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Using a boat to grow guerrilla style

Next year I have GOT to get some outdoor crops going. I've always wanted to, but its a logistical nightmare. Local temps get up to 108F+ in the summer. This year we had like 60 days 100+. The soil around here is very much clay. I would have to bring in my own soil without being seen. Plus there's the whole deal about where to put them so that they can be watered regularly to deal with these temps, and not be seen doing so.

So I was thinking...lol. Perhaps using an airboat to find good isolated places. Places regular boats cant go and no one is likely to stumble upon them or at least notice them if they do. Airboats can even drive on dry ground pretty good. You can find a used one for about 4-5k all day.

The plants would be very close to water so I could stroll in and pump water to em no problem. Maybe cover them with camo shade cloth so the outrageous heat wont be such a problem. Anyone ever seen anyone do a boating guerrilla grow? Only concern I see is getting stopped by an overzealous game warden or something to do a safety check on your boat. The watering runs wouldnt be a problem just when you are taking them out or harvesting.


Yeah I've thought about this before too, but with a fishing boat, maybe with jet drive instead of prop. You'd have to be familiar with the fish cop activity on the water to avoid those kinds of run-ins. Would try to avoid busy or popular ramps and put-in spots.

You could use fem seeds and start your girls in the field. Don't know about the camo net. Maybe a false bottom in the boat for storage for getting plants in and out. Getting it out would be like any other guerrilla; sack-up and pack it out.

I'd love to see this also, if you decide to do it next season.


You can find a used one for about 4-5k all day.
If you're gonna' drop that kinda' scratch on a vehicle just to get to your plots...and it's a "logistical nightmare", why not just save the time/trouble and invest that kinda' money into an indoor operation?

Whether it be for personal use or commercial, you can get a place and some gear and get the ball rolling with that dough.
Three months - upgrade. Repeat.
mainly for security reasons, renting has many pitfalls with growing. Nosy neighbors (why doesnt he live there?), landlord visits, random fires, etc. Plus i have always wanted to use the outdoors.


mainly for security reasons, renting has many pitfalls with growing. Nosy neighbors (why doesnt he live there?), landlord visits, random fires, etc. Plus i have always wanted to use the outdoors.

Man, you just gotta' keep your game tight.
Random fires? I'm just gonna' pretend I didn't read that.

What is your main goal? Personal use? Or commercial yield?


I knew some lads that worked on a fish farm years ago in the west highlands who tried to grow on an island in the loch.

The memory of the video footage of them battling through gales and waves to hold on to there plants in the autumn winds for hours at a time while under the influence of quite a few drams of whiskey still makes me laugh!



Air boats leave trails when they are not on water... most also hav very little cargo space..they are a curisoty''wow I wonder what airboatboy is up to"..noisy as fuck.. not my idea of stealth...sounds like you are tryin to kill two birds one stone..1 i wannagrow outside..2 Iwanna air boat..good luck
Sounds like your trying to grow in the bayou. the boat is gonna be super loud. I'd be cautious of fishermen and the game wardens. Perhaps also water levels rising. Good luck nonetheless.

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