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Using a broken MH bulb


So, the bulb got some water on it and it cracked a hole on the glass casing of the bulb. It fires up like normal......

I know some will bring up the fire hazard etc, but I don't see that as bring a problem.

What I am concerned with is.........is mercury or anything else exposed once you run a light this way??

Does anything change significantly when doing this?

Thanks in advance!
Go buy a bulb. Aside from the safety concerns there is a very good chance it will burn out very soon anyway. Even the cheapest new MH bulb will treat you better then a broken used one.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
The UV output goes up about a billion percent. People have gone permanently blind from exposure to an unjacketed bulb. Well not a billion percent, but quite a bit. That much UV isn't too good for the plants.

This is besides all the other reasons not to have a broken bulb in use.


Thank you geo and rives. That was info I was looking for. I shit-canned the bulb....and that explains why my plants were dying....lol

btw-do you guys have any links or what not that could educate me on why high uv is bad for plants? Thanks!


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
"Sunlight would kill plants, without enzyme "scissors" that undo gene damage from ultraviolet (UV) rays. In fact, plants have several natural gene menders tailored to the kind of damage done, according to findings of an Agricultural Research Service scientist working with a researcher at the University of California at Davis."
