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Using Botanicare CalMag with EJ


quick question

any tips for using Botanicare calmag with EJ? do I just add it to my normal fertilization mix when watering?

been over 11 years and I finally gonna try some Calmag....this is on the advise of a good grower and friend. if he see this he know who he is



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ive been told that botaincare's calmag contains edta and this is harmful to the beneficials in the soil.

I use General Organics calmag instead.

hope this helps


some interesting replies.....Tacoma I recently sterilized my medium with a hydrogen peroxide watering mix so not too concerned about the damage to beneficials, but in the future I may have to take that information into account.

I have come to the conclusion that the issues I am dealing with are Cal/mag related and will see how this product helps.

I've used earth juice for a number of years.

I would not advise anyone putting any calmag bottled nutrient into your mix.

When I used EJ I came across a lot of Mag def in my plants. To combat this first I made sure to bubble EJ for 48 hrs. You also need to be sure to include at least 5ml of the micro per gallon, as this is your only mag source with ej.

If the mag issue started and I had bubbled the mix for 48 hrs and 5ml of micro, I then would include Epsom Salt at a rate of 1 teaspoon per quart of water.

Then treat the next feeds at a quarter dose until fixed.

I noticed most of my issues were fixed once I started to bubble longer. And I feel there is a misconception when growers advise other growers that PH doesn't matter in organics.

Well it matters in bottled organics because most if not all especially ej have alot of traced minerals that allow the plant to instantly uptake the nutrients, and because of my history with synthetic nutrients I conclude that any plant being topped feed nutrients that are instantly available, need to be ph correct.

Do not ph correct it, but allow ej to bubble into your ph zone, about 48 hours.

Hence why I stress the long bubble.

Lastly, if you are having a Ca issue you should first make sure your using TAP water as THEY advise, if your still experiencing a ca issue then a water analysis could be done. But most Ca that cannabis needs is found in tap water. If you need to filter use the Small Boy filter. As it just removes Chlorine.

Still having problem, supplement future grows with Lime or use Hydrated Lime but only if you have experience.



Active member
quick question

any tips for using Botanicare calmag with EJ? do I just add it to my normal fertilization mix when watering?

been over 11 years and I finally gonna try some Calmag....this is on the advise of a good grower and friend. if he see this he know who he is

Good question, I was using earth juice, and also started to use calmagic, 1tbsp gal. It surely helped with the yellowing of leaves, as I use to use epson salt, which is a no no.

Since then I was taught a great lesson, as cal mag is great, and works, but just using rock powders in soil mix or top dressing works ten times better, and cheaper. Pretty much when going organic we forget that we need no help from fake syntetics, as nature is always better, calmag is a cleated agent, and has minimal amounts needed, so you have to keep feeding it, but in rock its a slow release, or faster if you use High brix methods with ICANT BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER results! LOL

Stick to the EJ tho, very good stuff, and at the right ratios for organics, as long as you keep it 100% organic, once you add any fake to the mix you will get signs that look like something but can be a whole different thing, most ppl get fustrated becuase they are use to the fast results of synthetics, but ppl just dont understand micro life, and the harmony they demand, but once you do they out perform any style, even hydro.

Yes hydro can yeild you some fat plants, but quaility is taken, ever taste some organic? Mine I never flush, matter of fact I can pick a bud, quick dry it in oven and smoke couple hours later, and still taste great without cure, and total white ash. No I dont suggest to quick dry, its just at hard times, or testing the strength. Try this with any synthetic, yuck! Good luck bro, hope I answers something for ya.
And for you hydro guys, aint saying nothing bad, as yes some guys grow, and flush killer hydro no doubt, all I am saying is the ease of obtaing the same if not better results without the leg work or ppm/ph/mixing chems, and all the stress of doing a perfect hydro!


Active member
some interesting replies.....Tacoma I recently sterilized my medium with a hydrogen peroxide watering mix so not too concerned about the damage to beneficials, but in the future I may have to take that information into account.

I have come to the conclusion that the issues I am dealing with are Cal/mag related and will see how this product helps.

Never do the hydroden peroxide, regardless of how we thing the soil is. You micro life are a balancing act between good bact. and bad bact. if you do this is like starting over wiping both out, and you just may only have bad bact. in abundance to start off with.

No body gives these micro life the respect of their true abilities, all you have to do is feed them carbs/molasass, and they will eat and break rocks down to feed roots that cant eat rocks, to mix this natural with any synthetic is a costly, and fustrating mistake, its so simple it boggles me how we approch organics, but hey I done the same mess, and learned the hard way.

