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UVB bulbs...


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Sam_Skunkman said:
(5) "Pate (1983) indicated that in areas of high ultraviolet radiation exposure, the UVB (280-320 nm) absorption properties of THC may have conferred an evolutionary advantage to Cannabis capable of greater production of this compound from biogenetic precursor CBD. The extent to which this production is also influenced by environmental UVB has also been experimentally determined by Lydon et al. (1987)."

This sounds ok until you realize that Cannabis in the USA has little to no CBD and that CBD is not the precursor of THC.

"(7) #2: The floral bract has become parthenocarpic: Parthenocarpic fruits develop without fertilization and have no seeds. Except for transmutation and turning lead into gold, there has been more nonsense written about seedless marijuana than on any other subject. In marijuana parthenocarpy, the floral bract (the fruit) enlarges in size as though there were a seed growing inside, and the capitate-stalked glandular trichome is triggered into growth on the floral bract and concomitant leaves. "Most popular supermarket tomatoes are parthenocarpic which was induced artificially by the application of dilute hormone sprays (such as auxins) to the flowers." In a trial, marijuana parthenocarpy was not induced by the application of the spray used on tomatoes. Only the photoperiod(c) will trigger parthenocarpy in flowering female marijuana plants. Marijuana parthenocarpy occurring before the autumnal equinox is considered by the author to be "long-day" and marijuana parthenocarpy occurring after the autumnal equinox to be "short-day".


The longest photoperiod that will trigger parthenocarpy in unfertilized flowering homozygous(d) Indica female marijuana plants is 13:00 hours, give or take 15 minutes. This effect can be obtained in the month of August at N35Lat, and because the capitate-stalked glandular trichomes received plenty of UVB during this month at this latitude, the harvested resin spheres had fully realized THC. Rating: euphoria and hallucinations, major appetite boost and pain relief, deep dreamless sleep. These plants seldom grow taller than four feet but potency makes up for the reduced harvest.


The gene pool is heterozygous if a flowering female marijuana plant is not parthenocarpic by the end of the first week in September in the Northern Hemisphere. If this is the case, pollination is used instead of parthenocarpy to trigger the growth of the capitate-stalked glandular trichome before the autumnal equinox to obtain as much fully realized THC as possible in the harvested resin spheres by the time the majority of the seeds are ripe.


The longest photoperiod that will trigger parthenocarpy in unfertilized flowering heterozygous female marijuana plants is 11:00 hours, give or take 15 minutes: This effect can be obtained in the month of November at N35Lat. Because of the low intensity of UVB radiation at this latitude at sea level during November, the harvested resin spheres evidenced only slightly more THC than precursor compounds. Rating: mild to medium euphoria, appetite boost and pain relief, good snooze.

Thai marijuana falls into this 11:00 hour category, and its parthenocarpy is characterized by an inflorescence in which many floral bracts are attached to an elongated meristem. It is these elongated meristems that are harvested to become a THAI STICK. On the other side of the world, Mexican marijuana grown around the same latitudes (Michoacan, Guerrero, Oaxaca) also falls into this short-day parthenocarpic category and the unfertilized marijuana will become "sensimilla" in the 11:00 hour photoperiod which begins in mid-December in that region. The winter sunshine in those latitudes has more UVB intensity than the winter sunshine at N35Lat.

All unfertilized flowering female marijuana plants will become parthenocarpic in a 9:00 hour photoperiod (15:00 hour dark period): This can be obtained in the month of December at N35Lat. At this latitude in this month there is not even enough UVB in sunlight for precursor vitamin D3 to develop in human skin. The phytochemical process will not produce THC whenever the UVB and UVA photons in the light stream fall below a certain level of intensity expressed in µW/cm2. Rating: no effect."

"(c)The photoperiodic response is controlled by phytochrome. "Phytochrome is a blue pigment in the leaves and seeds of plants and is found in 2 forms. One form is a blue form(Pfr), which absorbs red light, and the other is a blue-green form(Pr) that absorbs far-red light. Solar energy has 10X more red (660nm) than far-red (730nm) light causing the accumulation of Pfr." The first and last hour of a day's sunlight is mostly red light because of the scattering effect on blue light. "So at the onset of the dark period much of the phytochrome is in the Pfr form. However, Pfr is unstable and returns to phytochrome Pr in the dark." The red light in sunrise returns the Pr to the Pfr form. "Phytochrome Pfr is the active form and controls flowering and germination. It inhibits flowering of short-day plants (the long night period is required for the conversion of Pfr to Pr) and promotes flowering of long day plants."

(d)In Nepal and nearby areas of India where the capitate-stalked glandular trichome is triggered into growth by parthenocarpy rather than by fertilized ovum, great care is taken to make sure that all male marijuana plants are destroyed as soon as they reveal their sex. This is because unfertilized Indica flowering females can have both stigma and anther protruding from the floral bract. In the Indica gene pool, female-produced pollen carries an allele for long-day parthenocarpy, and seeds resulting from this female-produced pollen will produce another generation of female plants that will also exhibit long-day parthenocarpy during flowering. But if pollen from male plants is introduced into this gene pool, the resulting seeds will produce a generation of females that will exhibit short-day parthenocarpy instead. The allele for long-day parthenocarpy in the female-produced pollen is carried into the gene pool by self-pollination and cross-pollination, and perhaps homozygous is used too loosely here to describe the genetic result."



no way man, your a bunch of hooey.
producer of yee infertal seed.

paragraphs of irrelivent, off topic, jibberish what sheeple you have believeing this GARBAGE...

you dont know the equator has more UV's and mtn rages have more UV's then most area?
you need to re-try whatever 1/2 ass-ed 'experement' you did with UVB again mister.

me and my click had nothing but GOOD results.

what do you think the head of the gland is for? it dosent bend red,orange or blue lightwaves the way it refracts the uvb with the prism. terpines and esters anyone?
SAM wants to be left out of the circle....

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:chin: Has anyone done a study on the placebo effect of adding UVB to their grows :chin:

Simple fact is , there is no conclusive research on UVB and trichome developement , right now it's all just speculation . Grat3fulh3ad has a quote from Sam in his sig that I think applies here : "I believe what I see , not what I would like to see" .

UVB is higher in the tropics , but so is the TOTAL spectrum of light from the sun as well . But don't forget about temperature , humidity , elevation and air pressure , the composition of the air (i.e. levels of Oxygen/CO2/Nitrogen) , the soil composition and the most important factor of all : genetics . How do all of these factor in the equation ?

If Sam were to list seeds up for sale , I'd gladly by them .
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impeachme2 said:
Anyone know where to buy, or the name of lamps that emit a high amount of UVB?

Seek for MegaRay bulbs. Pet stores carries them.

Has anyone done a study on the placebo effect of adding UVB to their grows?

Simple fact is , there is no conclusive research on UVB and trichome developement , right now it's all just speculation . Grat3fulh3ad has a quote from Sam in his sig that I think applies here : "I believe what I see , not what I would like to see" .


BTW, DIGITALHIPPY, do you know how to disagree while showing some respect? I would like to read you doing so. Im really tired of seeing you ruining nice threads.


knna said:
BTW, DIGITALHIPPY, do you know how to disagree while showing some respect? I would like to read you doing so. Im really tired of seeing you ruining nice threads.

Well said, DIGITALHIPPY is possibly the worst troll around, attacking Sam like that is quite uncalled for. Sam did not write that article, Joe Knuc did, I posted it here to ask Sam for his opinion on it, which he gave - a bunch of hooey, Sam is trying to be helpful and share the benefits of his knowledge, you're just being nasty for no reason.


no way man, your a bunch of hooey.
producer of yee infertal seed.

paragraphs of irrelivent, off topic, jibberish what sheeple you have believeing this GARBAGE...

you dont know the equator has more UV's and mtn rages have more UV's then most area?
you need to re-try whatever 1/2 ass-ed 'experement' you did with UVB again mister.

me and my click had nothing but GOOD results.

what do you think the head of the gland is for? it dosent bend red,orange or blue lightwaves the way it refracts the uvb with the prism. terpines and esters anyone?
SAM wants to be left out of the circle....


