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Vaping over rated??


Anyone else think vaping is over rated?....I mean its "healthier" I get it and I was totally on the bandwagon before. I had a Arizer Extreme vape and if your going to vape or for medical reasons need 2 I suggest this one its everything a volcano is and more at half the price. I just found that all the extra crap and time was too much work for my simple stoner ass. Also I replaced the vape with a 6 tree single perked bong with a carbon filter that hits as clean without all the warming etc. So I guess if you are on the fence about a vape you may be happier with a nice perked tube. Dont get me wrong I like all types of smokin, I have always just been a bong and pipe guy. Maybe im just getting to be one of those ol fuckers stuck in my ways, I just dont have time for all this fan dangled fancy crap lol.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
I feel if im too busy to take 5 min to warm up my vape and fill a bag or clean my bong and change the water before consuming then I think perhaps Im too busy to properly enjoy the herb. I know what your saying often times i fall into the habit of loading the bowl over and over without regard for the weed im smoking... its more of a habit the an enjoyable hobby. But when I take the time, to perform the ritual, I enjoy the smoke and experience all the more. So 5 min does not seem like a long time to setup a vape, especially if the experience is going to be a great mind throbbing 4 hours psychedelic high. The weed deserves more respect and so do I. I dont want to disrespect my herb that I spent 4 months cultivating and I dont want to disrespect myself by cheating myself out of the experience via a busy mind that can't slow down enough to endorse the ritual let alone fully enjoy the high. just my perspective though...


well....you always have to smoke (more)the old fashion way after Vaping....and I have got that tickle in the chest from a vaporizer , that tickle that makes you cough non stop for hours straight
vape??...meh...I'll pass


as someone with asthma, hell no, vaping is not over rated.

but vaping oil is where it is at.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Under-rated maybe, but certainly not over-rated.

You don't burn the plant material, it's WAY more efficient, and its better for you . . .

I have an Extreme and a Volcano, I would never recommend the Volcano again after using the Extreme, it's every bit as good.

Anyways you control the high with the temp you vape at . . . way way better taste . . .

Under rated :)


I feel if im too busy to take 5 min to warm up my vape and fill a bag or clean my bong and change the water before consuming then I think perhaps Im too busy to properly enjoy the herb. I know what your saying often times i fall into the habit of loading the bowl over and over without regard for the weed im smoking... its more of a habit the an enjoyable hobby. But when I take the time, to perform the ritual, I enjoy the smoke and experience all the more. So 5 min does not seem like a long time to setup a vape, especially if the experience is going to be a great mind throbbing 4 hours psychedelic high. The weed deserves more respect and so do I. I dont want to disrespect my herb that I spent 4 months cultivating and I dont want to disrespect myself by cheating myself out of the experience via a busy mind that can't slow down enough to endorse the ritual let alone fully enjoy the high. just my perspective though...

Well said, I think its a shame how much of a hurry we let ourselves get into. Peace thanks for the insight.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
to all you guys who believe vaping is overrated... please try the volcano (on about7 or 8) as it completely changed my views on vaping... you may still feel the same way, but for me, it was the first time I actually vaped and got high...and I was really high :)
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Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
under rated big time. vaping should be way more popular than it is.

the taste is 2nd to none. unbelievably great. makes me smack myself for not vaping all the weed I ever grew and smoked. sigh.

ya the only downside is it can be slower paced. which is usually a good thing

remember, do your research and buy a good vape the first time.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I still love smoking.... Someone up there said you have to vape to properly enjoy the herb....nah, there is no "proper" way to get high. Everyone has their own opinions. I like vaping, I like edibles....but nothing is like burning a big fat greeny and enjoying the whole damn thing ;)


Im a joint man, always have been, always will. I used to own a Volcano but i just never got into it, it just never felt like i was getting high, same goes for the Verdamper, i smoked half a gram of Northern Lights x Silver Pearl in the Katsu coffee shop through one & i just didnt feel high. I have a Hurricane TDE 1000 bong that gets you mashed, but for me you just cant beat a pure, backward rolled joint for getting high.


its not my favorite way of toking but i definitely enjoyed the one time i tried a volcano. i dont like the idea of sucking out of a plastic bag, and i think the taste leaves a bit to be desired (i really enjoy the taste of burning bud).
Vaping is underrated. I had a volcano for a year and only used it half the time because it was so slow. Now I have da buddha and you can make it last, or you can go through bud just as quickly as smoking. I never smoke anymore now that I have da buddha


Under evaluated but especially very ignored!
The vaporizer is still has the Stone Age, can people knows this technique and much has vaporizer of first generation which function badly.


