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Vaccines? Gates? Which of these atrocities are verifiable?


Active member
Vaccination Triggers, Rather Than Causes, Seizures


Heh. This is a pro vaccination article, my friend.

Our results suggest that in most cases, genetic or structural defects are the underlying cause of epilepsy with onset after vaccination, including both cases with preexistent encephalopathy or benign epilepsy with good outcome. These results have significant added value in counseling of parents of children with vaccination-related first seizures, and they might help to support public faith in vaccination programs.

It is translated to normal english here in this article (https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2016/205/4/mother-and-son):

Professor Scheffer, and her close collaborator Professor Sam Berkovic, AC, won the 2014 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science for their work on deciphering the genetics of epilepsy. It is one of many awards in Professor Scheffer’s trophy cabinet and her resume includes numerous appearances in the media.

One of the most notable was her part in a documentary called Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines — available from SBS On Demand — in which she relates her role in the clearing of the whooping cough vaccine as a cause of epileptic seizures.

“Probably the best known of those is called Dravet syndrome – and I run a Dravet clinic. Through our studies of Dravet syndrome, Sam Berkovic and I made the observation that there were very similar patients who had what was called ‘vaccine encephalopathy’.

“That is where it was thought that if you had a vaccine — usually the whooping cough, or pertussis, vaccination — that was thought to cause this very nasty brain disease where you start developing severe seizures and development fell off and you might regress and end with intellectual disability.
“This told us that they were destined to have Dravet syndrome and the vaccine at the very most triggered the first seizure. If they hadn’t had the vaccine at that time, the next illness or fever would have triggered the same scenario.”


Active member
Heh. This is a pro vaccination article, my friend.

It is translated to normal english here in this article (https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2016/205/4/mother-and-son):

Professor Scheffer, and her close collaborator Professor Sam Berkovic, AC, won the 2014 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science for their work on deciphering the genetics of epilepsy. It is one of many awards in Professor Scheffer’s trophy cabinet and her resume includes numerous appearances in the media.

One of the most notable was her part in a documentary called Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines — available from SBS On Demand — in which she relates her role in the clearing of the whooping cough vaccine as a cause of epileptic seizures.

“Probably the best known of those is called Dravet syndrome – and I run a Dravet clinic. Through our studies of Dravet syndrome, Sam Berkovic and I made the observation that there were very similar patients who had what was called ‘vaccine encephalopathy’.

“That is where it was thought that if you had a vaccine — usually the whooping cough, or pertussis, vaccination — that was thought to cause this very nasty brain disease where you start developing severe seizures and development fell off and you might regress and end with intellectual disability.
“This told us that they were destined to have Dravet syndrome and the vaccine at the very most triggered the first seizure. If they hadn’t had the vaccine at that time, the next illness or fever would have triggered the same scenario.”

Ok, fair enough assessment, what about all the others I posted.
You do agree the vaccination triggered a seizure right?
That is a still harmful effect is it not?


Active member
Association between Guillain-Barré syndrome and influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent inactivated vaccines in the USA


This finding translates into almost 1.6 excess cases of GBS per million people vaccinated.

<2 per million is not enough to substantiate other claims about vaccines like them causing defects in large numbers of people...

I'm not saying that the victims here are necessarily blessed with vaccines ... or that vaccines are good.
But now it seems like you're just throwin out whatever you can find.


Hmm, well the way I see it is, Pot apologists say the same about schizophrenia all the time. When people say weed causes schizophrenia one can say: no, those people already kind of had it, smoking weed just triggered/unlocked it. it was going to happen anyway.

Yes I agree it's undesirable, just like the people getting GBS. 2 in a million statistically insignificant but if 50 people get GBS from an unnecessary vaccine that is bad. However, then you get into the discussion that the vaccine saved more lives than it ruined, which is probably true


Active member
show that to us, along with PROOF that the vaccine caused the problems. nope, no youtube videos, only double-blind scientific studies showing the cause of the problem.

Thank you very much for engaging in a calm debate on a very touchy subject.
You have made some good points here, but I must still remain skeptical of vaccine injuries.
They have paid out billions and billions of dollars.

Why would they pay out, if they were not at fault.