Well now this was an intelligent response, but what you need to do is try and grow hemp with UVB and get psychedelic weed. It should be easy according to "marijuana optics" by Joe Knuc. This guy has been posting this crap for almost 10 years now. It will be easy to grow great weed in your "new world" after all special genetics are no longer required, just the right set of UVB lights. No problem that most weed in the USA has little to no CBD to be converted from CBD to THC, or that CBD has been found to not be the precursor of THC, (CBG is), little facts like reality should not get in the way of Joe Knuc or DIGITALHIPPY. They want you to be in their circle, but I for one am happy to be left out.
THC is made by the plant from CBG using the THC synthase, controlled by genetics. There are different synthase's for each of the 71 Cannabinoids and they are all controlled by genetics.
And as far as I could tell UVB has little if any effect on potency.
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Good response Sam, and a great way of putting it in layman's terms - the hemp + UVB = psychdelic weed is a good analogy.

I have no time for circles or cliques, for me, it's all about increasing our knowledge of this wonderful herb, sometimes we lose sight of this and let other motives cloud our better judgement.

I'm not kissing Sam's arse, but at least I know for a 100% certain fact that the man has gotten his hands dirty for literally decades now doing serious scientific research with cannabis whereas with other people encountered online, you don't know if they actually have the knowledge and experience to back up what they say or not. I've read and re-read that article by Joe Knuc and simply did not have the in-depth knowledge of the biology of cannabis to be able to fully agree or disagree with it, it smelt fishy and I wasn't at all convinced, so I posted it and asked Sam what his thoughts were, he calls it hooey so I'm content with that.
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Active member
no man no one is talking about hemp.
ive had some crops some years ago that might as well have been but thats another thread.
so have YOU tested these throeys out for yourself sam?

im sure you understand the sun goes through different cycles as far as position in the sky, not just daychange but seasonal, anyways, you dont think the extra uvb in the fall season TRIGGER thoes synapses or the plant to react? not just fall but year round, obviestly the plant wasnt trying to get us 'high' but probably protect the seed from...sunlight...?? seams like a natural response to coat somthing in oil to protect it from bunches of things. i cant believe that UVB and UVA DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING where is the re-action to UV if not to ripen the oil glands?
i wasnt saying that wasnt a good article, its just irelivant...
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Active member
Sam_Skunkman said:
Well now this was an intelligent response, but what you need to do is try and grow hemp with UVB and get psychedelic weed. It should be easy according to "marijuana optics" by Joe Knuc. This guy has been posting this crap for almost 10 years now. It will be easy to grow great weed in your "new world" after all special genetics are no longer required, just the right set of UVB lights. No problem that most weed in the USA has little to no CBD to be converted from CBD to THC, or that CBD has been found to not be the precursor of THC, (CBG is), little facts like reality should not get in the way of Joe Knuc or DIGITALHIPPY. They want you to be in their circle, but I for one am happy to be left out.
THC is made by the plant from CBG using the THC synthase, controlled by genetics. There are different synthase's for each of the 71 Cannabinoids and they are all controlled by genetics.
And as far as I could tell UVB has little if any effect on potency.

Hi Sam,

Just for my own curiosity. Did you study biology in University? I still think you are the most trustworthy source for the Canna Community. What you say should be taken really as the most reliable source.


You need to re-read all the posts by Mr Joe Knuc, he clearly states that genetics are not involved with THC production. It is all about environmental conditions like photo periods and UVB. So he is stating that genetics are a waste of time.
He is not talking science he is talking his ideas, unproven.
I used hemp as an example of how stupid his ideas are, I guess you agree with me?

And yes I have grown hemp many many times and yes I have tested these theories myself. I could not make plants or resin or THC better with UVB. I even grew hemp when I tested UVB just for the heck of it. It did not have any higher THC then the controls grown without UVB. Hemp does not have the genes for THC synthase, therefore you get no THC.

"im sure you understand the sun goes through different cycles as far as position in the sky, not just daychange but seasonal, anyways, you dont think the extra uvb in the fall season TRIGGER thoes synapses or the plant to react? not just fall but year round, obviestly the plant wasnt trying to get us 'high' but probably protect the seed from...sunlight...?? seams like a natural response to coat somthing in oil to protect it from bunches of things. i cant believe that UVB and UVA DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING where is the re-action to UV if not to ripen the oil glands?"

