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v2 'dream system' DIY and diary

blunt toker

lookin awesome doo! I've kept up with most of your grows, Just keeps gettin better and better! How long u been running the sour bub?? You ever plan on poppin more beans? I plan on gettin some BOG strains as soon as I can. I saw some of ur past grows with the nebula and few other strains, U have a list of what u have ran?

anyway props man, I'm still a noob at growin, got a few under my belt. Your setup is what I aspire to have someday. SOoo clean


Active member
flash is actually quicker than lightning...

The flash isn't as much of a problem as holding the door open while you're getting the camera focused so you can get the shot... or were you just standing there in the dark shooting a single picture blindly?

the reason you're blinded by the flash of a camera is because your pupils can't dilate fast enough to restrict the light pouring into eyeball...

You don't wanna tell me I'm wrong cause I'm right. Light degrades the rods in your eyes and cones replace them to interpret what you're seeing as light and convert it to an electrical signal in the brain. Your pupils contract and expand to filter the amount of light that enters your eye and gets received by the rods and cones... which have no set number because they are created and destroyed depending on light levels. Cones degrade in the darkness, which is why it takes your eyes time to adjust to the light.

in nature most night time lighting things are still visible, and the light isn't green... moonlight is VERY bright during half-full moon... plants still flower...

ugh... moonlight is light from the sun reflected off the moon... It's not near as intense as most sources of light leaks. Another important thing with moonlight is consistency. It's doesn't change quickly.

I was told years ago from excellent growers that the more light intensity the plants are given during the lights on cycle, the more light they can tolerate during the dark period b4 they are affected

While that sounds nice, and there's probably some science behind it... Most of what I share comes from what I've read from a credible source, and not what I heard from someone or read on a thread.

I've gone by this for teh last 5-6years, and have yet to have a hermie due to light leaks... only bullshit ass "elite genetics"

Bullshit ass "elite genetics" come from seeds... Just like any other plant. I don't doubt that you haven't had a full blown hermie plant... but I'm certain you've had nanners... Even with a perfect environment some plants throw them naturally. If you grow enough seeds you're guaranteed to find a hermie plant... So if you're as experienced as you claim to be, I'm surprised you've never grown a real hermie plant.


YEAH BUD!!! Looking nice and clean!

thanks for the kind words hl... i was checking out your thread the other day yours looking pretty nice too

lookin awesome doo! I've kept up with most of your grows, Just keeps gettin better and better! How long u been running the sour bub?? You ever plan on poppin more beans? I plan on gettin some BOG strains as soon as I can. I saw some of ur past grows with the nebula and few other strains, U have a list of what u have ran?

anyway props man, I'm still a noob at growin, got a few under my belt. Your setup is what I aspire to have someday. SOoo clean

thanks for the kind words and thanks for the company all these years lol... i havent really got the chance to grow that many varieties due to space limitations and monocropping to test systems etc.. i like to be able to test my progress ...and once i get a room going with a strain, it is hard to introduce a new one efficiently..so i never really switch strains because it is a whole ordeal, and when i do it is usually once a year and i pop a few beans at a time...

one thing that is funny is i spent the first 1.5 years as a grower growing mexi scwagg reggie seeds...trying to polish a turd...but since i have been able to order some real genetics i have grown these so far..

Jock Horror (my first) got a few phenos and tried them all out a few times and picked the best and monocropped a few of her... had one pheno that smelled exactly like pineapple upside down cake, no weed/skunk smell at all

then i did Nebula ran her for most of a year...super crystally

was impressed with Nebula so i got some SensI Star.. at the time that was the best weed i have grown...so green and orange and pretty decent yeilder, and a big fan favorite.. i ran that for about a year too

then i got sour Bubble..and it was just as good maybe better than the Sensi but flowered way faster so i made the decision to run her exclusively and i have been running her since...the longest of any strain, comin close on 2years...got a new SB female that is rooting now and gettin ready for first test grow

those are the only strains i have ever grown.. i get a few phenos, i pick the best after rigourous testing and i run her for a while

thanks for the question and kind word nice to have a fan on the other side of the world...keep coming back

:thank you:

Wow.. Take me to school. This looks awesome!

no problem.. you been a help along the way too... thanks for the kind words...



