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veg time for 1 gallon SOG ?


I root my clones in rockwool cubes and transplant into 16oz dixie cups. I planned on waiting for them to root the dixie cups, and then transplanting into the 1 gal pots. Would this be too long of a veg for a SOG? The strain is Northern Lights.

I imagine they would be about 8 to 12 inches by the time they were rooted into the dixie cups. My fear is this would be too big for the 1 gal pots too handle by the end of flowering.

Thx in advance for any help-


I grew NL once and it had very little stretch, so I think your plan sounds about perfect. Your pheno may not be like the pheno I grew though, so you never know.

Fill the pots all the way to the top so you get the most out of them. In theory its a sound gameplan. In reality, I guess you will find out huh :D I may try it myself, I have a bunch of extra soil and 1gal grow bags laying around...hrrm :chin:


kinda defeats purpose of sog a little bit, no? ideally you dont have to veg at all, making it that much faster.. how many are you able to fit per square foot?


the lorax said:
kinda defeats purpose of sog a little bit, no? ideally you dont have to veg at all, making it that much faster.. how many are you able to fit per square foot?

a week of veg is hardly defeating the purpose of SOG. It may be a little longer than conventional, but with NL maybe not. Like I said, not a big stretcher. With these indicas that dont' stretch at all you almost have to veg some.


I didnt see anywhere he said he was gonna veg for only 1 week.. didnt see it specified at all.. sounds to me like you picked the wrong strain for sog imo... but i guess plant density (per square foot)is a factor and that question hasnt been answered yet.

the only way i could see vegging a week in sog is with a 50-55 day strain and even then frankly i still feel it looses too much efficiency to justify the higher plant numbers involved in sog.
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I will be able to fit four per square foot. I guess what I could do is, instead of waiting for the dixie cups to completely root-up I could just transplant a little early...say with just a week of veg.

Guess it just comes down, do I want to have a nice root ball before going into flower with the greater chance of being root bound in the end, or having a small root structure going into flower resulting in a smaller yield but less chance of being rootbound at the finish.

...guess i'll just have to experiment with this for the next couple grows.


ultimately thats the best answer.. to find otu what works for you.. why not do both?

here is my suggestion if you only have 1 light: veg 1 week. then, after wk 1, take the girls that you want to start flo at that point with and move them into seclusion for 1/2 the day, then back under veg light, to simulate 12/12 cycle. just make sure they are put in a dark place with plenty of air flow. meanwhile you veg the others a little longer, and when they are ready to be put into flo, you can stop moving the earlier girls and just flo them all together.

this technique is a hassle because you have to move girls back and forth routinely on a daily basis and can be tough for those with tight schedules. however, its the only way I can think of off break to get your answer this very round.

good luck.


Active member
I use 1 gallon pots for flowering. You will have to make sure your fertilizer + water is more exact because there is less soil to serve as a buffer. You will also have to be watering more as the plants become rootbound. This is not necessarily bad as it is better to water more often than have the plants sitting wet for days. I would take cuttings before I put them into flower and this would also reduce the height. Wait 1 week for the plants to recover from being pruned before flowering.
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save yourself a transplant and just veg in your bloom room for 7-10 days and then trigger over..


I would start to flower them as soon as they fully rooted the cubes. Not the dixie cups. This way you will get more, of what you are wanting. I would also plant a few more than expected. You never know what will happen with those clumbsy grow bags.

Stan Laurel

Active member
Hey Presto :wave:
I think you'll do just fine. 've just finished a grow using a similar game plan. In fact the genetics were similar too, Bogglegum being NL#5xBG. I rooted the clones in rootriot cubes, moved them into 4" pots, and once rooted into 10" pots. I then vegged them until roots were coming thru the drain holes, then switched 12/12.
As mentioned before there's very little stretch on the NL, so the only thing I was concerned about was the rootball being large enuff to get a good yield. A couple of weeks of veggin should see you with a nice yield for your efforts.

Here's a few shots of how things worked out with 9 Bogglegum clones under 600w.

I'm very happy with the outcome from my first effort @ SOG style growing, and the only thing I might change in the future is lenghtning the veg time by a week or two. Still turned this lot round in around 12 weeks, so not bad @ all :joint:


@ 12 week turnaround why not just veg a month with an 8 wk strain and go krusty to reduce numbers?


Thanks for all the good replies. I think what I'm going to do is divide this crop into thirds. A third of them I will go from rooted cube directly to 1 gal bag into flowering with no veg time. Another will be vegged for a week in the dixie cups and then transplanted into 1 gal bags and placed in 12/12. And the last will be in veg until rootbound in the dixies, and then put into the 1 gal bags for flowering (maybe 2 weeks for this to happen, not sure though).

It will be a pain in the ass, and good labeling will be important with all the different start times, but I'm willing to do this so that I can find out what will work best in this situation. I am fortunate enough to have 2 seperate areas, one for veg and one for 12/12, so it won't be as bad as it sounds.

On a side note, I've done something similar with a different strain and I found that with one week of veg transplanting into 2 gallon pots yielding much better than going into 4 gallon pots. I'm thinking that going into the 4 gallon pots with such a small rootball hurt because much of the time in 12/12 the plants were trying to root that big pot rather than growing buds and budsites. The ones that got placed into the 2 gallon pots fared much better. I'm assuming they were able to root up the 2 gallon pots much faster and devote more of the energy into producing buds.


I'm thinking that going into the 4 gallon pots with such a small rootball hurt because much of the time in 12/12 the plants were trying to root that big pot rather than growing buds and budsites.
that and oxygen availability to the root zone in the smaller cans is greater. all that soil suffocates the roots. flippin the lights on xplant day into twice the soil is not something i would recommend doing. the only exception is long flowerin strains that dont put-out right away at the light flip anyway. ie: haze
good luck


Active member
I vegged my Sour Bubble 9 days, flowered at 7-9 inches high. 1 gallon pots were just fine.



Closet Funk said:
No veg. Transplant rooted clone into 1 gallon pot and flower right away.

Anyone who is saying no veg has obiously never tried a SOG in soil with a low stretching indica. I tried it once, no veg, straight to bloom from rooted clone, know what happened? My clones did not grow AT ALL. I got less than an 1/8th off every plant. It was nearly a completely wasted harvest.

There are strains that you can get away with no veg, and there are strains were a week of veg will increase your yields tenfold. NL happens to be one of the strains you need to veg.

Presto stick with your original plan, and you will be golden assuming you take care of everything on your end (ie. proper feeding).


BabyHughie said:
Anyone who is saying no veg has obiously never tried a SOG in soil with a low stretching indica. I tried it once, no veg, straight to bloom from rooted clone, know what happened? My clones did not grow AT ALL. I got less than an 1/8th off every plant. It was nearly a completely wasted harvest.

thank you!!

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