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using lab grade acetone for oil



well i got this and a few plants more and a 5 liter bottle of lab grade acetone..
amnesia haze / ssh/ptk/ptk

.as u can see its a foxtailed hell only a sativa lover could ever look friendly at. well i like sativas every now and then, but this baby got so much foxtails it occured to me to instead use most of it for oil. personaly i think the top kolas are propably top class smoke, with all that resin.

also i got a few other plants i didnt take pics of. one is an other of the cross mentioned above, and then there is one SSH/ptk and one sweetnsourdiesel/ssh/ptk/ptk, most of them quite heat damaged and foxtailed. all of them have a good amount of resin though..

my plan is to freeze the acetone 24 hours, and do quickwashes dividing up the material in various jars.

my plan is to pour acetone into one jar with material, shake it and stir, then pour it thru a sieve into next jar and repeat the process.

now it occurs to me there might be some downsides with this method, and if there is any of the oil masters out there with time, im happy for any extra input.

will the re-cycling of the acetone leave behind more and more resin and lead to less quantity?

should i use an amount of acetone for each individual jar instead?

the reason asking is recycling would save a lot of time on evaporating if there is no mayor flaws with it. also it will save acetone for later runs..

i will do the run this weekend so i have time to change plans :)

i should say the oil will be for making jelly hash, mixing it later with ice hash.



A friend of mine went down to Jamaica in the 70's and would use acetone to make gangs of oil.Put the weed in pillow cases and fill up a washtub with acetone they bought in 55 gallon drums in Kingston.They rented a middle class house and lived modest while they were there.Acetone strips weed quick but isn't very selective.


iso gives a less pure product :) it leaches out more clorophyl imho

also i have used food grade 99% proof ethanol and butane before :D but lab grade acetone is VERY cheap compared to butane, and has very low risk of explosion :D

i live in spain. right now its 40ºC (115ºF) outside, and butane evaporates violently allready when extracting. also the cost of butane, and the work involved is too much to do outside.

acetone extractions i can make indoors with the aircon on, and take out the extracted acetone to evaporate outside slowly, with no greater risks.

also i happened to get the acetone for free :D


should work perfectly fine. im wondering as well how quickly/how much material it takes to make the solvent less effective. im working on a similar washing method using iso but i dont see it as being much different. only recommendation when using acetone is a super short exposure time. id also suggest starting small like 3 same size jars with the same wash. once you expose your greens to it theyll start to degrade. any wash you do after is going to be of a lesser quality, best to get as much as possible from the first and cleanest run. hope this made some sense, looking forward to hearing how it went.


freezing acetone will help in reducing the amount of plant waxes that might disolve. as far as i have understood.

all in all i will trim the nugs of the leaf and extract calyx. trim will go to ice hash :D

there will be only one wash for the material. 15 secs to 30 secs.

IMO - yeah thats pretty much what i thought. i tried that method with alcy one year ago. only i do only one wash.


freezing acetone will help in reducing the amount of plant waxes that might disolve. as far as i have understood.

all in all i will trim the nugs of the leaf and extract calyx. trim will go to ice hash :D

there will be only one wash for the material. 15 secs to 30 secs.

IMO - yeah thats pretty much what i thought. i tried that method with alcy one year ago. only i do only one wash.

definitely. freezing the tone will help a great deal. will you be freezing the material as well? i found this also helped suspend the waxes, gave me a much purer product.

did you find a saturation point for the alc?


hey bonecarver,

can't wait to see how your oil run goes. i think i've read other threads where folks used acetone, the quick wash method should work fine. in theory you should be able to use the same acetone more then once without loosing much if any. if you keep it cold while doing the wash nothing should evaporate so the oil should all stay in the acetone. the question is how much can it take without loosing efficiency. i'm sure the oil experts will be along any time :)


imo - the material will be frozen also. if not the acetone would warm up very fast. in the alcohol run i did the alcohol did not get saturated, atleast not with resin :)

gaiusmarius - i used acetone before with good results, but its allways been with less material. the biggest run this far i did was similar size to this, but i want allways try to improve the methods :D


hehe :) thanks raco ! this one is propably gonna be one u might like! ;)


natural medicator
Any reason for only doing one wash? Seems the general rule is 3 washes gets out 99% of usable resins. Maybe do 3 separate washes and keep each run in separate containers? That way you could still have you high quality wash, but also maybe double your yield with a couple lower quality washes.


I have used beauty shop/hardware store grade acetone similarly. 8 different washes through different fresh jars of material. I would suggest a third jar in the process to hold the acetone in between jar fills so material doesn't soak too long. It worked well for me, and evaporates quicker than Iso. Enjoy it :)


firsttracks - the reason is i only smoke the best stuff - but i could maybe make for comparison a 2nd wash, but i dont know if i would smoke that. lets see

imnotkrazy - good point! i will do that :)


you can always cook the second run for food, or to make holy anointing oil for your granny's or another family member's arthritis, or give it away if you don't like it.


hehe thats true :)

lets see what i do :D maybe i do a fast 2nd run to give away to a cancer patient i know, but i allready given them more than what they will use. she never smoked before the illness and she gets pretty well medicated on diminute amounts.

lets see, maybe i make some buddy happy with some 2nd grade oil.. hm :D


Well-known member
I would use new acetone for every wash. After a wash acetone loses its selectivity. It's a major rule in all the extraction chemistry, removing the saturated layer for better dilution.


Natalie J. Puffington
Gaiusmarius: "you can always cook the second run for food, or to make holy anointing oil for your granny's or another family member's arthritis, or give it away if you don't like it."

Bonecarver OG: "hehe thats true. lets see what i do maybe i do a fast 2nd run to give away to a cancer patient i know, but i allready given them more than what they will use. she never smoked before the illness and she gets pretty well medicated on dominate amounts.
lets see, maybe i make some buddy happy with some 2nd grade oil.."

What a fantastic suggestion, Gaiusmarius! :good:
You are both so thoughtful and generous to help bring comfort to those around you!! :angelshug:
I am sure the recipients are extremely grateful!!
Much respect to you both!!
