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i gotta put in my 2 pennies.

I've owned the silver surfer, and vapor brothers hands free, and like them both.

Gotta say though, my chillum is my go to, and what I pretty much use all the time.


Active member
Extreme Q. Is there much of a difference, other than a hundred bucks, between 2010 and 2011?


Well hh, you are right it does not belong here BUT there is really no forum for it. However there is a request in website support for a Vape forum. You Vapers might go in there and give support for a new forum just for Vapers.



Active member
bongs all the way!!!
Trying to get controversial are we?
That is my fear. Seems the bong guys turn them way up trying to emulate a bong. Not sure what the point is.
There's nothing like a fresh bamboo bong.


Active member
Well hh, you are right it does not belong here BUT there is really no forum for it. However there is a request in website support for a Vape forum. You Vapers might go in there and give support for a new forum just for Vapers.

Way cool!
There's a Volcano thread running now in the General section as well that gives good advice. For Volcanoes anyway.
I don't trust the online reviews on the sales sites and there really isn't enough information. Like any smoking accessory, it also comes down to personal preference. While there is a pretty good dedicated forum I've been turned on to, I know" the people here and have a sense of where their opinions come from.


Personal preference........I like to rooooooool one. Nothing like the taste of the weed and just the weed. I like Rizla papers for my smoking papers. And I like to smoke alone.

I did smoke from a volcano with Eagle Bill at the HTCC in 96 or 97. It was OK. Now bongs are alright as long as I am the only one smoking it and it is very clean glass.

My 1.5 cents

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
The Vrip Wand is by far the best vape on the market, period.

Has the most responsive heating element of any vape I've tried & own (all the popular ones,) which means you can get the thickest most proper vape rips possible. Bag vapes aren't even close, and even top-notch whip vapes like the SSV or VaporBros. cannot compete.

My trusty SSV has sat on the shelf for over a year now since getting the Vrip Wand, if that gives you an idea of just how superior the wand is. Zero point in using anything else, unless you need to travel or prefer bags.



Living with the soil
I like vapes...kind of ghetto with the bag thing,but not as ghetto as knife hits. Seems like once you have a tolerance that's at peak level a vape would surely save the lungs.
I like my bubbler and little bongs. Big bongs seem pointless if you can't draw a hit on the first toke.
Getting stoned without a lot of attachments involved is the way to go. Couch,bubbler,buds,lighter...pretty simple and effective.

Out and about it's an apple,bud,lighter.....and I love to get other people stoned too.

Go forth and stone many....CC1


Active member
When I was a teen,I decided to hitch into LA. Ended up in Watts at 2 in the morning.I was approached by a fellow who wanted a drag off of my cigarette. I've since quit, but that's not the story. I offered him one, which he declined. Just wanted a hit from mine, which I gave him. As I proceeded to finish it, I noticed he was watching me.
Short story longer, I had an escort through Watts until he reached a point where he said he couldn't cross. It was the ritual.
A cop gave me a ride the rest of the way.
Day's past, before aids, resistant staph...There are a few close friends and relatives I share with for ol' times sake. I try not to though.

I have a set of books. "The Great Ideas Today". One for each year starting in 64', on through 70'. They were my dad's, I just got them. Opened up the one for 69' and low and behold there was that joint I lost some 25 years ago. Probably the last one I ever rolled.


Now bongs are alright as long as I am the only one smoking it and it is very clean glass.

Gotta have a clean bong! I think I might be a little overly anal about cleaning mine, probably every other day.
As for the vapes, I love the quality of the volcano, but like many have said, the bags are a little ghetto. The Iolite is pretty sweet, really portable and no one notices (we sat in a group of like 50 people at the Portland food carts and no one noticed us vaping).
totally agree. I thought it to be kinda trashy.. not very classy that I like

I ordered a whip thing for it, but yes the bag is the downfall of the volcano, but in a plus you have portable fun... so ....

How is it even remotely trashy? Why would you think a plastic tube is better than a plastic bag? The bags are oven safe and can withstand high temperatures without melting or giving off any weird gases... That is the reason they are used.

Sorry, but the bag is safe and the volcano is healthier and AT LEAST as efficient as smoking. For me, the volcano on max setting hits like a gravity bong, except it's way less harsh on the throat & lungs, has a way better taste, and much healthier for you.

mad librettist

Active member
How is it even remotely trashy? Why would you think a plastic tube is better than a plastic bag? The bags are oven safe and can withstand high temperatures without melting or giving off any weird gases... That is the reason they are used.

Sorry, but the bag is safe and the volcano is healthier and AT LEAST as efficient as smoking. For me, the volcano on max setting hits like a gravity bong, except it's way less harsh on the throat & lungs, has a way better taste, and much healthier for you.

oh I don't know, maybe because it feels like the last time I did whippits in the parking lot of a Dead show?

we bought them by the balloon.
Personal preference........I like to rooooooool one. Nothing like the taste of the weed and just the weed. I like Rizla papers for my smoking papers. And I like to smoke alone.

I did smoke from a volcano with Eagle Bill at the HTCC in 96 or 97. It was OK. Now bongs are alright as long as I am the only one smoking it and it is very clean glass.

My 1.5 cents

I find it hard to believe that someone who has used the volcano would say something like that. When you smoke, whether from a bong, joint, blunt, whatever.... you are breathing in SMOKE. You are tasting smoke, not weed. The taste of the vapor is one of the main reasons to own one. Basically, whatever the herb smells like, that's what it's going to taste like as vapor. Every one of my friends who's tried the vape loves the taste compared to smoking... I sold my bong when I got the volcano, and I almost never smoke now. I rarely smoke now and then when I'm out with friends or at a public event like a concert or something where the volcano isn't an option. But seriously, every time I take a hit from a bowl/bong/blunt nowadays, all I can taste is smoke. I mean, the difference between the taste of the volcano vapors versus smoke isn't even close. When I smoke, the only thing I can taste is smoke. I don't even enjoy it anymore. Smoke actually dulls your senses of smell and taste. Also, I notice the act of breathing in the smoke itself gives a dazed/sedated/tired effect that is somewhat responsible for the typical couchlock effect. You instantly notice the vape has a much cleaner feeling high. Don't get me wrong, a strong indica strain out of the vape is still going to knock you on your ass, but even with a heavy indica you will notice a cleaner, less lethargic feeling high out of the vape vs smoked.

I bought my volcano used for $350, and I have no regrets whatsoever. It tastes great (seriously... the taste of smoke is not even comparable), hits hard, and I know my lungs will thank me down the road.
oh I don't know, maybe because it feels like the last time I did whippits in the parking lot of a Dead show?

we bought them by the balloon.

Okay.... that's you. Vaping AAA grade weed out of an extremely well made, top of the line, German-engineered vaporizer doesn't remind me of huffing nitrous oxide whatsoever...