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Using Ganja as Topical Medicine

Has anyone here experienced using ganja topically - as in on the skin? I have read and researched a bit with mixed results. I'm assuming it may depend on potency and amount applied. Probably if anything it offers a longer lasting mild body buzz or wave of relaxation similar in a way to ingesting medibles.

I am creating a ganja massage oil out of a base of ganjified sweet almond oil and safflower oil, and blending that with pure essential oils. I will be able to test it in about a week, and was wondering what people think about it.

When I signed up for my MMJ card here in Washington, I met a woman who never smoked in her life but after a couple of decades of suffering from severe eczema, she finally found relief via topical ganja application. She was able to heal for the first time in 20 years. Pretty amazing and inspiring enough to explore the topical world. First on the list: an aphrodesiac ganja massage oil. Yup!

Much thanks iSMOKE.KUSH, yes I'm familiar with those posts :) My issue is that I'm religiously organic, and in a medical state selling "organic medicine" The debate remains as to whether or not the solvent remains in the product. Gray Wolf says he cooks it off, and I'm fine with that for personal use. He's experimenting with "butane, hexane, ethanol, ISO, and denatured alcohol" and as much as I personally love BHO for personal use, I can't knowingly give a potential carcinogen (butane) to a cancer patient and call it medicine for them, or anyone for that matter. Someone may declare it as medicine for themselves, but I can't offer it to Washington MMJ patients as such without knowing whether or not a carcinogen remains. I'm looking into experimenting with everclear as a solvent.

What I'm looking for out of this thread is to hear what kind of experiences folks here on the forum have had in using it. The extent that the links you provided only gets to the point that his oil is great and he can't keep up with the demand (among many other golden nuggets of information!)

"That is an important issue at the moment, because I currently have more demands for topical than my total monthly leaf supply for all meds. After passing out samples for testing, everyone who tested it wants more."

Well, wanting more is good! Buy WHY do they want more. body buzz? headdy? put you to sleep? I think it depends on potency (which is covered in my case), and the carrier oils and their absorption perhaps.... this is where I need some help with this topic !

Anyone use ganja topically here?


Active member

just saying, there has been a lot of mis info out there, BUTANE IS NOT a carcinogen....

edit: thats not to say if you went inhaling butane you wouldn't die but, even if there was any left, which is extremely unlikely if done right, it's not in high enough concentration to do anything...
Thank you whodare!! As much as I've googled and researched, I've not been able to confirm that.

Is there a reliable source I can share with my patients?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I have been using an olive oil/cannabis decoction for about the last year or so, and have provided it to a number of people. It is very effective as an anti-inflammatory,and relieves muscle spasms, stiffness, and arthritic joints. Everyone that I have given it to has had positive results, but no one has caught a buzz from it.


Active member
that why gray wolf does dacarboxination on his bho to filter out the plant material and any carcinogens. i'd be willing to bet money that there are more carcinogens in regular plain old weed than in bho, and people still go about selling regular weed as meds.


Active member
that why gray wolf does dacarboxination on his bho to filter out the plant material and any carcinogens. i'd be willing to bet money that there are more carcinogens in regular plain old weed than in bho, and people still go about selling regular weed as meds.


to go further i vaporize my oil's and reduce my intake of combusted material to 0 which removes carcinogens from the equation...


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
the last few weeks i have been using a shea butter/canna lotion for my neck (sports injury) and wrists/hands and man does this stuff work wonders. I do not feel any buzz/ tingling or anything, but it eliminates pain.
I used to take advil everyday and it still wouldn't reduce the pain as much as i needed. i would have to get faded to ignore the pain.

now i take advil maybe 1-2 a month now, and thats really only for massive headaches not my neck anymore.

i think topicals should be in every first aid kit, i was very surprised how effective they are. The one i tried i got from a vendor at Good Karma Collective, don't know how others compare but i will try any i can get my hands on.
great comments, thank you!

@yourcorpse, awesome! I have access to an abundance of shea butter and was hoping to hear something positive here about it! so glad to hear you are finding such wonderous relief. Thank you~
I'm also wondering what kinds of products people want to see made.
Lip balm, injury salve, moisturizer... so much you can combine with ganja for healing purposes! I'm liking this little topical bubble and looking forward to getting some of these goods produced and available to patients! Imagine that, it works! What an amazing plant :)


Active member
i have friends that make topicals, and the lip balm can actually fuck you up hehe. great for the dry climate too.
Talked to a dispensary that wants the massage oil I have, and found it hilarious when they told my they didn't want any lip balm because the last one they had gave everyone cottonmouth!

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