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Lookin pretty good if not a bit cramped in there..how was that irrigation to set up? and do you think you could use something like that on a soil grow?
Hope you ate alot of turkey..:muahaha:


Active member
Thanks, Prof, I did the best I could with a shitty space. About the bud, I don't know if it will be soon enough. I think I'll run out before then! I'm smoking SO much more now.

CD, you think THAT looks cramped? Imagine, it was 17 sq ft before, now it's 25!!!! They had NO room.

The irrigation system was a little bit of a bitch, but mainly because I only have access to 3 sides, and 2 of them have the sloping ceiling from the roof, which means I have to bend over to do shit. My back hurt like a fucker after that!

Otherwise, it's pretty straightforward. A res, under the drain table (at least for my recirc system ), a pump, 1/2" inside diameter black rubber tubing with end caps, T's, and 1 L, either simple stake drippers, which I used in my SOG ( they're a 1/8" ID plastic tube attached to a stake ) or basket-style drippers, which I use now and like more, though they're more of a bitch ( you have to get 1/4 ID plastic tubing and attach it to the dripper yourself ), a drill, and a timer (also not REALLY necessary, especially for soil ).

With my coco/perlite, I don't care about pump runtime, so my timer's only got 15 minute increments. But I don't think that would be so good for soil, so a digital timer would work better, allow for much shorter runtimes, and also be able to be set every few days, or whatever. Otherwise, it would be pretty similar. If you're going to do drain to waste, then a res could be sourced almost anywhere. Just remember that pumps are only good to pump upwards a couple of feet.

Then I just make an arm for each row of plants, and drill holes in the 1/2 tubing where I want to source the drippers. Then wedge the 1/4 or 1/8 tubing into the 1/2, plug the dripper in, and you're good to go!

Hope I didn't make that more complicated sounding than it really is, I'm bad at that!

No turkey, bro. The woman's family went away for the holiday, and all my family's outta the region. But I'm not the biggest fan anyhow.

All the best,

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man nice list of plants, is that the real deal roadkill skunk? There's a lot of people looking for that cut.


Active member
Sure do believe it is, BR! It, along with another bean that never popped, were given to me, specifically so I could get them grown out, as they were old.

So let's hope it's a girl!

All the best,


Active member
OK, so I just flipped the lights off about 20 minutes ago :D :D :D

Now we see what's good!

All the best,



Yeah, I am thinkin about a drip system to go with my 2L bottles..but I gotta get that cab and wall done first..reminds me..gotta stop eatin all this budder..


Those plants are looking awesome thatguy those leaves are huge now on to find the keepers.Thanks for laying out the irrigation system as i might build one later down the road when i'm outta this place.


Active member
Finding them now, bro!!!!

This is worth mentioning NOW!

It's OFFICIAL, the Roadkill Skunk is a GIRL!!! :jump: :D :woohoo: :cool: :yummy: :headbange


:jump: :jump:
you only had one? and it turned out to be a girl?

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Next time you have old beans try this.... soak them in water for 12 hours. Take tweezers and gently crack the seed (on the side where it would normally crack), then place in wet paper towel. This usually works. ... congrats on the girl... now clone the shit out of it lol, now all ya need is a male.... any RKS males out there??? there's a fine young RKS fem looking for a mate!!!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
not that its the right time for me to be givin advice on seeds but......
ive done this with some old seeds and it worked...
take a fingernail file/emory board you know the disposable thin wooden ones?
break it in half and glue half of it to a matchbox,the little ones ya slide open for wooden matches.(both at dollar store)
put ur seeds in and shake it for like 60 seconds.it will sratch up the shell of the seeds and make it thinner and easier to pop.
you can then paper towel them like you usualy would.i put mine strait to dirt when i did this and they popped.
i will be using the paper towel method from now on though. :joint:
keep up the work brotha.peace-T-


Active member
Thanks for the scoring tips, guys! I've never tried it, mainly because I didn't feel comfortable with fucking with the beans. But knowing so many of you guys do it makes me much more comfortable with the idea.

T, it's nice to see you finally stop by! Just because you're having an issue don't mean that you don't know shit, bro! Besides, your problem has nothing to do with the specific issue at hand. Thanks a lot, I have much :respect: for your opinions, bro.

Thanks, BR! That definitely sounds like it would make it much easier for it to break the shell, but I'd still be scared I'd crush it. Hopefully someone has a RKS male, huh? That would be fuckin SWEET!

Right, CD! 1 for 1 on that makes up for the 0 for 2 on my OG haze x SK#1, and my 0 for 3 on GDP x Legend's ultimate indica. However, I did find good males outta both, so I guess it's not a total loss.

I selected 4 males, 1 OG haze x SK#1, 1 GDP x legend's ultimate indica, 1 sensi star x sk#1, and a skunk chunk. They all are quite bushy, especially the SSxSK#1. And they all have a noticeable odor. The OG haze x SK#1 you can actually smell haze on it, the ssxsk#1 smells funky and musky, the GDP x LUI smells slightly fruity and floral, and the skunk chunk has a smell I can't even describe. REAL funky, kind of nasty, honestly.

Thanks again for the tips, guys! So here's where things start to get interesting :D

All the best,


Let me pick your brain a little on the Passion1..
for me, she seems to be a slow vegger. Did you notice that as well? and she's not liking being fed too much either. I will say that her clones are rooting faster than anyone else and I have high hopes for them rather than the donors..
I think you should cross the RKS with the SC..:2cents:


Active member
That sounds like a good cross, man. I was thinking of crossing the RKS with the OG haze x SK#1, though. No reason I can't do both, though!

I'm gonna do a bunch of shit, actually. I got so many girls, and the 4 boys, so why the fuck not?

Already answered you on the P#1, and I sure hope I'm right, because I'd love to see how that comes out ID!

All the best,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup TG ..bro,im always in here man.dont think just because i dont always have time to post on everyones thread i aint always lurkin...i must have almost a hundred subscribed threads yo so its hard to post in them all everyday but i try maing.

sounds like some interestin crossin about to go down bro...
gonna be here watchin fasho.peace-T-


Active member
No, I believed you when you told me you'd been by, just saying I was glad to see you!

I can believe how long it must take to respond to everyone, what with how slow shit's been.

Sure hope there's gonna be some interesting crosses, they all sound like they'd be good! Sounds like you'll be doing some your own self. Nice!

Pics soon, I promise. Kind of hesitant, what with all the multiple hour horror stories I've heard in the past week or so.

Gotta take some cuts for myself tomorrow and more on Mon, and give them back to the originator, to make sure there's doubles.

Then I'm going with a good friend out of state next weekend to meet his friend and do a little trading :) So I'll be adding some Great White Shark to the list soon enough!

All the best,


Active member
Honestly, bozo, sometimes I wish I didn't have the tolerance I do... but then I think of how much I love puffing!

I always love getting to try new strains, and those 2 got some good ones! I especially liked the Kalichakra.

Gonna start a thread? I'm always interested in seeing new plants :D

Glad to please with the thread! I'm lovin it myself, and can't wait to try them all!!!

All the best,