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Veg/Flower lighting question on new room

Hey guys, just building out the first room that is all mine, I used to borrow some space from a friend to grow out some plants and one time I got to use the whole basement but that was only one run. Now I have the space all to my self and I'm building it out to accomodate the sizes I want. I'm going with 12x8 in flower, sealed with co2 and I'm going to need AC but I don't really know anything about them and need help on size and what type I should get. Going with 8x8 for veg, curious on what type of lights I need in there, I have a 4' 8 bulb bad boy and I was thinking I could throw it on a light mover and call it a day, or I was thinking a 400mh to get them ready for the flower room, I'm not sure which to do. Same with the flower, I want to run 4 1000w preferably vertically in cooltubes, I'd run bare but I feel like I can get in 6 more plants at least if I have the cool tubes on there keeping them cool. I'm debating doing two vert and then 2 in cooled hoods on a mover, but again, want your guys opinion.

Thanks for making it through my long winded rant, I'm very excited to have complete control and want to make sure I do everything right. For what it matters I'm running coco hempys and in flower there is going to be a max of 24 plants, veg between 24 and 36 run perpetual:thank you:


This is just my :2cents:, but you would do well to keep the (or add similar) fluoro. Still, if you're bound and determined to use HID, the CMH is a much better lamp than a MH lamp for veg.

Honestly can't say as to big or many, or even a sealed room. So, this will serve more as a bump for those who know.
Cool, I was thinking do the T5s until flower but I have always ran atleast one 400mh, last run I had a 1000mh but that was messing up my temps bad since I didn't have A/C in my veg besides one vent from the house system and now my new room is the exact same I have one vent from the room on the cieling since I'm in the basement and then in the flower same thing, I'm trying to get away without A/C but I'm not really sure if I'm going to be able to. I'm running perpetual starting from mostly seeds and keeping my plant count way down. I'm allowed to have 72 based on MI law but I want to be under 48 total 12-20 flowering at the most pending on veg time, I can turn 1 or 2 lights off if I have to until I can afford A/C since a light mover is going to be cheaper than A/C obviously.

Thanks for the respone, I'll stick with the t5s, then keep them away from the 1000s hps a bit in the flower room until they're going tword it beggin for more.

Anyone have any new tricks on light set up in flower? I was thinking run my two MH/HPS dual spectrum in the middle of the room which will be the middle aged plants, hit them with HPS right when they get into the flower and then finish them under the MH but I've heard conflicting opinions on what spectrum to use, hence why I have the dual spectrum, they work nice but after watching some friends it seems that HPS makes bigger buds but I could be wrong


My apologies, I didn't mean to imply that MH wouldn't do the job. They've been used in labs for several decades and for 3 or 4 decades for vegging weed, now (and some have even used them for flowering)! But, in general, blue for veg and red for flowering. With more than a few finding a mix of spectrum during veg, a better result. lol...Which is why I suggested the CMH.

Still, however you go, I do wish you good luck, though! :tiphat:

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