Looking great in here bro :good:
:plant grow:

thank you boom

As above looking amazing mate.

thanks fort the kind words and stoppiong by...

i got class today and then after i am stopping by the grow to check on the plants.. so i be doin an update.. i am also gonna wait around at the grow to confirm the flip and i am gonna take a picture of this sick parabolic screen i built

so stay tuned...


ok another trip to the grow...got quite a few things done so i have to do this update in two posts..first part is gonna be on the old room...

i needed to take care of my old flowering room..i havent been spending any extra time in there...not neglecting it, just not showing it any extra love..but it still chugging along well either way...I had a crop to harvest and a shit load of defolitiation to do...

here some pics of old flowering room before defoliation and harvest..

Buds growing right into the ceiling lol.. you can tell i should have been up on the leave removal..

the one on the left in this picture is another crop that only has 5 plants !!! and still stretching...

here a 'round the world shot'...from left to right... harvest day, day 7, day 14, day 21

did a little cleaning and finished up that room...



Ok so with my new flowering room i had to do my first rez change of the new system and put every las finishing touch on the system... every update etc is done and this system is now 100% complete

so for my rez change this is how it works...

i put a tee and some shutoffs on the Return Rez... so that one way can go DTW... like so..

so i shutoff flow to the return rez and direct flow to the drain.. i wait fo the return rez pump to drain one more time and i unplug it...

now the rez takes a while to gravity drain and i am not using pump assistance so i leave the pump to the system ON while it drains and let it run DTW and then when the water level gets too low i unplug that pump as well...

once the water level is as low as it can get... i take my shop vac that i havve from when i used to drain my old systems the hard way, to get the rest....two vacuum dumps later the rez is completely empty...

then i turn on the water to fill the rez back up..this also takes a while to gravity fill.. but i turn lemons into lemonade.. once the water level reaches bout 6'' i plug just the pump to the system back in...so while the rez is filling with plain water if the pump goes off it will spray the plants and go dtw... ultimately being a quick flush between rez changes

meanwhile, i bought a bunch of big measuring cups... i measure out and have ready to go all the nutes, while i am waiting for the rez to finish filling up... i am only doing 40gal now and this week it goes as follows:

50ml Calmg
200ml Micro
300ml Bloom
40ml Silica
200 ml sm90
30ml Drip clean

after the rez is completly full i unplug the pump to system one more time so it dont spray mid nute mix... all the nutes are ready to go and i pour each one in one at a time and stir between each nute..

after my nute mix is made, i plug my pumps back in and turn my valves back to recirculating mode...the i double, fuck it triple check everything !!! I timed this process... took 42 min to accomplish all this with 85% of it being waiting on water... but 42 min once every 7-10 days is all the "work" i have to do to this system

after all that is done i finished all the upgrades to my rez.. i installed a float, because my water levels were already seemed to be dropping a few inches ever day...caught this pic when the return rez was pumping...and no that is not an optical illusion i have the old float in there as well, instead of attempting to plug the hole i am just gonna take the L

and this is something i am bringing back..

an idea i was using with my very first (shameful) homemade aero system.. it is a fish tank filter.. it is a 3stage filter but removed the carbon and the bio filter and just use the regular filter part...i use it for a few reasons

1)it keeps the nutes moving and stirred 2) it creates a waterfall for added oxygen 3) fiilters out debris and 4) i added a 1/4 scoop of beneficials to the back part... the filter is gonna get colonized and this will essentially be a "beneficial bacteria factory" that the nute solution is constantly reciculating through....

and finally the finishing touches on my parabolic screen.. i made a frame that curves with the system... you can see in the last pics i posted how they attach to the bottom... the top part is a little bit more ghetto but it accomplished everything i was trying to do; it is attached and moves with the system

i made it with simple string just to make sure it worked..the squares were looking way better and clean looking..but they have been moved around to train plants... after harvest i will prob do it with rolls of rigid bread tie stuff

alright it a super long post but it got lots of info in it...thats it for now


an idea i was using with my very first (shameful) homemade aero system.. it is a fish tank filter.. it is a 3stage filter but removed the carbon and the bio filter and just use the regular filter part...i use it for a few reasons

4) i added a 1/4 scoop of beneficials to the back part... the filter is gonna get colonized and this will essentially be a "beneficial bacteria factory" that the nute solution is constantly reciculating through....

