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veg to sexed back to veg question


New member
I didn't have supplies at the time to try clones so I put my plants on 12/12 for two weeks and then switched back to 18/6. My ladies have been well into veg'ing for the past two months and at the internodes they keep producing calyxes. Not a lot of them, maybe one on each side of an internode.
I certainly have learned my lesson to clone rather than sex the original plants. A lot of wasted time. Will they stop doing this? Is this a bad thing? Did I F up? The plants are healthy and growing just don't know whats going on. I thought they'd have stopped this by now.


New member
I didn't have supplies at the time to try clones so I put my plants on 12/12 for two weeks and then switched back to 18/6. My ladies have been well into veg'ing for the past two months and at the internodes they keep producing calyxes. Not a lot of them, maybe one on each side of an internode.
I certainly have learned my lesson to clone rather than sex the original plants. A lot of wasted time. Will they stop doing this? Is this a bad thing? Did I F up? The plants are healthy and growing just don't know whats going on. I thought they'd have stopped this by now.

I don't know if you F'd up, you probably just slowed the process down a few weeks. Try 24hr light and reduce the nutes some. They should be okay, as there going to take some time to reveg. Post some pics so people can see whats happening and possibly offer better advice.


Active member
many strains will show sex after a certain age/maturity. it's not always light dependent. especially if they are root bound. if they are growing normally and not flowering u should be ok .. u have been vegging for two months?? u gonna flip (again) soon?


New member
oops missed the part that they have been back in veg for 2 months. Now that you know what they are I would start cloning, but that is just me.


In order to sex, you dont have to go 12/12 then switch back to 18/6. Hell you don't even have to clone. Follow these simple steps...
1. Take cutting from mom
2. Place cutting in a small cup of ph'd tap water
3. 12/12 the cutting(s)

They will show sex within a coupla weeks. Simples.

Oh, and my vegging plants ALWAYS show a few white hairs here and there during 18/6. If the plants are growing healthy and strong then no, you didn't F'up. As Gene said, just clone if your plants are big enough. Get your perpetual on NOW without wasting anymore time and you'll have some xmas smoke. Just do the above sexing method if you ever start from regular/bagseed again. Peace.


High country cat herder
Your plants are just fine! ;)

As Mowood said, many strains will show sex after a certain age. All of my motherplants have pistils on them, but are veging normaly. I've even had males open single pollen sacks in vege under 18/6 and pollenate the moms, (good reason to keep vege downwind of flower)


New member
Ok, shweet. Thanks a bunch folks.
grassott thanks for that info. I'll try that next time.
I will have some cloning supplies tomorrow. Once they show signs of roots I'm gonna flip the moms, they are getting a little large for my micro grow.
Again much appreciated!


^ flip now man. you can still take cuttings from a mom that's been in 12/12 for a week or so. i do it all the time. you wanna smoke your own dope on xmas day, or you wanna smoke some bogus shit from the streets at rip off prices? you know how there's ALWAYS a drought at xmas lol. peace.