The quote above was the reason for my response.
You may be getting the wrong impression here....
I never suggested I thought vaccines were bad.
I have posted several times I am not ant-vaccine.
My family and I have all our shots...LOL
Just to be clear where I stand, so as not to be attacked by the Blindvaxxers.
Hope I did not offend you with that label.
Not referencing you here.


Active member
That said I just clicked a few random ones. The study about hep B vaccine and autism male newborns seems strong.

The mercury toxicity thing is examined here in something I have not read.
Autism spectrum disorder and mercury toxicity: use of genomic and epigenetic methods
to solve the etiologic puzzle (2018)

"Multiple peer reviewed manuscripts have been published regarding the potential connection between vaccinations and neurodevelopmental disease. Many of these research papers support the potential toxicity of mercury in vaccines"

Anyway I'm not on board with either side, just a spectator. We all should look at those things critically


good thng (at least in the u.s.) that we don't use thiomersal (mercury containing preservative in question) anymore for kids vaccines, and afaik minimally in adult vaccines.

also of note is that mercury neurological damage is NOT the same as autism.

and again, the latest research very strongly suggest a genetic causal relationship with autism.

the vaccine/ autism thing, it's patently a red herring.


How about all the voices of people whos lives were ruined after vaccinations?

plea for pity logical fallacy.

nice goalpost shift.

how about the voices of all the lives ruined from pathogens that are easily treatable through preventative maintenance?


ICMag Donor

knucklehead bob

good thng (at least in the u.s.) that we don't use thiomersal (mercury containing preservative in question) anymore for kids vaccines, and afaik minimally in adult vaccines.

also of note is that mercury neurological damage is NOT the same as autism.

and again, the latest research very strongly suggest a genetic causal relationship with autism.

the vaccine/ autism thing, it's patently a red herring.

It is beyond comprehension how ill informed people are in what they believe

"Who is Bill Gates?

Hes the guy who unreportedly added a sterilization formula to every single vaccine for the last 10 years and The World Health Organization had to admit it in court!
From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Childrens Health Defense

Regarding Bill Gates

Labs. ... Independent labs have found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.

After denying the charges, WHO finally ADMITTED it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

(As RFK Jr has pointed out - the way it works is, if any of this is false, then Bill Gates should sue him immediately for libel.
However it’s not false, so he cannot.)

“Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5.

Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017.

In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB.

Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.

In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program.

The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines.

By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces.

Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died.

Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls.

The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis.

Between 50-500 children developed paralysis.

South African newspapers complained, "We are guinea pigs for drug makers".

Nelson Mandela's former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates' philanthropic practices as "ruthless" and immoral".

In 2010, Gates committed $ 10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines.

A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines "could reduce population". In 2014, Kenya's Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony "tetanus" vaccine campaign.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO's popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent.

Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of - hijacking WHO's agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development.

They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish - that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical -industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates' power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children."

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Childrens Health defense

What is vaccine-derived polio?

How many of you people are going to be clamoring to be 1st in line to let the BILLIONAIRE COLLEGE DROP OUT VACCINE SALESMAN stick your children with this new un-tested poison to protect you from SCIENCE FICTION ?

This vaccine comes with immunity from legal prosecution for the harm it's going to cause .

The Courts have been protecting Corporations since POLIO . . . . .





Horselover Fat

It is beyond comprehension how ill informed people are in what they believe
A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines "could reduce population". In 2014, Kenya's Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony "tetanus" vaccine campaign.


Yeah, like believing this kind of crap.

Btw. Vaccinations really do reduce population. And it is a good thing. They reduce population because more of the children survive. High childhood mortality is one of the biggest reasons for over population in poor countries. Healthier people reduces birth rate. Education and especially educating women also reduces birth rate and, thus, education reduces population. Scary, huh?


Well-known member
Our guv Big pharma and bill gates love us all...they only have our best interest in mind. Whats wrong w yall people? They would never ever lie us.

I hang on every word from the guv & MSM & BG and do all they say like a good lil mindless sheep. hey where is my mask?...ok i got it..i wear it to sleep in. I cant hardly wait to get my poison vaccination....maybe i can get 2?

