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Ventilation Question

Hey everyone, I'm sorry if this question seems stupid, but I was always taught there's no such thing as a stupid question.

I have a practice space in my garage (i'm a musician) that i also intend on using to start my ladies up, and I'm going to be using a 1000w HPS (which will only be on for 12hrs at a time). Now I'm going to have several fans to keep the air moving around the room, but I don't actually have any type of exhaust system. Is it okay to simply open the door for a few minutes every day to let the hot air out and fresh air in?

Thanks in advance for any help! :pimp3:
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Joe Hawkins

Active member
Fuck no, especially with a 1000 watter,your heat build up will be over the top, you will be much better off spreading the light around that space with 2 600's or even 1 600.

you will need exhaust and intake for any system

If you have to just leave the door open ALL THE TIME, that will help with air and heat exchange, you might get busted from prying eyes though.
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with a 1000w you will AT LEAST need a exhaust system if your room temps are optimal, if you are having heat problems then you will also need a intake to keep that light cool. some type of exhaust plan is really needed for most lights, you may want to consider doing flouro's.
Hey Joe, thanks for the info! Damn, even with the light on only 12 hours at a time, eh? The room is a pretty big space, about the size of a small bedroom. Well I already have the light so that's what I have to use. Unfortunately, I can't leave the door open 24/7. What if I can open it up for an hour or two a day? The garage that the room is in isn't insulated, so it would be getting some pretty cold air for those open hours. Would that be a possibility?

Also, there's an air conditioner in the room that draws its air right from the garage. Anyway I can turn that into a winning situation? Thanks again! :pimp3:
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hey Mr., thanks for your advice as well. I definitely can't do a fluoro deal right now. I might be able to get my hands on a 450w HPS from a buddy of mine, but I really want to use the 1000w if at all possible. :pimp3:
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Joe Hawkins

Active member
Ok if there is an A/c that changes things dramatically, but ac doesnt actually provide air exchange, it basically cools the air that is in the room. but this sounds ideal for a sealed room.
with a sealed room you still need air exchange but not constant like a normal room.
With a sealed room you would put in some kind of CO2 device as the plants only take in CO2 and release O2 the o2 occasionally needs to be exhausted, this is where you could prolly get away with having the door open for certain times, although not ideal, would work in this instance.

If you could though, cut a hole in the wall for exhaust that would only need to be on occasionally, (ive never done a sealed room before so dont know much about exhaust times and co2 build up etc, but there are millions of threads on co2 use etc)
At one Op I did, i cut a hole in the door , then replaced the door when I was finished
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Sweet! Thanks Joe, you just made me a much happier man! How would you recommend utilizing the air conditioner? I was thinking have it go on a few times during the light period to keep the temp "maintained" and allow the room to have a cooler dark period for bringing out some purple. Sound practical? What temp would you recommend aiming for? Thanks my good man! :pimp3:

EDIT: Hey, I actually have a square panel cut in the ceiling that used to house a bulb (I removed it). Would rigging a small fan up into that panel work?
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Joe Hawkins

Active member
you would really only need that a/c on during lights on for sure, recommended temps are aound 23-28 degrees celcius but I have extremely hot summers where I live and my plants constantly produce well in temps over 35 degs Celcius even with DWC my water temps got to 36 degs (not last xmas but the one before My babies didnt even blink an eyelid at a week of 44 DEGS C +) and i had no probs with yileds , stretch etc, MJ is a hardy plant that does best in hotter climates, and can survive so much abuse, it deserves its own anti violence TV campaign.
The temps I mentioned arent Ideal, just demonstrating that it will survive these temps and that was with adequate ventilation on at all times.

you have an a/c so id maintain at least 28 degs celcius ideally.

yeh put in an exhaust fan where that bulb was, and if you have to, when you move out, get it professionally fixed, easy as.

you will also need an intake for air, place this as low to the ground as possible, you could keep it passive as you have the A/c, as I said b4 have a search and look at the sealed room dynamic

you might need a dehumidifier for sealed environment too, but with only 1000 watts and an A?C see how you go first
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If that garage is in the front of your home, you don't want to use it to grow because too many people can walk up there---neighbors, delivery drivers, meter readers, kids, solicitors etc. .... Move it to the back of your home if you can.
Mackawber, thanks for the concern! The room is locked, soundproofed, and insulated, so even if someone did manage to go in the garage, they would still have no idea what's going on in the room. Also, it is detatched from the house. Good looking out my friend! :pimp3:
glad to see you're on the way to being a green thumb!! you may also consider a DIY carbon scrubber on that exhaust fan, extra security is never a waste!

Joe Hawkins

Active member
yeh carbon scrubbers and odour control are good, but ive only used it on 3000 watts, I found (in my circumstance) that 1000 watts really didnt need any odour control, and I was in a block of units on the third floor of a 4 story block, but it depends on a few things.
If you can vent to your roof space and install a whirlybird on top of you roof you might be able to get away with what I do.
I currently run 1200 watts with no odour control, im not advocating no odour control, just that ive found a way to bypass that aspect
Ok, so I've been doing a temperature check of the room so that everything is set when my beans arrive (hopefully tomorrow). Interestingly enough, the temps are staying much cooler than I originally thought they would. After a twelve hour light cycle, the room's peak temp is only 75 degrees F, and that's without fans creating air movement or A/C! My dark period seems to reach a low of about 56 degrees F after 12 hours! Will these temps work? Thanks! :pimp3:
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