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vape pen ?


Señor Member
I've been vaping on my new oil pen for a little over a week now, and I have to say the one I bought is a quality device that seems to do everything it claims to do... so far, anyway. I went with the Double Agent pen by Gentleman's Vapes, and I use their mega v2 oil cartridge. You can pack up to a gram of oil/shatter/wax in there! It takes me a good 3 or 4 days of vaping (5 or 6 times a day, I would guess) before it's time to refill the cartridge. I haven't even packed a bowl or smoked any herb since I got this thing! :D



Chosen Vapes

New member
bayarea925 if I ever have a company selling a product I hope you never order anything from me. You sound like a real pain in the ass.

You have complained about everything. Stupid things. Like it was a rendering and not an actual picture but the pen looks exactly like the rendering anyways. The button looks just like the actual button. Yet you say it doesn't and then ignore my question asking you to explain.

You "broke" the button. You said it didn't work because the rubber cover ripped. Yet you are smoking the pen now. Plus the rip had to be have done on purpose. Mine has been used heavily and it doesn't even look worn.

Now you are rambling on about custom threads on the battery. WTF are you talking about?

Here is how I see it. You bought a pen. You had so many far out fucked up complaints that the company got sick of your bullshit. They said they would send you parts. You complained. They gave you a refund and told you to keep the pen and you did.

Now you say you bought a new battery and the pen works. What happened to the broken button?

You are a scamming loser that makes it bad for the rest of us legit consumers. We pay more for stuff because of scammers like you.

You infuriate me. You are why insurance rates are what they are. You are why products cost more than they have too. You are why the economy is going to crap because of lawsuits and made up complaints that jam up the system and make prices skyrocket.

What a pain in the ass loser you are. Enjoy your pen you scammed for free.


The pics on the site do match the product for the Chosen Vape. I took my own pics for the review of it I'm doing for IC6.

Ickis, when you burn herb in your pen, how do you configure it? Did you follow the instructions (which are useless, imo)? Did you put the round filter on bottom and top of the chamber, or just on top? I found it can't vape well if there is a filter on the bottom (not sure why you'd want one there anyway).

Hey Skip thanks for the input, we'll work on the instructions. In the mean time we put together a real good youtube instructional video to help alleviate any problems, check it out here:
