey VG,
After your comments over on the yield/sf thread...I decided to check out your thread. I always seem to end up growing stretchy sativas and scrog could be the answer I'm looking for. It'll take me awhile to catch up here but should be fun.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
phew - what a day! - my cmh lamp finally arrived but wouldnt fit my reflector very well as the bulb is slightly wider. managed to get it in and hope it's ok.

also i have been squeezing a new little cab into my setup and have bought one of the 63watt LED lights to go in there - i'll be doing a parallel journal/test grow on that in the micro grows forum - should have it up by next week - more details then. :)
trying to build stuff where i have my grow is so awkward - the cabs are at one end uf my loft which is about 5 feet high at the apex, and trying to get around the sides of my existing cabs is just very tricky.
anyway i'm well on the way to having it ready. my back hurts, luckily i have some good medicine. :D


Dr Dog - thanks mate - yes the JTR is quite well hyped so it will be interesting to see if it lives up to it :)

slowmotionman - nope, no cooling - the glass of a cooltube cuts the light down so i try and get away without it - seems fine - just a tiny pc fan blowing between bulb and canopy and the extractor/filter above

NOF! - glad your finals are over - worth working at it really. i would say putting your plants out would be a grand idea - just be careful ;)

hey MediScrogs ive just been checking out your thread - looks good :)

Hella! - thanks for stopping by - need to work out what im to do with those seedlings - may go 12/12 and grow 4 of them as small sog style plants in one quarter - if i get enough females ;)

thanks sx646522, yes i love the modscrog too. first time i did it was the early nineties - i was growing in a cupboard 6 deep and 15" wide (door at one end) and 2' high. i 'invented' modscrog as the only way to grow in there - no internet then and hardly any books so i worked it out for myself. had to take the pots out one at a time to water them - happy days :D

EvilTwin - yes you can get a foot or so off the height using scrog. the modular bit means each plant is separate and you can get a good look at them. thread is a bit long but i took some good pics of training the Black Forrest - which is a proper almost pure sativa. my blueberry is insanely stretchy too.




Hey Verdant, question.

That diesel has already filled the tote. It's not supposed to be a huge plant, but it may stretch.

I can either use twist ties to get the branches down at the edges a little bit more, or I could supercrop the branches to gird them up and keep them from getting longer.

Any advice, what would you do?


New member
Thanks for the reply! how close are you able to get the light to the plants and if your able to what are temps inside while lights on and outside the cabinet? Thanks for all your help!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the reply, great job!

sorry mate - i missed you the first time but just edited your answer in. no cooltube, i have a temperature controlled 4" fan. the temps dont run much higher than ambient really.



Hey VG, I see you're still rocking the 250 with awesome results and been busy since the last time I checked in.
I'm interested in how those Cheese x BF turn out, hopefully it will be a stella cross for you.

will pop by later to see what else you're brewing...
