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using Espoma Garden Lime with reverse osmosis water


Has anyone used Espoma Garden Lime with r/o water? I'm growing in FFOF, and I'd like to know if the lime pellets will provide enough Cal/Mag, and how much to use.


Active member
Most lime pellets are made of a carrier pellet coated with lime. Very little lime. There may be some that are all lime. Don't know. Check with Espoma. Good luck. -granger

Sat X RB

yep. as Granger sez, that's question specific to Epsoma. BUT if Epsoma say lime (Ca) why should you assume there is Mg in their pellets?

Dolomite contains Ca and Mg in just about perfect proportions for cannabis. if you haven't already got this in yr soil and yr pH is acid then you can sprinkle some on top of yr pot and water in. but put it on like sugar on top of a donut and WAIT three days for results.

Ive used Espoma garden lime many times before. Like the others have said it is dolomite lime surrounded by clay for easy dispersing. When I use it on its own I usually use a little bit more. For instance, instead of 2 tablespoons per gallon of soil, i will usually use around 2 1/2 tablespoons.


guaranteed analysis


Active member
From what I understand lime is not a good source of cal/mag. It takes far too long for the microbes to break it down and make it available. Just cause the label says it's there, doesn't mean it's water soluable. Use kelp extracts for cal/mag.
If you have cal/mag issues, Epsom salts and pulverized egg shells work well for me. BTW, you can call Espomas tech support, explain that you are a "Medical Grower/ Caregiver" (Obviously tell 'em you're in a state that allows such activities) and they will be MORE than happy to help you. Very nice and very knowledgeable folks over there. I love Espoma products.
If you have cal/mag issues, Epsom salts and pulverized egg shells work well for me. BTW, you can call Espomas tech support, explain that you are a "Medical Grower/ Caregiver" (Obviously tell 'em you're in a state that allows such activities) and they will be MORE than happy to help you. Very nice and very knowledgeable folks over there. I love Espoma products.

All this time later, thanks for this post!
I've been looking for some validation that I would be alright using Epsom/Egg shell combo, and since you say that you've had success with that combo, I can breathe just a little easier!
And if you are still around, please do elaborate on this post as to how you used the Epsom Salts.
I looking for all the input I can get at the moment.