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veg clones that were flowered for three days



I received three clones that had been flowered for three days. I gave them a big drink and 1/2 strength buddhe grow and 1/2 strength earth juice catalyst.

they still seemed stressed...some upper leaves are yellowed and they seem to be a little droopy. looking better though since day one. i have had them on 24hr light for three days now.

the clones are strawberry couch and they are all between 24-36 inches. i want to take clippings and start a few for the second go round. but i plan on flowering the three i have once they get acclimated and hydrated.

question is: will switching the lights along with letting them really dry out stress them out pretty good? how long should it before they dry out.

i have a 400watt air cooled hood with (2) three foot flouro tubes for undergrowth light. i have an oscillating fan that is letting them get great air flow...temps inside the tent are between 68-74 at all times.any suggestions?

tube dude

Being on 12/12 for three days shouldn't stress them too much. Pictures would help. The yellowing wouldn't be comming from stress. Could they be root bound? What is the ph of your soil mix? We would all like to help but really need more info.


i am going to take some pics of the leaves...some aren't looking any better. stay tuned...


they were bone dry and i gave them half strength buddha grow and 1/2 strength earth juice catalyst...ph was 6.5 when i watered. i never check the ph of the runoff..

what is the best way to check the ph of the soil? i am using FFOF







some pics are better than others and out of the three girls, the bad stuff is shown. there is very little issues but there are a few on mainly one plant. all three are a touch droopy and i make sure for very thorough wet/dry cycles. i have a moisture meter and i dont water till one plant measures three different locations of 1 out of 10 in regards to the moisture meter


Active member
have you heard of taking flowering clones? they take a little longer to root, but they turn into BEASTS!!!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Didn't I already answer this in another thread?

Try and take cutting before flipping lights and nutes. You'll save time and end up with healthier plants.

That being said, if you just insist on making things more difficult than necessary, you can cut clones late into the flower cycle. But if you have the plants ready now then why wait?


thanks guys about letting my know i can take cuttings from the flowering plant. the reason i posted pics was to ask specifically about the symptoms i am seeing...any help would be appreacited


"Hey bud, lets party!"
i always like to let my plants dry out and get nice and thirsty before watering them again.


down there tonight and its as if there were a couple small flies/gnats flying around. saw one on a leaf....

tube dude

Looks like a bit of a magnesium def to me. Add 1 tsp of epsoms salt per gal of water at next watering. You can add nutes to the same water, it wont hurt anything. Or you could add a more expensive product, like cal mag or something. I'm just saying Epsoms salt works well and cost next to nothing. I buy mine at the grocery store.


i have a hard time believing there is any deficiency at all...i have very rich soil and feeding every watering at 700ppm...if anything i believe i need to flush.

anyone agree or disagree?


i have a hard time believing there is any deficiency at all...i have very rich soil and feeding every watering at 700ppm...if anything i believe i need to flush.

anyone agree or disagree?


here they are...i just flushed this baby with a lot of ph'd 6.4 h20....
this is the pics I took right before the flushing. it got worse