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vape central in Toronto....


Active member
So I decided to hit Yongersterdam as its called apparently. Kinda disappointing, I expected more head-shops etc.

Went to Vape Central...Kind of different, a bit sketchy but everyone was nice at least....EXCEPT the Crack-head chick who just about got tossed down the stairs after freaking out...

Talk about a fugging buzzkill. No sublimator either which was disappointing.

I ended up just rolling and smoking in the big square across from Eaton's center for the most part while my wife shopped...

I did get to participate in the Amazing Race Toronto....the girl playing had to give me a hand massage....while I was smoking a big fatty of my skunky sativa :)
So I decided to hit Yongersterdam as its called apparently. Kinda disappointing, I expected more head-shops etc.

Went to Vape Central...Kind of different, a bit sketchy but everyone was nice at least....EXCEPT the Crack-head chick who just about got tossed down the stairs after freaking out...

Talk about a fugging buzzkill. No sublimator either which was disappointing.

I ended up just rolling and smoking in the big square across from Eaton's center for the most part while my wife shopped...

I did get to participate in the Amazing Race Toronto....the girl playing had to give me a hand massage....while I was smoking a big fatty of my skunky sativa :)

man I do not miss the Big Smoke, Cabbage Town or as it became known in the 90's....T dot (WTF??)

Did 7 years there..
meaning I lived there for 7 years, lol
did highrise steel, made killer cash, spent it all!
(oh to be young and dumb and full of cum again)

I do not miss the place whatsoever, glad you and the wife were able to use your weekend pass and get out of town.

Oh, btw
did the Amazing Chick hand job/massage give you a happy ending?

..should of went to Chinatown for that

Chili Bu
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Did you go to kensington market? Really cool place. You have to live here to know where to go. Toronto island is super chill and great for stoners like you and me. Also has a nude beach. Drunk girls and nude beach and beer and fat spliffs, boats off shore blaring music. Think toronto sucks now?


Active member
I doubt my wife would appreciate me hanging out at a nude beach
I just wanted to chat with some fellow stoners and let them try my gear
I know the guy from buffalo I met at the hotel had never smoked high end meds before.


The nude beach is a small part of the island. Its on the good side of the island. Less tourists. Lots of stoners and drinkers. U can drink just just discretely. Nice getaway from the city, water is cleaner than u think.