im really keen on this idea. Its a biological filter but in reverse sort of. Whole system seems great to me


im really keen on this idea. Its a biological filter but in reverse sort of. Whole system seems great to me

thanks for the kind words..i was gonna use the filter either way to help circulate, aerate, and filter the rez water... but i experimenting combining that with the power of beneficials to get two birds stoned at once

i dont usually use bennies throughout flower, just during the first week, but i am going to this round..

the system itself has been working great so far but it has only been up and running a little over a week..so not long enough to really know... but i start building the second half next week..

the only changes i can think to make to it so far would be to use more glue clearly

but also, i would add some shutoff valves and tees and garden hose adapters to the pump exhaust manifold...similar to how fhc has his but with an extra T+adapter.... i would have a shutoff valve from the pump... and a tee/shutoff/adapter before the soleniod, so i could just hook my system to my house water and run city tap DTW on the timer during flush.. and then another tee/shutoff/valve after the soleniod in case of power outage which i know from experience during an outage my plants can go AT LEAST 6hrs without even drooping.....these arent neccessities just optionals

but if everything keeps running this smooth i am gonna be running these systems for a long time... and even got ideas for a v2.5..(the system shaped like J's instead of C's making an sort of oval instead of circle and then lights on a light mover)


after being gone all weekend i got a early start at the grow...

got there before lights off so i did some more sucker branch removal and some screen training.. my screen starting to fill out nicely...but still a lot of space left to fill but stretch isnt close to over yet... after stretch i am gonna do some defolition as well

temps are finally stayin in check now that it starting to cool outside....it hard to see but it 60-62% and 73-79F

then i had to get to the chores i came for ..

i had two rez in the old flower room to change...
i had to clean out a system nd transplant to flower
i had to change the nutes in the veg system and trasplant some clones over

i am also gonna wait couple more days and then i will take clones for my second part of the new system

but it not all good news this time... my humidifier only holds enough water to last about 24hrs and i am not coming everyday to change it.. i hadnt been there in a few days so there has been no humidifier because the rez was empty and you can tell a difference in the plants.. the clones i transplanted today are not as lush as i am used to and my mothers dont seem to be recovering as fast... the only missing link is the humidity so it shows how much it can affect it...

so i took my humidifier and i tried to rig it to have a float valve.. I have installed numerous float valves so it was no big deal... i rigged the rez with a float and attached it back to the humidifier and then i walked away and decided to take a smoke break...

when i went back downstairs there was a huge puddle all on my floor soaking up into the carpeted parts... i figure it must be the humidifer float but it was actually water leaking from the humidifier itself, not the float part.. i tried to fix it but was unable

so long story short, i seemed to have broken my humidifier and i made a spill in my basement.. so it looks like i will be buying a new one.. i probably gonna buy a nice one since i can tell how much a difference it can make.. but as soon as i get it i am gonna rig it with a float and basically destroy it

luckily i am not using my dehuey in flower atm so i have it running near the spill til i get back to clean up my mess

other than that little hiccup everything running smooth.. i am gonna pick up a humidifier and bring it next time i come back tues or wed

thats it for now


ok...i would feel like a liar if i didnt post this.... it has been mostly good with the new system but i had incident today... i have been distracted by pussy lately, but pussy may have saved my crop...here the story....

so i met this chick last night when i was out drinking...she invited me back to her place and we did our thing.. i stayed the night there... she happens to live in the same city as my grow...

so i wake this morning and get dressed and decided since i am in town i might as well stop by the grow... keep in mind, i had every intention of not visiting the grow til wed because i have been about as confident as one can be with a new homemade system that is aeroponic, not that well tested, and i live away from.. but i am in town so i make the trip...

when i get there i decide i wanna smoke first...when i am finally sitting down and getting high i hear my big pump go off.. so i am thinking,"good, sounds like things are working well" but then i hear the big pump go off again like twenty seconds later and i am like wtf...

