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Using raw vegetable diluted-juice for watering?



Lots has been written on it. As with many ideas, at first I was recalcitrant to accept the notion that anything good could be found.

And then I learned about reefkeepers using VODKA to start up their biological filters. First thing I thought of was that nice restaurant tank I'd been maintaining that was killed off after that one happy hour--bunch of alcohol being dumped into the tank.

Of course, none of this is a raw vegetable juice extract, but it ends up being related if you're familiar with the players. ;)
well, Mates I 'm feeling depressed reading this thread. for years I 've been pissing on the soil of my plants each time I water or I piss in the water bucket prior to watering and now I find out this is the behaviour of an idiot ...

and Mr Cootes language seems cryptic ... and I haven't the energy to decode ...

so seems to me one potential problem is loading the top of yr soil with nitrogen as the vege bits are filtered out when you water on the brew you've made.

but every now and then should be ok ...
No one does.

I did an entire grow the year before last using primarily urine as the primary feed source. I used one plant that managed to sprout under my deck for an additional experiment--what would happen in native soil, and with only urine as the feed. She didn't break any records, but considering how incredibly cheap she was to feed & water...? Worth having a go at again.
Ahhh... The pee pee dilemma... While Maiden is absolutely correct in the fact folks have been urinating on plants for nutes (primarily N), this should be done in outdoor environment where nature can eventually "flush" it away. Not indoor where there is a high chance of salt build up. I have other reservations on why I wouldn't use it...
BTW in Europe pee pee is a no no for orgo (organics for the uncool)
It's not approved for organic production anywhere. If folks are going to discuss what I say, how about including all the information I try to provide along with? No one should be peeing directly onto annuals, and I always, always, ALWAYS discuss dilution ratios.

I'm sure it's far better to send poor people into bat caves to collect bat shit. Truly.
Oy. Urine has a place, but direct use indoors I can't advocate and really there are issues of diet and health to consider. As for human shit I'd honestly love to do a compost heap of humanure, let it break down for a couple years and then try it. We're revulsed by it but have no objection to other mammal shit. This does sound gross, but imagine the nutrient content in shit from a healthy human. Logically speaking if you composted long enough human pathogens should be no issue.
There are some of those issues to consider, to be sure, however, I'm not 100% positive that, say, chicken manure is free of those same issues, for example.
Let's keep the sarcasm for the sake of sarcasm down please. It's become the rallying cry of this subforum too much. New members don't get half our sarcasm I feel and it makes the place less than welcoming. We should be an oasis in the chem desert. Not the subforum that acts holier than thou.
Did you catch the NancyBotwin412 thread, what happened there? They managed to drive her off in, what, about two days? This is why I've been asking what people's goals are.

Denigration, heckling, jeering, badgering, ridiculing, downright insulting. We have it all in the organic soil forum. It's become incredibly tedious just to slog through it all. I stand by my words, from last year that pissed certain members off so much, and every day you guys post stuff like what's in this thread and the previously mentioned, the more you prove me right.

Neo 420

Active member
No one does.

I understand him... Nice and clear!!

It's not approved for organic production anywhere. If folks are going to discuss what I say, how about including all the information I try to provide along with? No one should be peeing directly onto annuals, and I always, always, ALWAYS discuss dilution ratios.

Your acting like I took your post out of context or something. I simply stated facts about pee pee. Geee Wilikers. Don't take it peersonal.

I'm sure it's far better to send poor people into bat caves to collect bat shit. Truly.
I don't use guano. Wrong person

Did you catch the NancyBotwin412 thread, what happened there? They managed to drive her off in, what, about two days? This is why I've been asking what people's goals are.
Oh.. I didn't know she had left. Maybe she joined RUI or something.

Denigration, heckling, jeering, badgering, ridiculing, downright insulting. We have it all in the organic soil forum. It's become incredibly tedious just to slog through it all. I stand by my words, from last year that pissed certain members off so much, and every day you guys post stuff like what's in this thread and the previously mentioned, the more you prove me right.

What happened? I know nothing of the incident you are referring to.
And as far as "Denigration, heckling, jeering, badgering, ridiculing, downright insultin" you are referring to the whole site correct? I see that behavior all the time in other sections of the site. Oh.. You must be talking about how some chem growers come into the organic section and spew their drivel. Your are correct, they do come in here and do that stuff.... Thanks for caring!!!
They make special toilets now to compost humanure, weird..if you use humanure make sure it came from a human that didn't have flu shots or any type of dewormer, booster shots etc. and had a stable diet of only the best dollar menu items..


