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using AVID in FLOWER.


I should have asked this before I did it, but here goes anyway.

My plants are in week 2 flower... They are looking wonderful and beautiful... No issues at first sighting... but when looking carefully I see those damn spider mite eggs...

So I foiler with AVID... 3 drops in 1 quart.

Did I just poison the hell out of my buds? If I did, is there anything I can do to get the AVId out of their system? Is this a big deal?

My humidity is norm, temp at around 75... although im dropping it to 65 when lights are off now since I discovered the eggs.

What do YOU use for mite control in flower?

Thanks in advance,



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I should have asked this before I did it, but here goes anyway.

My plants are in week 2 flower... They are looking wonderful and beautiful... No issues at first sighting... but when looking carefully I see those damn spider mite eggs...

So I foiler with AVID... 3 drops in 1 quart.

Did I just poison the hell out of my buds? If I did, is there anything I can do to get the AVId out of their system? Is this a big deal?

My humidity is norm, temp at around 75... although im dropping it to 65 when lights are off now since I discovered the eggs.

What do YOU use for mite control in flower?

Thanks in advance,


ya, bad move, unless your growing a 10 week strain......

azamax and azatrol are extremely good products for flowering....

i personally like pyryth bombs in flowering....

make sure if you buy the bombs, look at the concentration of pyryt. dr doom is .4 % while the ones in the little white cans with green writing is 4%, huge difference....


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
ah man your supposed to use the avid as a dip just befor you plant and start vegging.dip for ten seconds under water fully,all the way up to the base of the stem(do not get the roots wet or the cube its in.) a 1 drop to 1 gal,and make sure you PLEASE DO NOT DUMP THAT DOWN THE DRAIN! after your done let it evaporate naturaly just put out in the sun and it will disappear.oh and if you planted them in soil allready and there still in veg you can do a major spray down (hit the underside of the leaves cuz thats where the bad shit hides)make sure you suit up for that one and use something so you dont breath that vapor mist in your lungs. well wishes and good luck(if the avid doesnt help break it all down and start over,its better to start clean so you dont have to use stuff like that.):tiphat:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
another thing i like to do, although some people may not think its a good idea.....

is use floramite early in flowering, up to the 20th day if i have a bad infestation.........

its residual is 21 days.....

floralite is like acid to the mite adults, larvae, pupae and eggs....

just about every other product out there kills all stages except the EGGS....

so you will need to reapply those products after a few days to kill the larvae and pupae, hopefully they didn't reach the adult stage to lay eggs again...

i do 2 pyryth bombs with a 5 day period, then i spray floramite twice in a 5 day period, everything is dead guaranteed.....


Registered User
So why not use the Avid? It has a 28 day residual... and at end of week 2, that gives him at least another 2 weeks til he chops, after the 4 week activity period that is...

If you can use Floramite at that point, why not another poison?


Active member
nothing after 2 weeks but azamax . i have had great success with it and bombs. no pest strips are an option. i believe most peoples problem with pest killers is they dont get the stuff evenly over the whole plant especially under leaves. this is easier to do with smaller grows.


Active member
Just the smell of avid makes me sick. I've got that shit in my eye i was high when i sprayed and forgot to relieve the pressure on my sprayer before refilling, had my glasses off and it sprayed a lot in my face. I dashed out the grow room and hopped in the shower freaking the fuck out. I started having muscle spasms and a intense seizure and was puking up blood.. Na im kiddin on that part. but i'm not using it anymore. Try the lavender solution during early flower, it worked alright.

During flower do you guys just add azamax to the rez or do you foliar?
nothing after 2 weeks but azamax . i have had great success with it and bombs. no pest strips are an option. i believe most peoples problem with pest killers is they dont get the stuff evenly over the whole plant especially under leaves. this is easier to do with smaller grows.

Stirrup M is an excellent mite sex attractant that should be added to the Floamite or whatever spray mix. It will attract all males to the insecticide so if you miss some areas no sweat, it WILL DO IT


New member
Stirrup M is an excellent mite sex attractant that should be added to the Floamite or whatever spray mix. It will attract all males to the insecticide so if you miss some areas no sweat, it WILL DO IT

StirupM is NOT a sexual attractant. It makes the mites move and jerk around more than normal so that the chances of them eating a poisoned area of the plant is greater.

There is no reason for a sexual attractant. The mites are already attracted to the plant. StirupM allows for us that aren't as presise in our spraying. I've read that it only improves the kill rate by 8%. Not really worth it to me.
StirupM is NOT a sexual attractant. It makes the mites move and jerk around more than normal so that the chances of them eating a poisoned area of the plant is greater.