so i decide to go check on it...my big rez is at the bottom of the stairs and before i even turned the lights on down there i can see my rez is really low....FUCK....so i go down there and sure enough there is only a few inches of nutes in the rez...and on top of that i accidentaly put something on top of my water line to the big rez float which cut off the rez from being topped off ( which probably was a good thing anyway)

before i figure out what the problem is i decide i need to check the plants to assess the damage....luckily when i checked on my plants there was no signs that anything was wrong..no droopping, nothing.. so i am thinking that something just went wrong within the last couple hours

so the problem with the system is that the big pump was kicking on too much... it was pumping water to the return rez faster than the return rez pump could keep up..the plants didnt run dry, they were actually getting sprayed excessively

so i trace the problem and find out it is the soleniod it seemed to not be closing all the way or something for some reason which was making water leak through to the system and having the pump cycle excessively

thankfully i already had another soleniod for the new system so i depressurized the pump and swapped them out...turned on the return rez pump and got all the water back in the big rez with minimal nute loss

after that i plugged it back in and it seems to be working fine... this is my first grow using a soleniod and now it has got me nervous.. also a heads up to other growers because i have seen quite a few who use this exact same soleniod

In the 5+ years that i have been growing aeroponic... i have NEVER had a fuck up that wasnt MY FAULT.. until today...this is one of those risky X factor things that can ruin a crop when you run aero...and it has kinda got me shooken up

if i would have came on wednesday like i had planned i would most definately have had BIG problems..if i wouldnt have had any extra soleniod i would be fucked..so i couldnt be any luckier right now

this new system uses equipment that i am not familiar with...i would have put my money on if something was gonna fuck up it would be the 1HP pump before anything else, then the timer, then the ecopump..honestly the soleniod wasnt even on my radar.. i bought the soleniods off of Ebay so i dont think i can return them... and i better go ahead and order an extra one now just in case....has anyone else had a soleniod like this fuck up on them????because i have never heard of one doing it

I am sure that there will probably be a few people out there like, " ha i told u so!!" and i respect your opinions and welcome negative comments as much as positive..i just wanted to be honest because i dont want to lead anyone on.. i could have switched out the soleniods,not said anything, and went on to have a successful crop and been like "see, aeroponics is easy" but i dont want to be a part of spreading misinformation, but even more i dont want to be the guy who causes someone to decide to NOT do aeroponics, because it is a great way to growand is super easy when the kinks worked out, and i would love to see more aeroponic grows

i am shooken up by this incident but i am far from deterred from aeroponics..hopefully i can just chalk this up to a defective soleniod batch and that will be all it will ever be..but if the second one does the same thing i will be rethinking the setup to not use a soleniod somehow...I also just need to be more vigilant

sorry all the time that i had scheduled to work on my grow i spent messing with the system problems so i didnt get any pics.. i got a class soon then i am going straight back to finish up all the chores i had planned and monitor the system a little and when i do i will take pics and update


Glad yas caught shit in time to prevent probs Bro......The path to Nirvana takes many fuckups before finding redundant setups that guarantee production with backup equipment insurance in case pumps and such shit as solenoids take a shit........

When I ran Krusty buckets at different locations , there were 2 pumps inline tied together to provide feed as well as 2 more to provide drainage in a fast flow situation in case 1 died in the feed/drain process.........

Bet there`s a way ta daisy chain those solenoids inline so if 1 takes a shit , the other 1 kicks in.......or maybe having both inline goin on and off at the same time for X amounts of spray times and only workin 1/2 as hard for equipment life extension......

Just tryin ta help Bro.....things ta ponder......

Good luck....DHF....:ying:......


big thumbs up Gmax, its posts like that that help people learn just as much as the "Im perfect and i rock 20 pounds per light" posts


Glad yas caught shit in time to prevent probs Bro......The path to Nirvana takes many fuckups before finding redundant setups that guarantee production with backup equipment insurance in case pumps and such shit as solenoids take a shit........

When I ran Krusty buckets at different locations , there were 2 pumps inline tied together to provide feed as well as 2 more to provide drainage in a fast flow situation in case 1 died in the feed/drain process.........

Bet there`s a way ta daisy chain those solenoids inline so if 1 takes a shit , the other 1 kicks in.......or maybe having both inline goin on and off at the same time for X amounts of spray times and only workin 1/2 as hard for equipment life extension......

Just tryin ta help Bro.....things ta ponder......