Active member
smoking is overrated

i mean the volcano guives a better and stronger effect and i use way less than before

i'll never go back to smoking again


as someone with asthma, hell no, vaping is not over rated.

but vaping oil is where it is at.

I hear ya I have really bad asthma too, I just found a well perked bong to be really kind to my lungs. Also with the carbon bulb that the smoke goes through before the main bath takes alot of bad stuff out, my glass below the carbon doesnt change color, its still clear and it hasnt been cleaned in weeks. Im glad you brought asthma up cause vapes and perked tubes really help us guys out. Peace.
The round piece just below the ash catch it the carbon, you fill it with carbon and change as necessary, I guess its a take off from a roor invention.



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
I Just read this thread.. haven 't vaped for few days, so i just loaded the volcano with the leb i've been smoking for few days...i'm very high :biggrin:

C21H30O2 said:
I feel if im too busy to take 5 min to warm up my vape and fill a bag or clean my bong and change the water before consuming then I think perhaps Im too busy to properly enjoy the herb. I know what your saying often times i fall into the habit of loading the bowl over and over without regard for the weed im smoking... its more of a habit the an enjoyable hobby. But when I take the time, to perform the ritual, I enjoy the smoke and experience all the more. So 5 min does not seem like a long time to setup a vape, especially if the experience is going to be a great mind throbbing 4 hours psychedelic high. The weed deserves more respect and so do I. I dont want to disrespect my herb that I spent 4 months cultivating and I dont want to disrespect myself by cheating myself out of the experience via a busy mind that can't slow down enough to endorse the ritual let alone fully enjoy the high. just my perspective though...

nice post !!! got to really enjoy your herb :)

JamieShoes said:
to all you guys who believe vaping is overrated... please try the volcano (on about7 or 8) as it completely changed my views on vaping... you may still feel the same way, but for me, it was the first time I actually vaped and got high...and I was really high
Same here !

Hey THC123, I'ld love to stop smoking, but... you ll see next...

vaping is underrated, but i say it is different than smoking, so it's more an opinion to pick up one which is best. I found vaping nice for chilling out at my place, on ic, watching to my garden, but it gets me wayyy too high to go to class, have a normal conversation, even do decent shopping(while being quite fun...)

It does not have the same effect, and i'ld guess vaping is more for people who wants to take one or two hits a day. because with low doses, by vaping, you can get all the very subtles variations of the high, that means you're not fucked up but still you can get the euphoric, energyzing, calming, social... high while being able to function and notice it with almost clear head.

I also found that heavy doses through the volcano will put you in a state like under heavy doses of edibles... ! i had my very first hallucinations with herb by vaping some outdoor kali mist, that was not much but i could see the wood of the wall moving slowly. that was during my experiment to see how far you could go with volcano balloons...

that's funny, i haven 't been able to go up to 12 standards balloons (until i totally forgot the experiment, which happened 3 times, than i gave up :) ), which is around 2 joints i usually roll, and around 1/1.2g. and i can smoke up to 2/3g without being that high... so i guess yes it is more efficient, especially when you try to reach the high temperatures (8/9).

and i guess it is always good to tell people you don t smoke marijuana, but you take it in a healthy way(at least mostly), so they understand that the only harm marijuana can cause is when it is smoked. brings a lot of questions in parties!

but i guess i ll still love smoking because of hash and sativas. hash with tobacco is something very special, at least for imported hashs. Take a morrocon hash, roll it with few tobacco(i hate tobacco so trust me i really put the least possible) and it will have something very very different from the pure smoked one, but something really interesting. i still wonder why this mix is good cause tobacco taste awfull.
and then, sativas dont need to be vaped to give those pure high effects, and i must say for example a neville haze or a destroyer need to be smoked to totally enjoy this taste, this smooth smoke, intense hit.... sorry can t vape such a thing, usually taste is not that incredible neither.

so brings me back to vaping.. wow, it works, been really high for 30 minutes now :).. and def more focused than on a joint high !i m gonna go for a new loaded volcano...

hope it clears a bit, but i m sure we can t say it s overated since everybody has heard about it.

i could also talk about the lung cleaning with a good balloon at 9 on the morning after a big smoking session, the less amount you use, the better taste you can notice and share...

also i own a iolite vaporizer, which is the way to go for vaping anywhere :)



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Well for me the ideal combination would be to vape most of the time. I work out alot so i'm pretty mellow and tired when im ''off duty'' so vaping gets me where i need to go. And when i really feel like getting really really stoned some pure hash or oil is what i would need. The less plant matter you smoke the helthier you are.

This is why i think cannabis is the perfect recreational drug. It CAN BE really really safe and is really effective agains anxiety, stress what have you. With almost no side effects if you don't combust it..

When the first vapes came out my first thought was PERFECTION!