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Ventilation Suggestions


I have always sprayed BHO outside but I'm moving to a new house and want to know if what I want to do would be safe. There is a detached garage and workshop. I want to use the 5x10 workshop as my spot to spray. I have been researching brushless fans and also explosion proof fans without much luck as to what I need. My initial thought was some ducting placed near my collection dish area that would run to a window with a blower type fan exhausting outside. If anyone has suggestions I am all ears. I want to be safe but it would also be nice to not have to plan around the weather.


Never intended to be which is why I ask when I want to know more about something. On paper it seems that if I had nothing electrical in the workshop while spraying except an exhaust fan that is either brushless or explosion proof I would be ok. I won't try it until I know it's safe. I have done heavy research on every step in the BHO game. Not worth losing your life over. Thanks for your concern.
Regardless of how much research you do or how it looks on paper, it is not something to fuck around with. I'm glad you are aware of the danger.

Imagine the fumes collect beside the fan, your synthetic jacket creates a static spark, game over. It is highly unlikely that this would happen, but as you know it is not worth losing your life over or even enduring any type of accident. This is something that is best done in open air unless you are running a leak free closed loop system while being highly cautious. Please be safe my friend.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I recommend not. For the amount of time the actual blasting and initial purge take, consider your other options.

Disaster is when you have a 1.8% to 8.4% mixture of butane and oxygen in sufficient quantities to do damage, and it finds an ignition source.

Soooooooooo, consider how much fuel you have present, if you multiplied the volume of the can by 288, because that is how much it expands when it vaporizes, and again when it ignites and expands in direct proportion to the temperature rise, from 31.5F to about 3578F (Charles Law).

That is hot enough to melt steel, and the expanding gases will be looking for a way out of any enclosure, pushing it out of the way as is suddenly expands in the blink of an eye.

You can build exhausted enclosures suitable for running closed loop systems, because if they leak, it is at very low rates and the butane levels can easily be kept below explosive limits with high air flow.

To build one with enough air velocity to keep the butane below 1.8% open blasting indoors, would seriously affect the process.
Blasting indoors is a dicey proposition, but very doable if you are cautious. I know for us, we don't have any other viable options and have been doing so for the last year or so without any issue. Although risky, if you have a good process, work smart, you won't have issue even if you develop a leak.

Things to consider:

*Nothing plugged in within a foot or so of the floor.
*Get a powerful explosion proof exhaust fan that vents outside.
*Use several LEL devices at different locations and heights.
*Run dry ice/a cold extraction. The butane will stay in liquid form and if you do develop a leak, you can simply tighten the problem connection.
*use fans set up high to push the air towards the exhaust fan.
*use a long hose to exhaust the system outside before taking apart.
*close the butane recovery tank liquid side as soon as you are done blasting into your system
*be mindful of static electricity and how to dissipate it
*inspect equipment, connection points, gaskets often.

A lot of people run closed loops inside for a plethora of reasons. If you are aware of the implications of what might happen if things go wrong, it'll keep you from doing risky things. Obviously if you can run outside, that would be ideal


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
And you have a power failure? Of course you have a regularly tested backup system in place...

I put up a how to with pics at another forum and got slammed down out of ignorance. My setup is well thought out with contingency plans in place, but I'd rather not have what I know is an acceptable safely risk implemented in a compromised form by those who aren't familiar with thinking things through to clarity.


Señor Member
On paper it seems that if I had nothing electrical in the workshop while spraying

This is a major problem that many people underestimate... static electricity is EVERYWHERE my friend. Make the wrong combination of moves while wearing the wrong combination of fabrics and KABOOOOOOM!!!!!!!

Static electricity sparks happen when you least expect it.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
This is my thinking on ventilation, not saying anyone should implement this and think they're safer than going outside...

Move a lot of air, three twenty inch box fans from Home Depot stacked and lashed together and placed in a doorway with a cardboard baffle provides a lot positive air pressure. Imagine a long wind-tunnel, fans are blowing air into the tunnel at one end, and at the other end the extraction is done. For instance, the three fans are in a bedroom doorway (bedroom window open,) the rest of the house is closed except for an open outside doorway where you do the extraction. Everything must be shut off, furnace/air conditioner, fridge, water heater, etc., in case the power goes down, and the backup fails to kick in, in which case the evaporating dish can be moved a couple of feet to the outside and the door closed. I suggest working alone unless it's with a working partner.

Just go outside


Active member
Just open blast outside....honestly it doesn't take all that long to blast a can..or a dozen for that matter if you get your ducks in a row.

Or become a statistic eventually. Static electricity can really mess up your day when your dealing with butane...
And you have a power failure? Of course you have a regularly tested backup system in place...

I put up a how to with pics at another forum and got slammed down out of ignorance. My setup is well thought out with contingency plans in place, but I'd rather not have what I know is an acceptable safely risk implemented in a compromised form by those who aren't familiar with thinking things through to clarity.

Well, with a power failure, you'd just shut the system down. If you are running cold the whole time, you would end up wasting a lot of butane pouring it out, but it is better than wasting potentially good oil. We obviously don't blast when storming very often unless doing edibles as the high humidity could wreck havoc with your oil.

What you definitely should have is a backup recovery pump in case the one you are using craps out. I have ball valves so that i can disconnect my pumps and what not and not vent the butane that might still be in it

You do have to be very careful with those box fans as they aren't grounded, the motor is exposed, etc. That is why we only use them up high to push air.

The reality is that not all of us live in a state where you can somewhat legally blast. We take risks knowing the consequences.


Add in a hand held combustible gas detector and test what the butane does when it is released and where it goes in your space. Not just the alarms that RB mentioned.
I would say a 5x10 space is doable but you would need explosion proof fans.

jump /injack

Don't blast inside where there will be a detonation and your in the middle of the fireball thats over 3000 degrees. Even outside its dangerous, I posted a story of a guy blasting near a creek and he had an 'incident' and his hair was on fire, another both arms were on fire and the skin was dropping off like it does on barbecued chicken. What you have to do is understand that the potential for disaster and 3rd degree burns are always there, you'll be in a hospital for a long time getting skin grafted and then if in the wrong state you'll be doing some serious time. You've got some really smart and cagey people on this site and none will do it inside.


I'm going to have to agree with the majority of the vote myself..

Not worth it (.)------------> that's a period. :)
But all joking aside.

Even with a fume hood and explosion proof fans, anti-static gear (wristband, clothes, wet yourself with something etc etc..
The dangers of indoor blasting are too too risky, The last thing the cannabis movement needs is ignorant extraction procedures, leading to explosions resembling Meth-labs.
^ This fuels the anti-cannabis activists, arms them with valid points of danger.

My rant is not directed at anybody here, as the vast majority of the members here are significantly smarter than the average Honey Bear ;)

After being educated and thoroughly trained I would be open to one of them Modular Labs posted by RegisPhillBurn...

As a matter of fact, that was such a great link..
Here it is again...Really friggen cool concept, and I imagine the price point will drop as more sms more units are sold to Dispensaries, Clubs and Collectives...

I want one someday...lol



for explosion proof extraction fans,, check into spray booth fans,, a good company is 'auto body tool mart'.. they have anti static mats etc, that would also help your cause…


as long as ur fan. is pushing.. the butane away.. and getting its intake from a non butane concentrated air.. u should be fine.. I don't use a static proof fan or whatever.. I just took a box fan.. and put a cardboard box around it.. so that its pulling its intake air from farther away from the butane .. so no butane is getting sucked threw the fan.. the air is just pushing the butane away instead of sucking it threw the fan..

becareful.. and do it outside.