Good luck....DHF....:ying:......

thanks for your help freds! and your are right, i had many fuckups on my path to nirvana with my first systems and now i can take care of it in my sleep and never worry about it.. i guess shit like this has to happen so i can learn my new system as well

and it may have been my fault anyways.. i stated in my post that when i setup this soleniod originally that it made a irritating buzzing sound when it turned on.. it literally sounded like you are on a game show and got a question wrong...

I ordered 2 of the exact same soleniods and when i setup the other one it doesnt make any buzzing sound it just clicks...the old one eventually stopped making the buzzing sound as well... i guess it is possible that i wired the soleniod wrong and that noise was it trying to tell me lol...there is only two wires but no way of identifying hot/cold and i just stripped a walmart extension cord to wire to it, but if i wired cold to hot i feel like it wouldnt even work at all

i inspected the soleniod thinking there was anything lodged in there or something but couldnt find anything wrong with it that i can see

the insurance idea is definately a great plan... unfortunately it would probably take close to the same size pump as a backup ( cause a backup aint shit if it not big enough) and that wouldnt be practical and also i could use 2 soleniods just in case one shit on me like you said and that would have worked in my situation.... but it be different if they are broken and wont open.. no matter how many backup soleniods i use, it wouldnt matter if just one wouldnt open

but like you said..the path to nirvana

thanks for having my back

big thumbs up Gmax, its posts like that that help people learn just as much as the "Im perfect and i rock 20 pounds per light" posts

thanks bro

i make mistakes like everyone else.. i just hope other people can learn from mine so they dont have to make it themsleves

i have seen quite a few soleniods in grows lately and this could have been a heads up to another grower that could save his crop

I am taking a break from weed chores for a second and waiting for lights to go on so i can take some pics of the new room and then i will be updating here in a hour or so...so stay tuned

:thank you:


alright..other than this recent crisis everything else is going smooth... today i changed had to transplant some plants into veg which i meant to do last time i was here.. and also i took 55 clones for the next round of the v2.. i guess since i am preparing clones for it i might wanna start actually building the system huh?lol

so even with the recent incident my plants are looking awesome... it is actually cold outside now so temps are more easily controlled and i am about to start weening out cooling equipment as it gets colder...hopefully i can get around using the AC completly for the winter soon and save me some $$

anyways here is the shot i do everytime...did some screen training and removed just a couple of the largest most obstructive leaves..still quite some space to fill but quite a bit of stretch left.. i want to not even be able to see anything but green from ceiling to floor when stretch is over

i like to use it as a reference so i can watch plant growth progress

here few more...

looking up...

in other news, i havent had any bug problems in a real long time.. i have had mites before and aphids but ever since i switched to aero the only bugs i have encountered is gnats and the infestation of those neve really gets out of hand because i believe the reason is because there is no soil/media for the larvae.. i say this because i dont really see any bugs in my flower room when i am running my aero systems but any time i would throw a waterfarm in there and they would just come out of nowhere and always attack the waterfarm plant

last time i had a gnat problem i fixed it with azatrol or azamax (cant remember which) and i added it to rez at recommended strength and it got rid of them pretty well.. i countinued to use the azamax/azatrol with ever rez change until my little bottle ran out and i stopped seeing gnats...and of course always i use sm90 @ 5mlg with everything!

once my azamax bottle ran out i had flowered out my waterfarms and was back to running only aero and any gnat problem i would have since has been controlled with sticky strips..but for the most part they have been minimal, like i would see a few fliers every once in a while but never a what would be considered an infestation.. they werent gone, they were just always 'at bay'

well the other day i seen the most at one time that i have seen in a while when i was cleaning out one of the systems... and they were in the root part of the system!!

they seem to be only in my old flowering room and not in veg or new flowering room yet but i am not taking any chances... i am running more systems now and i also have a giant rez for the new one so azamax/azatrol would have been an expensive option now.. of course there is the sticky for mosquito dunks which i have never tried so i picked those up earlier today

after researching a little, i bought some tea and emptied out the tea from the bags and put 1/4 dunk in the teabag...tied it to a string and let it seep in my rez like so..

i also put it there so when the return rez comes on it will run the water right over it and hopefully my filter will help mix it throughout

i also put a 1/8 dunk in the control rez for my mums, and the control rez for my old flowering room, and also one in the system in question... i thought about putting one in my main water rez but i want to test it a little first and dont want to taint my sterile 150g RO tank

alright thats it for now thanks everybody

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