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Originally Posted by NeonBlack
I've been using a vaporizer since 2002 or so. I started off with an Aromazap and am on my third one. It works really well and tastes great. I've used ones that come with bags and it always struck me as a little bit gross for some reason. The Aromazap is relatively cheap, round $100 or so shipped if I remember correctly. They are pretty durable I suppose, but the wire on the AC adapter tends to wear out first, then the heating element gets a little loose, then the solder joints break.. Like I said though, I'm on my third one because it looks and works well. Just don't be surprised when it wears out with heavy use.

I used the Aromazap for a couple years, it definitely gets the job done, but after time I found the stems start to get a little clogged and just seem to start hitting a little harsher. Then you're ordering new stems from time to time which start adding up since they aren't that cheap.
The one thing I really like about the Aromazap is that it is very easy to control how much herb you use since you can easily limit the number of stems you vaporize in one session.

I recently ordered the Vapor Tower, which has been treating me very nicely! I'd highly recommend it to anyone that doesn't mind spending a few bucks on a vaporizer. It produces a very very smooth hit, and it's very easy and cheap to maintain.
I've never been fortunate enough to try out the Volcano but it's definitely something I'd like to do.



yeah.......If I could drop 5-600 dollars on something this would be it.
Is it really worth it?
That was a question not a statement. :joint:


It really is worth it....could never go back to smoking all the time. I've been hooked on the Volcano since the first few bags I tried at a friend's.....


Registered Cannabis User
asa42 said:
... ime the bag system is not for me. between the bag vs whip style there are many options all based on preference. i'd lucked out & got to try 1 of each style before gettin a vape brothers. it has proved to be a good starter for me. but as advancements come out many are not compatable w/my unit. things like 2 piece whips that make screen changes/cleanings easier might appeal to you... i wish ya happy findings!

asa :joint:

I have a vape brothers as well with the cool colors coming off the heating mechanism.. I like whip style, though I have never tried the bag. vaping is definately the way to go though. I find I'll get higher off of vaping. I used to be a heavy smoker but vaping is the way to go if you dont have anything to do all day as you can pack up the whip, take one rip out of it and be fine for a few hours..come back and do it agian. one whip pack will last me all day most times!

give it a try man...definately worth it. only around 100 bucks too depending on where you're buying it...internet or headshop
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Which is the best out of the Herbalaire, SilverSurfer, Natural goods, and Vapolution? Im guessing not the vapolution but out of the others. Which is best? Which is most efficient? Any opinions are welcomed.
Thanks, peace
i really like the volcano, im thinking about getting a vapor dome for it. some friends say they dont get the harsh high they like with the volcano compared to smoking. i think theyre just conditioned, dont know what theyre talking about and take my volcano for granted. i think vaping is great..and ive gotten stoned stupid off of them..my volcano even makes schwagg taste delicious...you really get to taste the herb. now that ive been vaping for a while..i dont even like smoking it tastes kindve icky...and i realized how much of the bud i wasnt tasting all this time.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Just to add my 2 cents. Make sure that if anybody gets the natural goods vape, you get one w/ the fan at the back. The one w/ the fan at the bottom is old stock and breaks. I don't think I have read this anywhere.... hope this saves somebody some time.

With that being said, it is a good product and gets me and the friends very smashed w/ very little weed. The taste is the best... hands down. I can't smoke a bong or j any more... they taste like charcoal. I think knowing the temp is helpful. Some strains make you cough at different temps. High temps (closer to combustion) get me more stoney than trippy/up high, but the type of weed has more effect on the quality of the stone.

Good luck!
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thanks, any more people? Also, is the Evolution a good vape and if it is, how about for $250? I wish I could afford a volcano but thats not a option. So evolution at $250? that's half price


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
was a bit pricey,but its a great bit of kit
some weeds make u cough a little ,but the flavour is superb
as for the high,compared to a joint ,it hits me better and faster with less herb useage
use mine everynight at 350f


Matter that Appreciates Matter
varriform, everybody is gonna tell you "buy the vape I have!", but I must say, check out the natural goods vape. Your local headshop might have it. I like the whip style because it feels more like smoking than vaping from a balloon. Also, the natural goods vape can be had for under 200 USD shipped and has a temperature readout (which breaks on the fan on the bottom model).

m@rg - I find that lowering the temps to around 165-175C you will cough less. I normally vape around 190C. It all depends on the strain. Who knows how these things measure the temps though.
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Sneak attack critical

I've been using one of these for the last three weeks or so...
Safe to say, it has replaced all of my glass gear as my favorite utensil.

It appears to be a knock-off of a Vapor Brothers model, yet it features an LCD panel that shows the temperature of the heating element. It sold for $100 at a local glass store, but I grabbed it at a half-off sale for $50.

It rocks me in a special way that a bowl or bong never could. The first few times I used it, I got blazed like I was 15 all over again. To this day, it still delivers a punch, and tastes great, too.

I've blazed at least 8 different strains with friends and every single time the vapor was delicious, distilling the flavor of the bud down to its essence and delivering it straight to your dome.

I used to think vaporizing was nothing but marketing hype and total bullshit, and I've happily taken my words, ground them to a coarse powder, packed them into my whip and toked at 360˚ F...