"Kennedy Jr. warns parents about danger of using largely untested COVID vaccines on kids"

“Environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned Americans on Thursday to be cautious about any new coronavirus vaccine, pointing out that key parts of testing are being skipped.

‘The Moderna vaccine, which is the lead candidate, skipped the animal testing altogether,’ Kennedy said during an online debate on mandatory vaccinations with renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. The debate was aired by Valuetainment and moderated by Patrick Bet-David.

Kennedy is part of a political family, being the son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of President John F. Kennedy. Both were murdered in the 1960s.

Another aspect of testing was equally unsatisfying, Kennedy said. The Moderna vaccine was tested ‘on 45 people. They had a high-dose group of 15 people, a medium-dose group of 15 people, and a low growth group of 15 people.’

‘In the low-dose group, one of the people was so sick from the vaccine they had to be hospitalized,’ he explained. ‘That’s six percent. In the high-dose group, three people got so sick they had to be hospitalized. That’s twenty percent.’

In spite of these significant problems, ‘they’re going ahead, and making two billion doses of that vaccine.’

Another problem with the testing of the coronavirus vaccine is that it’s tested not on ‘typical Americans,’ but a carefully selected group of people who don’t suffer from certain conditions.

‘They use what they call exclusionary criteria,’ Kennedy said. ‘They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people.’

‘If you look at their exclusionary idea criteria: You cannot be pregnant, you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can’t suffer asthma, you can’t have diabetes, you can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in the family. These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on.’

He asked, ‘What happens when they give them to the typical American? You know, Sally Six-Pack and Joe Bag of Donuts who’s 50 pounds overweight and has diabetes.’

Kennedy stressed several times that ‘any other medicine … that had that kind of profile in its original phase-one study would be [dead on arrival].’

‘No medical product in the world would be able to go forward with the profile that Moderna has,’ he reiterated.

During the course of the debate, Kennedy also talked about the regular vaccines most people take, from Hepatitis B to the flu shot, emphasizing that no proper testing had ever been done, which is mandatory for any other medication. Vaccines ‘are the only medical product that does not have to be safety-tested against a placebo,’ he explained.

In a study involving placebos, one group of people would be injected with the actual vaccine, while another group would be injected with saline solution, which would not have any effect in preventing a particular disease. The people who are part of the study would then be observed to see if there are any differences between the two groups, both regarding the disease vaccinated against, and side effects.

As these tests are never done on vaccines, ‘nobody knows the risk profile of any vaccine that is currently on the schedule. And that means nobody can say with any scientific certainty that that vaccine is averting more injuries and deaths than it’s causing…

Kennedy said ‘it’s not hypothetical that vaccines cause injury, and that injuries are not rare. The vaccine courts have paid out four billion dollars’ over the past three decades, ‘and the threshold for getting back into a vaccine court and getting a judgment – [the Department of Health and Human Services] admits that fewer than one percent of people who are injured ever even get to court.’

He mentioned another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers ‘is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.’

‘In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.’…

The ethical issue of many vaccines being derived from cell lines of aborted babies was not discussed during the debate.”

Categories: Breaking News

:sasmokin: Glaxo Smith Kline make monsanto look like a lil girl in sunday school ... thats how evil that bunch is...


Active member
August 8th:

Be alert President Trump has vacated the White House and may not be seen for some time he announced. Will this be the Q-Ten Days of Darkness. Are indictments set to be released or arrests made? Will it be a major name and shocking as Q has predicted. Photo Link of the entire White House staff saying goodbye as Trump Leaves on August 6th. Watch for a cell phone text from the President, recall Trump tested the cellular system back in 2018.

General Michael Flynn writes this article August 5th, stating that ANTIFA and BLM are Marxist Fronts and attempting to over-throw America. Flynn suggests Americans Get Active in resistance. We would remind people in both the cities and suburbs to be alert and armed.

There is a theory that WASH DC is destroyed. Over the last twenty years or so, parts of the US Government have been relocated to Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona. Remember the Denver Airport and the plaque that says NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISSION. Some feel the recent attack on Beirut Lebanon was a testing of a High Powered Energy Weapon, will the White House be the next targeted explosion.