So the UVB is higher in the fall then the middle of summer? Not what I know.
What do you mean by ripen the oil glands? Do you understand that THC is formed by the plant from CBG and a THC synthase that converts the CBG to THC? THC is not formed by UVB, if it was there would be no THC on plants grown indoors without UVB as most are. Think about it.

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I have not attended any universities, I am self taught but I inter-react with a lot of very highly trained folks. I have a lot of experience working with Cannabis on a scientific level. I just love working with the plant. And I am a firm believer in science based work.



I have a GC and several HPLC's. Yes tens of thousands plus maintenance and standards as well as a technician to run the machine and rent for a lab space.



This forum would be nothing without you, Sam. Seriously, thank you Sir!

Sorry for offtopic question, I just wanted to ask you Sam if you're working on a new seed we'll be able to get our hands on any time soon? Thanks again for your time!


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
So can anyone tell me why outdoor only varieties don't produce much resin in a 1K indoor grow with everything pretty much spot on,when outdoors there proper resin bomb,and don't same low light levels as i don't buy that 1 at all.
So whats missing from the indoor enviroment to cause them to produce tiny trichomes ,when all other growth factors were fine?


Maybe to much nutrient? Lumen levels, photoperiod? I am guessing that most plants grown outdoors have much lower nutrient levels, different Lumen levels as well as a natural photoperiod that changes daily..
I am busy with R&D.
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Active member
Sam_Skunkman said:
I have not attended any universities, I am self taught but I inter-react with a lot of very highly trained folks. I have a lot of experience working with Cannabis on a scientific level. I just love working with the plant. And I am a firm believer in science based work.

that describes most people here.
im just curiouse why my plants get me 'higher' (2 bowls to drooling rather then 3) and i notice a more potent/smelly plant with uvb bulbs...
ive had plenty of grows with regular HPS and same nute plan and yes they get me high after 74 days but its not superstoney, same plant same run same nutes adding uvb everyone tells me they feel it. there is a bit of pressure to 'notice the difference' but IMe replacing a placebo(weed not renriched with uvb) only take more product to do the same effect.
i cant tell when i have to pack four or 5 bows to make someone red-eyed and drool.. vs 3 bowls... spacificly myself...

i myself have had plenty of runs with out uvb where i did everything right only to have a mediocre product, your saying its all genetic?


Its a well proven fact currently that both CBD and THC uses same compound (CBG) as precursor. And that that partition is determined genetically.

But its too well proven that same genetic may have different potency if grown in different environment, although always with a generic baseline.

So there is some effect of environment over how work each synthase (of THC(A) and CBD(A)). We dont know absolutelly nothing about how this works, although is pretty reasonable it works by epigenetics.

Recently has been proven that epigenetics are heritable at some degree. It could give base to the old claim of Pate about cannabis not only adapting to environment, but transmiting such adaptation to descendence. There has been little work on this topic, so we dont know what is the margin of epigenetics modulating gene's expresion and its time course.

How much it take for the plant to adapt? We know how much time cannabis takes to adapt to a new lighting spectra, by changing light absorbing pigments (chlorophill a and b, carotenoids, etc) to absorb more of the new light: about a week. If responses to UV are so fast, it would be great. But i suspect this adaptation is longer for the biochemical THC pathway.

Im more interested on effects of UVB on breeding than its inmediate effect on a live plant.

Would two parents grown on a high UVB environment produce seed genetically programed to produce a profile higher in THC? (than when not grown at that environment).
SamS, do you think is worth exploring this possibility?


that describes most people here.
im just curiouse why my plants get me 'higher' (2 bowls to drooling rather then 3) and i notice a more potent/smelly plant with uvb bulbs...
ive had plenty of grows with regular HPS and same nute plan and yes they get me high after 74 days but its not superstoney, same plant same run same nutes adding uvb everyone tells me they feel it. there is a bit of pressure to 'notice the difference' but IMe replacing a placebo(weed not renriched with uvb) only take more product to do the same effect.
i cant tell when i have to pack four or 5 bows to make someone red-eyed and drool.. vs 3 bowls... spacificly myself...

i myself have had plenty of runs with out uvb where i did everything right only to have a mediocre product, your saying its all genetic?

No I am saying that no one has proven that UVB makes plants better to me, and I tried to do so. That is all. I also said that outdoor clones seemed to be a little more potent, why I do not know.


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