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
to speak to the OP;

watering w/ the cleaning rinse from your juicer may prove to have practical effects and you should try it ~maybe AB 2 plants w/ a side by side

i would be inclined to use it to 'water' the compost pile where the pulp would already be


Active member
W89, I'm not sure what your question is.

Now, onto your assertions, or questions, I'm not sure what you're aiming for here.

I don't advocate urinating on plants. That is straight up idiotic. If you're going to make a statement about anything *I* have to say, make sure you've got it right, ok? Since you've mentioned this at least twice, go back, re-read what I've said, then try again. I can show you studies that demonstrate very well that using urine not only performs as well as chemical salt-based fertilizers, it performs better than. Considering some of the goals of going organic, does it make much sense to you to pay to have worm, bat, cow or chicken shit shipped to your door? Or shipped anywhere? (I'm including driving to a place to make the purchase--the same effect is generated in the action.)

Nor do I advocate getting plants drunk (although... really?). I do advocate making use of what you have on hand and experimenting, and I absolutely advocate questioning 'conventional wisdom' and 'experts'. If you, as a minion, don't know what beer can provide, then I've just given you a direction to follow and some more to research.

Same with the pee. Go do your research, then get back to me. :)

Fermentation vs juicing...? It only needs a little time and some inoculants to start fermenting, but really I've found it's a term being used very loosely on this site. What I am advocating for is EXPERIMENTATION. I do not march in lock step with others, I am willing to experiment, I am willing to keep my mind open to the ideas and experiences of others. I've done plenty of experimentation myself and through that have learned quite a bit. Often it doesn't jive with the opinions of others. Oh well!

Lots has been written on it. As with many ideas, at first I was recalcitrant to accept the notion that anything good could be found.

And then I learned about reefkeepers using VODKA to start up their biological filters. First thing I thought of was that nice restaurant tank I'd been maintaining that was killed off after that one happy hour--bunch of alcohol being dumped into the tank.

Of course, none of this is a raw vegetable juice extract, but it ends up being related if you're familiar with the players. ;)

No one does.

I did an entire grow the year before last using primarily urine as the primary feed source. I used one plant that managed to sprout under my deck for an additional experiment--what would happen in native soil, and with only urine as the feed. She didn't break any records, but considering how incredibly cheap she was to feed & water...? Worth having a go at again.

It's not approved for organic production anywhere. If folks are going to discuss what I say, how about including all the information I try to provide along with? No one should be peeing directly onto annuals, and I always, always, ALWAYS discuss dilution ratios.

I'm sure it's far better to send poor people into bat caves to collect bat shit. Truly.

There are some of those issues to consider, to be sure, however, I'm not 100% positive that, say, chicken manure is free of those same issues, for example.

Did you catch the NancyBotwin412 thread, what happened there? They managed to drive her off in, what, about two days? This is why I've been asking what people's goals are.

Denigration, heckling, jeering, badgering, ridiculing, downright insulting. We have it all in the organic soil forum. It's become incredibly tedious just to slog through it all. I stand by my words, from last year that pissed certain members off so much, and every day you guys post stuff like what's in this thread and the previously mentioned, the more you prove me right.

What??? yeah thats right...ummmm


I understand him... Nice and clear!!
Even the snide remarks you get, eh?
Your acting like I took your post out of context or something. I simply stated facts about pee pee. Geee Wilikers. Don't take it peersonal.
Sorry, didn't mean to come off that way. I have a few people coming at me, though, hope you understand that after seeing myself being picked at, referred to not quite so loosely, and seeing derogatory remarks that seem to clearly refer to me by some of these folks, I get a little snappy.
I don't use guano. Wrong person
Ah, but so many organic fanatics do!
Oh.. I didn't know she had left. Maybe she joined RUI or something.
Was that called for? She seemed to have something to offer. Now we'll never know, because she was driven off by the very same bullshit that's starting to clog yet another thread.
What happened? I know nothing of the incident you are referring to.
The same type of bullshit that's happening here and in other organic soil threads. Let me show you. Oh... wait, the thread's gone? Nicely done. Basically she began discussing using "unapproved" methods (spikes), discussed her profession and then it was all over. She, rightly so, decided to delete her posts and move on. I reached out, hoping she might find a place to share whatever knowledge she might have, but no response. It's just straight up unfriendly for folks who aren't doing things a certain way, marching in lock-step.
And as far as "Denigration, heckling, jeering, badgering, ridiculing, downright insultin" you are referring to the whole site correct? I see that behavior all the time in other sections of the site. Oh.. You must be talking about how some chem growers come into the organic section and spew their drivel. Your are correct, they do come in here and do that stuff.... Thanks for caring!!!
No, I am not referring to the whole site. The toker's den we can expect this sort of thing, and may observe it. But not in, say, Advanced Botany, it's nowhere nearly as rife. I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'm stickin' to my guns. Just because *you* aren't targeted doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's been happening for a while, and my simply pointing it out caused a huge shitstorm. I thought everyone here was adults, now I know better.