All I do now bro is mix my earth juice as bottle states, and feed as directed,or when soil dries and if you never used mulch for top dressing your not aiding in your war of watering, or giving micro life homes. Mulch non dyes organic that is will by itself give you gains, as it keeps these micros alive longer, with less watering!, once a week I do a worm poo, and humus tea to replace micro life. This is all because I over loaded my soil with rock powders, and now more peat moss as it is equal to most humus soils in amounts of humus. This is it, and working on maybe not needing the ej and do just Teas, but still testing.

Since this was done no, and I mean no yellow leaves! I have a perpeptual going, and a set that was 20 days ahead with old ways, was passed up by the new brix method clones, and already taller twice as thick stems, and pistols all longer, white, and almost passed in size, its just mouth dropping at the results, I wish I had a camera, but the best thing to this is get the three bags of Limestone-not dolimite lime, Gypsum, phosphate, maybe some green sand, or axomite rock to add to the mix, and play with mixing the ratios in a mix either mix it in soil, or topdress if already potted.

The science behind High brix is basic, and very clear anyone should understand the principal here. ALL not some All soils around the earth has been depleated of it minerals(ie rocks) and over time without re amending the soil the plant only can get so much minerals no matter how much you water. Think of it this way, the only way I can explain, the dinosours were huge, they ate huge plants, at the time the minerals in our earth were very abundant, but since not so much, and it was long ago.

See we humans take, take take, never giving back, and the most common fix to not giving back is to offer a fake form to get the closest results to natural as possible, when all that is needed is to add rock powders, you may say its not that easy, well look who is asking for money, these companies not me, its almost like they opperate off our ignorance, you dont say, just like big Pharma does with pills! Choice is yours, do a test just on one plant, and you will crap your pants in a week or two!:tiphat:


Active member
I've used earth juice for a number of years.

I would not advise anyone putting any calmag bottled nutrient into your mix.

When I used EJ I came across a lot of Mag def in my plants. To combat this first I made sure to bubble EJ for 48 hrs. You also need to be sure to include at least 5ml of the micro per gallon, as this is your only mag source with ej.

If the mag issue started and I had bubbled the mix for 48 hrs and 5ml of micro, I then would include Epsom Salt at a rate of 1 teaspoon per quart of water.

Then treat the next feeds at a quarter dose until fixed.

I noticed most of my issues were fixed once I started to bubble longer. And I feel there is a misconception when growers advise other growers that PH doesn't matter in organics.

Well it matters in bottled organics because most if not all especially ej have alot of traced minerals that allow the plant to instantly uptake the nutrients, and because of my history with synthetic nutrients I conclude that any plant being topped feed nutrients that are instantly available, need to be ph correct.

Do not ph correct it, but allow ej to bubble into your ph zone, about 48 hours.

Hence why I stress the long bubble.

Lastly, if you are having a Ca issue you should first make sure your using TAP water as THEY advise, if your still experiencing a ca issue then a water analysis could be done. But most Ca that cannabis needs is found in tap water. If you need to filter use the Small Boy filter. As it just removes Chlorine.

Still having problem, supplement future grows with Lime or use Hydrated Lime but only if you have experience.

Yes, and No! Most new organic growers are not understanding it takes time to get soil in harmony. You must establish micro life before planting to keep from ph issues, then you have the issues of ph when your soil get to dry, heat in your room. When soil dries you get ph spikes as the micro life that is good dies off, and then bad micros take over.

You must not, NOT use epson salt if your organic, period, or dolimite lime, period! you will get cal mag lookin issues, trust me done it for all my grows from start til my switch to rocks. Yes you can get some results, but its not a stable molecule to last in this enviroment, so when it dies of so will your ph.

Ph is no problem when you have all working in harmony, I have no pen no test strips or anything to test anymore, and my God am I happy to releave that one stress allone. Yes you can make teas with ej as it is the simple form of what I am talking about (minerals)(molasass-food for microlife) They set the ph at what they want, it is when we alter it they die off, they are waring, and battling so it will go up, and down but at their pace.

Far as the long bubble method, you run the risk of adding anerobic dominate tea, or micro life that is almost dead, 30 hours is fine, and worm poo works better for the adding of back up good micros to a war, while using the ej for inbetween feeds. If you foliar feed teas it acks like a hyperderic needle, and boost feeding the micros carbs. Just chiming in on things I done like you are that made it unplaesant to grow, now it more watching, and admiring my ladies! Good luck