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Using worms in your pots



You just herd the worms that crawl out of the drain holes. It's as easy as cats. :)


That's a good point Jerry.

I still have always preferred them in my bins however, more so than in my pot's pots. I don't really go on worm hunts or anything, I just pick em out on the rare occasion I see them wiggling around.

Aren't you concerned about them crawling out of the bottom drain holes? OD no problem, you release a few store bought worms back to the wild, Indoors however...

Although, I do understand a worms diet of bacteria, probably isn't too much of a nutrient threat, I misspoke on that point.

Maybe next years OD run I'll let a few slide by just to see...

Re: drainage holes - they really don't. They know where their food is - and there's certainly no food outside the pots. I do, however, as the pots seem to dry up some during the week, often find several teaspoonfuls of pure castings directly outside the drainage holes. It's really a perfect situation - how else are you going to get fresh castings deep down into your roots? *lol*

Most of our soil amendments definitely need breaking down before they are ready for use. Having worms directly in your pots is certainly ideal to break these soil amendments down - take fossilized bat guano, greensand, or bonemeal for example; they can literally take years to break down on their own - yep, years.

Now throw composting worms into the equation.

Peace out yo.



There has to be a good collective noun for this grouping of the worms.

And indeed, via the Glory that is Google I find myself considering a clat of worms. Or perhaps a clew.

This... this is excellent for SCRABBLE, check it out!


Oh! We are SO playing Scrabble tonight. I have to check my BIG dictionary or the double volume set, or my husband won't allow me those words. Most excellent, most excellent, between this and having him smoke some of my NL#5, I have a real chance at winning.
<rubs hands devilishly, with a glint in her eye>
To win my husband at Scrabble is quite the feat, for me at least. He's very good.

I just weighed my biggest dictionary, Webster's New Universal Unabridged, Second Edition, copyrighted 1983 and it weighs over 8.25lbs. It has clew, but not clat. I think I'm going to take up reading the dictionary again. Just let it open up at random pages and start reading.
I saw on ******s forum he puts worms in his pots and havests them at the end of the run. I use homemade worm castings and have worms in all my pots.


A grovelling of worms, a knot of worms or a wriggle of worms....

Sometimes I like to think of them as a pride of worms, complete with an Alpha male worm.

I've been LOLing ever since SM said something about a herd of cats.


Toes, I literally herd the cat. I use my cane the same way I used it when I was working with pigs for 4H when I was a kid. You just tap them on the side you want them to move away from, or you can 'hook' 'em in your desired direction. Tons o' fun!
I like a 'squirm' of worms.

Yeah, but how likely am I to get an 's', 'q', 'u', 'i', 'r', and 'm' in Scrabble? I just played a few days ago and had a 'c' an 'l' an 'e' and a 'w'! When one looks up the etymology and other definitions for 'clew' it totally makes sense. A clew of worms.

Harry Hoosier

Toes, I literally herd the cat. I use my cane the same way I used it when I was working with pigs for 4H when I was a kid. You just tap them on the side you want them to move away from, or you can 'hook' 'em in your desired direction. Tons o' fun!

Yeah, but how likely am I to get an 's', 'q', 'u', 'i', 'r', and 'm' in Scrabble? I just played a few days ago and had a 'c' an 'l' an 'e' and a 'w'! When one looks up the etymology and other definitions for 'clew' it totally makes sense. A clew of worms.

When you are right, you are right! I had not looked up 'clew' and it works simply and smoothly. Brava!