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UUUUggh help pls dont flame me


[FONT=&quot]I’m a medical marijuana patient in the state of Washington (King County) within all the legal limits of Chapter 69.51a RCW Medical marijuana. My landlord, who is through a rental agency, wants to show our home to a prospected buyer. We have a garden in the garage. How should I handle this situation? [/FONT]


Green is Gold
If you really are 100% legal then what are you afraid of? Are you worried about the Feds or rippers?


Game Bred
you could rent a uhaul and stash the gear in that for a day...

if you are legal and not in violation of your lease just ride it out.


Get two birds stoned at once
It may not be legal to grow in rented living space, I think in CO you have to own the property.

I am wondering what your lease says. If its just emergencies to enter it may be unlawful. It's yours till its up and if they don't have the right to show it written in you may be able to say no thanks, it sounds like the lord is asking so you can probably say no. They will be ripshitted tho and you never know what they will do.


Game Bred
`if it's through an agency you can pretty much bet they have the right to enter with 24 hour notice to show the property written in the 10 page lease ;)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
It may not be legal to grow in rented living space, I think in CO you have to own the property.

@ OP
It is not uncommon for people to rent a U-haul and park it in the driveway when these things happen.
You may be legal, but do you want the attention?

And, if your house is 'on the market' you may wish to move soon. This will not be the last prospective buyer, or if it is, you are out of a house anyway.

P.S. How is King County these days? Getting big from what I hear. I plan to go back one day, at least to visit and re-kindle childhood memories of Lake Washington.


Sorry about the post kinda trippin. yeah i know all they have to do is give me 24 hrs. Half plants are in dwc buckets so the uhaul kinda scares me. They can evict me im pretty sure, giving me 30 days to finish up half of the crop the other... i dunno. Not worried about the fuzz my county is pretty cool, i just dont want to deal with the agency and the attention. weak..


P.S. How is King County these days? Getting big from what I hear. I plan to go back one day, at least to visit and re-kindle childhood memories of Lake Washington.
I've heard some counties in WA can be very unfriendly regardless if you're 'legal'...just like in Cali in counties like Siskiyou. Got a friend in the Olympia area heavily entrenched in the med scene for years there and WA isn't all a bed of roses.

Mr. Beanz

Your really gonna need to move it unless you wanna get caught. How big is your garden (how many plants)? Even though I'm within the law, I don't want anyone knowing about my grow who doesn't have to. The Uhaul idea sounds like a plan. Sounds like a PITA.


:petting::petting:Dude!!!!! Move your stuff asap. I would seriously consider not growing anything until you own your own home. Best way to not get caught. Stay off the radar. If your land lord finds out bet you he calls cops. For sure. Cut ties and move on.


Oh and BTW. He doesnt need your permission to go inside of his house. Just a good excuse. Maybe not even that.


shut the fuck up Donny
If you really are 100% legal then what are you afraid of? Are you worried about the Feds or rippers?

Dumb answer.

Sadly in the current world we live in, having something being technically legal doesn't mean shit.

Also because you are renting the house I'm sure they could get around that.

You need to get them to commit to an exact time and date to show the house (also what makes you so sure they are only going to show it only once, and not multiple times?).

If it is truly only a one time thing then you really need to do a temporary move with a uhaul in the driveway just for the day. Finding a new place, moving, dealing with the lease all sucks. Even with it being hydro you can pull of having them somewhere else for one day.

Rental agencies are paid to work on behalf of the owner. If they find out about the grow, regardless of the legality of it according to the state, there is a 85%+ chance that you are going to get evicted.

ps- in the future I'd suggest against starting thread titles that being with "pls dont flame me" lol


Active member
i like this Uhaul idea. Never dawned on me, but the neighbor across from me grows, and his bitchy Landlord came over and low and behold there was a Uhaul.


I know all the in betweens i wasnt looking for pre-req advice lol hence the don't flame me. i willing fully set up shop in a rental house that is for sale blah blah blah.(we were told it would be off the market for our 6month lease. I learned dont trust a sales man) i don't need people telling me how bad of an idea it was, just so you can get some posts. I knew what type of situation im in, im a grown ass man doing what i gotta do. Thanks for the uhaul idea. its either that or were just going to tell them we are putting our valuables in the garage cus no-one can be home while they show the house and change out the garge lock in case the person they try and show the house get door knob crazy. Im very active in the med scene here not worried about the fuz or even being evited i can harvest at least half, im just trying to avoid the attention. worst comes to worst i have some cash for a new place...


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I've known people that have gone with the Garage route also, but those weren't for house showings, just a landlord that needed in the basement.

Garages are pretty standard and if you've seen one, you've seen most of them. Unless they put a whole bunch of inner workings shit in the Garage (i.e. water heater, furnace, w/d hookups, electrical box, ect.).

U-Haul or Garage, just depends on your level of comfort.


Active member
say your roomate is engaging in crazy dominatrix sex acts in the basement and that "i highly recommend you dont go in there"...mention something about chains and ropes, and maybe pay your friend to emerge from the room in a gimp suit. :"THAT WAS FUN!!..whoa hey there landlord!"......

im really serious my roomate used this excuse on our landlord when he was right at the door to our grow a few years ago.....the landlord said..."OK, but i will need to inspect the room next month...." and he got out of there pretty quickly hahaha..


Active member
im legal also. and if my landlord wanted to show the house id shit my pants. legal or not.

id definitely take everything out and make it look like a grow was never there. show it and re-set up. finish it out and move.

just because it is legal doesnt stop people from their own opinions and actions they take because of that.

thats just way too much unwanted attention either way. way too much headache to deal with. show and go.

also whos to say they wont be showing it multiple times.