There is no reason for a sexual attractant. The mites are already attracted to the plant. StirupM allows for us that aren't as presise in our spraying. I've read that it only improves the kill rate by 8%. Not really worth it to me.

I'm not a scientist, maybe you are which is cool. What I've read and heard about it is effective. And not too $$ I know that I used it ONCE with Floramite and that was it, no more mites. This was in a bigger area, very hard to get all surfaces. Here is a bit on it

Stirrup M $25.00 per 8oz
This extremely effective pheremone is a sexual attractant for red spider and two-spotted mites. Added to your miticide spray it attracts spider mites to the Avid or Kelthane, ensuring no escape for the little suckers! Rate: 1/4 teaspoon per gallon.

Stirrup M® is Troy Biosciences premiere performance enhancing mite pheromone which incorporates industry leading pheromone technology to attract mites to miticides. Stirrup M® overcomes the limitations of not achieving perfect spray coverage and, when used as suggested, aids in achieving superior crop protection. Stirrup M® - the number one miticide performance enhancement technology.

  • Increases efficacy of miticides
  • May be used on all raw agricultural commodities
  • May be used until day of harvest,
    exempt from tolerance
  • Compatible with all major miticides
  • Easy to apply flowable formulation

Indian Culture

If Avid only has a 28 day residue what would be the problem using it within the first couple weeks of flowering? If you run your strains for 70 days and your only 14-21 days in that still give you 49-56 days. The Avid will be gone for 21-28 days more then recommended.


"In one example from Hayward California, a well-known marijuana patient with an unusual immune disease died from repeated exposure to the miticide "Avid". "

from http://www.cannabismd.net/contaminants/

Use the lavender FPE. It works perfectly. I cannot see why anyone would ever use anything else, especially neurotoxins...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
"In one example from Hayward California, a well-known marijuana patient with an unusual immune disease died from repeated exposure to the miticide "Avid". "

from http://www.cannabismd.net/contaminants/

Use the lavender FPE. It works perfectly. I cannot see why anyone would ever use anything else, especially neurotoxins...

funny, i worked at just about every co-op, cannabis club and dispensary in Hayward, never heard of this "well known patient that does from repeated Avid exposure"......

i dont see the proof, i just see someone who wrote an article...


I googled it and couldn't find anything myself. Glad to hear that is not true, from a person in the area.


Just a word to the wise.....

Don't use azamax after using a pyrethrum, it will nuke your plants. Wish I would have read the instructions a little better before I had to learn this hard core lesson.

I hate using neem or neem based products like azamax. Anything with neem sprayed on flowers is going to leave that funky oily neem residue and it will affect flavor/quality.....

Somebody mentioned that Avid is not an ovicide which means it don't kill mite eggs. I have found avid to be just as an effective ovicide as floromite. Both are great products but you don't ever want to use the same miticide more than 2 times in a row.

I wouldn't use miticides in the flowering room though. Try organic methods in the flower room until you can chop everything down then use miticides on the room itself.
No pest strips help but are not organic.

Keep the humidity as high as you can without creating mold and keep the temps as low as you can without stunting the plants growth. Mites love a warm dry environment and their population will explode quickly in a favorable environment.

Some growers say you have to learn to control mites. I agree that mite control is a good thing to understand but wiping them out is the best goal. I quit messing with large infested plants. Now days when mites appear in veg I toss all infected plants and spray all the non infected plants and the room itself with avid or floromite.

Good luck.


Try this recipe I got off of this site. It is in the thread called "organic mite control"

1/4 cup lavender flowers
quart water

soak 48 hrs, strain, dilute 50:1

add nothing else! apply every 5 days. It has no smell at the concentration listed. It can be applied up to day of harvest. It also has npk, and ovicidal and fungicidal properties as well.

You can buy a lavender plant for $5 and have enough to last a lifetime. Best of all, it cannot harm you, or your cats (like pyrethrin) or anything else.

You will feel a mix of shock (that this actually works) and anger (of all the time/money spent/lost fighting mites other ways), but other than that no unpleasant side effects!

No pest strips are good if you have a dead air crawlspace under your house (like I do). The package clearly states not to use it anywhere humans occupy more than 4 hours a day. Since the plants are there 24/7, they are soaking it up like sponges, that is why they work in the first place...


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
prolly not the best idea to use avid in flowering, try the lavendar tea above, or if u gotta blow some $$ at the hydro store get ed rosenthals zero tolerance, its all essential oils and works great