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using mj while taking antidepressants?

I quit self medicating with mj a few weeks ago and have since started using Cymbalta for depression/anxiety as well as valium,vistiril, and nortriptiline for sleep per a doctors orders. This along with various pain meds, yeah im not in great shape

My conditions have worsened and I was thinking of trying a lil bit of my own medicine instead of this coctail of pills of nightmare proportions.

Will it have negative effects that anyone can attest to using while on these meds?
OR would it be best to do as I am and try to get my head back together as per Doc orders without using mj?

Please no bashing, this is a serious and dangerous ordeal

Thanks for any input



Active member
hey buddy-

only u can really tell whats goin on in ur own head. im not a doctor but if i had to guess the real concern would not be adding mj so much as it would be stopping all the other stuff cold turkey. u are taking some powerful pharmie meds and u may want to reduce them over a period of time. as far as adding mj to the mix, i've never had interaction problems with my meds but they are not the same as yours so i don't want to act like i totally know. if the mj does help mitigate some of the issues you're dealing with i would really consider being honest with ur doc and telling him that. it helps to have all that stuff on the table and if you want to back off the meds the doctor would be able to give you the best advice about doing so.

good luck and i hope it works out for u my friend

Well it apparently is not good for me to use mj while taking these stupid meds as i had a bad reaction. Damned if I do and damned if i dont :badday:

Jeff, thanks for the peace of mind, I can tell that you know how im feeling right now.
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Active member
antidepressants are very intense medications. if you condition is that dire that you might need them I would stop taking anything... and that applies to caffeine in many cases.

you really need to determine how much you trust your doctor. are they just giving you meds because they think that will treat the symptoms, or are they really engaged in your difficulties and think that you need to take meds to get to a place where you can begin to fix your problems on your own.
I had a doctor that just said 'dont drink, don't do cocaine (I said I had done in twice in a 1 year period and that I dont even know where to get it), and take 2 lexapro a day'
lexapro made me feel like a zombie..... it was really weird. I honestly can't say that it helped me one bit.


Active member
Try it, if you freak out, then don't.

If you do smoke, you might mess up your medication from doing it's thing.

How long have you been on the anti-depressants?


My own experience with antidepressants and self medicating has been ok, but Im on a different medicine, one that is more for anxiety. I also totally agree with the elimination of caffine, that alone reduced my anxiety/depression drastically. Good luck. Don't mess around with those meds certainly avoid the on...off...on...off cycle.
^^^^ same here, still hooked on f*kin cymbalta... i use mj for depression & anxiety... now, since half a year, thats what cymbalta doesnt deliver anymore, like any AD i've taken... 4 years now, could switch them every 3-4 months.
now i also use mj to kill those nasty side effects of the AD ... nausea, racy thoughts ...

i beg to differ, there are times those pills are of great help, but for me, their dead ... i wish i could just let them go, but i'm hookes and have to lower the doses to zero in 4-6 months ...

man, watch out for those benzos, saw alot people fuckin up their live with au benzo addiction .... best wishes to you, good luck and dont let them fuc* too much with your brain chemistry :)

Wooden Eye

anti Depressants are NOT very nice medications at all IMO medicinal herb is the best. Aside from making me feel weird they rob you of your sexual drive and that alone is reason to bin them and I really do need my medicine.


i take wellbutrin and smoke all day. Its the only anti-depressant that has worked for me. cause its not a SSRI.

Wooden Eye

Sativas are very good for the soul and mind.Helping to make you feel at one with your own thoughts in your own mind. sometimes a sleepy indica can be just the ticket to getting some good quality rest. Just wishes the Law would understand its not just for kicks can be quiet beneficial.


I'm also in the same boat as you. I take Cymbalta for Depression but my depression is related to my pain. I take Hydrocondone for pain and soma to relax my muscles. Also on gabapentin which was made for sezuires I think but also helps with nerve pain which I have. I smoke sometimes to help me sleep and to relax me. I don't smoke if I've just taken my pain pills . I wait a few hours. I was most concerned with the cymbalta but cymbalta works on the saratonin and other brain transmitter. From what I've read Buds don't mess with those chemicals but more research needs to be done. If I were you take it easy on how much you smoke . Moderation is the key.

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