Come on, you ain't reading our new friend W89 trying to have a go at me? And the only bone that person has to pick with me has entirely to do with others, which they copped to (before deletion by mods). You may be ok with slogging through pages of people sniping at others, and being absolutely rude to them, but I'm not, and when I see it I say something.
What??? yeah thats right...ummmm
That's called READING COMPREHENSION. Using urine--I do it, and I will do it again. You should find everything I've written on it, just to be complete.
So, show me where I said I peed on my plants (as though that really matters, but you're stuck on it, so go for it).

Ok, so, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm curious to find out what the OP learns using the vegetable juice/extract/pulp, what have you. That was my whole reason for posting in this thread in the first place.
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Im sorry sea, but "Adv. Growing and Botany" is a SHITHOLE. The section is full of fools who think themselves botanists with a PhD. The section is almost entirely useless. The same goes for most of the sections. Organics just has its own flavour. It's more hostile but honestly it's a better hostility than sections where logic gets shot down for the sake of canna-myths and egocentric behavior.
Here's some sarcasm by Kevin Frank Ph.D. at Michigan State University.

I still read a newspaper – the real thing, not the ones that you find on your numerous electronic devices that everyone can’t seem to live without these days. This time of year it’s always interesting to read the lawn and garden tips that seem to come out at least weekly to “inform” the readership of what we should really be doing in our lawns and gardens. Last weekend I read an article that started by telling me to “forget fancy fertilizers,” and the best way to fertilize my lawn was with Epsom salt, which the article says is the primary ingredient in most fertilizers. Saturday Night Live used to have a skit where the news anchors would talk about news stories that seemed obviously wrong or stupid and constantly asked the question, “Really?” Every now and then I hear this in my head when I read information such as this and sometimes I’ll even say it out loud, “Really?”
So what about Epsom salt?

The truth about Epsom salt is that as the article states it is a source of magnesium, a nutrient that is part of the structure of chlorophyll – the stuff that makes plants green and helps them make food via photosynthesis. So, I agree that Epsom salt could be a benefit to the lawn as a source of magnesium and also sulfur. I disagree, though, in that it is not the primary ingredient in most lawn fertilizers. The primary nutrient in lawn fertilizers is nitrogen. Epsom salt is more commonly used in small doses for ornamental plantings, not lawns. So, I conclude after reading the Epsom salt recommendation for lawns, “Really?”
Baby shampoo, ammonia, beer

The string of insightful lawn tips continued in my paper just four days later under an article title that indicated we all might be going too far in going green and that going green shouldn’t have to cost a lot of green. They hooked me and I started reading. This time I at least made it through the first recommendation about dishwasher soap. The second recommendation advised me that for my lawn I should mix some baby shampoo, ammonia, beer (unfortunately for the lawn, not for me), and some corn syrup in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer. Really? What are these ingredients all about and how could they possibly work on a lawn?

Baby shampoo could serve as a type of surfactant that could reduce water repellency in the soil – if that’s a problem for your soil. Ammonia is a source of nitrogen. Beer and corn syrup has some sort of natural organic fertilizer or biostimulant. For the beer, I’d buy the cheap stuff – not the microbrews. The final comment about mixing in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer? How many of you have a 20 gallon hose end sprayer, and how many of you could hold a 20 gallon hose end sprayer? OK, go to your favorite store and ask them where the 20 gallon hose end sprayers are, really!
Proven and effective

Here are some simple fertilizer tips for your lawn that are proven and effective. April was soaking wet and with the warm weather now, the turf is generally growing faster than you can mow. If your lawn is still actively pushing upward, I’d actually consider waiting a week or two before putting down a fertilizer application. No need to force any additional top-growth beyond what the plant is already doing.

Select a fertilizer that contains slow release nitrogen sources. Slow release fertilizers include coated ureas, methylene ureas or natural organics. Slow release fertilizers provide sustained feeding of the turf over the summer months. Avoid single, heavy dose applications of water-soluble, fast release fertilizers such as urea or the triple products (fertilizers with N, P, K, analysis such as 10-10-10). Fast release fertilizer will give you instant satisfaction with dark green color and quick growth response, but won’t last long and the top-growth they increase can actually reduce root growth. Really.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu. To contact an expert in your area, visit http://expert.msue.msu.edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

Sat X RB

goodness, goodness, me!

looks like Vitriol has a place among organic gardeners too.

most disappointing!