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Variety.... The Spice of Life!!!


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
hey bud, good looking grow so far, took me a few days to get caught up after my trip out west. I actually chopped mine down the other day and am going to be jarring them soon, ill get pictures and get them up soon!


Active member
Well, bozo, noone can accuse me of paying too much attention :D Glad to see you're enjoying yourself round these parts!

Soulfly, so you're moving back to Cali, and my boy's decided to come back from there to CT. Decided the attitudes out there didn't agree with him. That's OK, though, he's bringing some DP Jorge's Diamonds #1 back with him, and I've wanted to try that since I 1st saw it!

Thanks for the compliments, I'm having a lot of fun doing this one, though it is a little hard to manage, what with the tight spaces around the tables!

Congrats on the chop, you must have been waiting a long time for these!!! Looking forward to the pics!

All the best,TG


Active member
Hey there all :wave:

Want to start this update by sending some love to my boy cellardweller! Let's all hope he's back with us ASAP!

So here's how things stand.

Flipped everything on the 2nd, so I'm almost 2 weeks in! Been doing some supercropping, but I'm outta headroom. So I use this product called Bushmaster. Works GREAT for stopping the stretch dead in it's tracks. About 3 ore inches is all it'll stretch after using this shit. I think it kicks ass for growers with short ceilings.

I put up some panda plastic up close to the flowering tables to get some reflectivity. Pain in the ass! My back hurt like you wouldn't believe after I did that. This will show you guys what I'm talking about.

So here's how things are looking now!

I met up with an old friend I was outta touch with for like 5 years. This guy's in his mid 40's, and except for the last 5 years, he's been growing since he was a teenager! He's grown some of the most exceptional pot I've ever smoked, and let me tell you, was he shocked to learn I'm growing now!!!

So he gave me a few pointers, and 1 I've decided has some SERIOUS merit. Y'all know the pain in the ass fan leaves can be? And how it's not a good idea to chop them off?

Well, he said he did something that makes perfect sense. He would tie them off to the stem, using masking tape. I decided that I've got enough gardening twist ties to make do with that.

This is the biggest plant I got in flower. A strawberry cough I decided to flower mainly because I ran outta room in my veg closet!

I think it works very well. It gets the fan leaves outta the way, tucking them under, and they can't spring back up! The light penetration has increased an awful lot, too.

Here's the veg closet. Things were getting outta hand, so some haircutting was in order. Needless to say, my fridge is awfully green right now :D

Here's the RKS mom, after giving up some kids.

My kerosene kush mom. She started off a little slow, I snapped the stem almost in half trying to LST it, and it took a long while to rebound.

This poor super skunk cut has taken FOREVER to grow, the poor thing was under the canopy in the closet for the last 1 1/2 months!

And last but not least the cuts I took. Using 5 of them with my 125 CFL I'm gonna hang vertical. The rest will fill in spaces as they become available.

All the best,


Wow TG I've zoned out in this thread for like an hour! good read, nice work!! Peace Sal


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice update TG.looks like you been a busy man in there bro.
can you get a closer pic of how you tied the leaves back?
somethin i noticed is,sometimes when theres a cut that is slow for whatever reason like urs is,i take a cut from it and the cut takes off real nice and passes up the original in no time at all.idk just a suggestion bro.peace.-T-
Hey TG figured I would check in and say whats up? I see things are progressing along very nicely here; your setup is very nice! :joint:

Hope you're doing well as well; me personally I'm wishing it was outdoor season now lol take it easy bro.


Active member
Sal, thanks, man! Glad to suck you in like that! Goes to show what these forums can teach you!!! 1 year ago, I wouldn't have been able to design the areas, or grow the plants anywhere as well!

Thanks, Prof! So do I!

Thanks, T. I'll make sure and take some better pics of the fan leaf tie down I did tonight.

You know, I had noticed, if I remember correctly, JD had a cut of the white that took a long time, and when he finally took a cut, it rooted quickly. I'll have to remember that in the future. I still think it was just slow because it was so far under the canopy it didn't get enough light to grow. I'm just gonna make it one of the plants I put under the CFL. Definitely didn't explain well that I plan to flower 5 clones around my CFL. So the small SS cut will be perfect.

Nice to see you, SDS! How's everything in the land of "higher" education? Thanks for the compliment, wish you could be doing the same! OD season can't come soon enough for me either, but I'm sure it's buggin you more than I!!! Here's to a good '09, bro! :joint:

All the best,


TG: Thanks again for today! Very nice meeting the both of you. Good luck with the grow. You got some nice shizi there! Stay Safe! Peace Sal


Active member
I had a great time too, man! Thanks for the compliments!!!

What happened to Mr. Miyagi's joint????? He too stoned?

All the best,


Active member
OK, so I promised to put some pics up a couple of days ago, and I haven't done it.

My bad!

OK, so here's what I was speaking of about tying off fan leaves.

I'm starting to think it only really works if you wait for the stretch to end. I tie off fan leaves near the canopy, and 3 days later, they're nowhere near the top! So I'll probably rearrange them once they've stopped stretching. Which they pretty much are, thanks to that bushmaster.

Figured I'd take some closer pics, too! Can't remember what they all are, but I'll list the ones I remember.
Lemon Godzilla

Dirty Harry

Skunk Chunk

And the one I can't remember. Think it's a sensi star x skunk #1

Here's a Dirty Harry, it was kind of pissed with my letting it get so close to the light, so I had to do something drastic.

Decided to throw my Super Skunk mom into the flowering room to replace a LG I completely neglected to realize was a male!!! Got enough cuts off it, so no biggie losing that specific plant.

Besides, I'm about to try semi-banzai moms, so I can keep them all in my 8 sq ft veg area!

All the best,


Active member
Yeah, man, had a good time in light of why we got together. Thanks for the compliment!

That LG is something else, huh?

All the best,
Hi Thatguy, nice looking grow you got there! I saw you are using bushmaster.... I am in my first grow in a cabinet and a DR40 grow tent so I dont have a lot of space. I am using DWC so my plants quickly outgrew my space so I bought bushmaster to control/stop the stretch but I think I burned my plants using it..... How much do you use and how many time have you tried it? Any input would be great, thanks a bunch!


Active member
Well, it's only the 2nd time I will have used it, but 2 other friends of mine have as well.

We use it in our res. Don't know the levels they have used, but I start out at 4ml per gal in plain water, then use that level for 2 days. Then I top it off (for me, usually 8 gal for the fill, then another 4 for the top off) with 6ml per gal for a 3rd day. Then empty the res and start nuting again.

They still stretch about another 3 inches or so, but then it stops.

Out of curiosity, how did you use it?

All the best,


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Looking good brother! Sorry I havent been around much - on vacation right now down in the Florida Keys =) I have pics and an update ready to go from my own grow, ill toss it up when I get back home. Keep up the good work man!


Active member
Hope you're having a good time down there! Haven't been to the keys for 14 years.

How's the weather down there? Hope you're nice and warm, it's cold as hell up here.

All the best,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup TG hehe my high ass just saw that last pm from you today LOL i'll gget back to ya in a few yo.
i used that bushmaster before too bro,it was cool ,they have another one called gravity and one called purple maxx too,all from that humboldts own company.i used all of them before at once.the others worked ok for me,gotta be careful though cause they will have some ill effects if ya go too strong with them.i stopped usin them after i started goin thru it like crazy...them lil bottles are waxxin yo.
peace bro,still enjoyin the show brotha.peace-T-