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used soil disposal


New member
ithruxix said:
^that has to be the dumbest statement ever.

Look at an area that grows exceptional fruits/vegetables.

Do you think the soil is fresh? Nope, been recycled over and over, with more additives and beneficial microbestuff every day.

Buying new soil every go round is a waste of money. But hey, your pocketbook.


I happen to work at a very very successful greenhouse and we never reuse soil. Its simply not a good idea - it isn't just a matter of nutrients, either. You have to consider disease, fungus, lack of nutriets, etc. We always throw out used soil.


Indeed, I understand.

For some reason, I thought we were in the organic soil forumn, I apologize.

I will stop here, but IMHO if you have disease free dirt, why not reuse it? You can easily re-incorporate any nutrition you leach from said soil, along with any other normally added supplements.

All I am saying is dirt is a great medium to re-use. There is nothing wrong with dirt that has been used. As a matter of fact, after a few runs your dirt will start rewarding you.

Sorry if I offended anyone.


Active member
theres several good threads on rebuilding soil in the organic section, Before swithing to coco I used ffof and rebuilt it in rubber maid tubs after each grow with great results, the more I rebuilt it the better it got. alfalfa pellets, blood and bone meal and crushed oyster shells . gets to be a lot of work but well worth the time if growing more than 10 plants if your not I would use new soil and triple bag the old and dispose of it away from your grow, just make sure no video cam on dumpsters you choose to use, and don't use the same place every time.


Active member
i re-use my soil . no serious pest or disease problems with my plants. a few aphids, that's it. shake the root-ball off and strain out the larger stray roots with your fingers. add some fresh fertilizers and powdered lime, or skip the fertilizers and use it as the growing medium for seeds, cuttings.

re-using soil also helps with security by reducing the number of large bags being dragged into/out of the grow .


Seed Junkie!:D
I reuse mine to !I grow in 4 gal pails and when done I empty into a tote!I just take most of the root matter out and put Perfectly rootien soil conditioner(and if I think of it bone/bloodmeal) in,good to go!:D


I live in aprt complex got dumpsters like u....tripple bag in black heavy duty trash bags and away u go...and if u can find out ur garbage pick up date throw it away the night before the morning they come =]
and always just put the soil/trimings all in one...dont get it mixed with ur reg. trash or u might have mail with ur name on it....
Got it? Good....DO IT!
And re using soiling....ive don it, but it always seems to throw the PH WAY off and in my expieneces the plants HATE it...
But i guess if u do it right then u can do it...
But i would do i what i said....
works awesome!


darrinjefferson said:
when i was in an apartment i would just triple bag em and take em out to the trash with the rest of my garbage. worked well everytime.


I like late night random dumpster runs. Also make sure to not put more than 10 gallons or so per bag so you can easily throw it if needed.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
I try to blend what I have into the outdoor garden.

I work my excess soil into a little compost heap in the backyard. Or save it for repotting the houseplants. Or building up flower beds. But not for my prime time grow, that is fresh every time.

However don't just throw it away. Throw it in the yard if you are fortunate to have one, and if not, houseplants are keen.


And 1 thing to add to this discussion.....
Its really not that complicated....
And if the way that you get caught growing, by the way you dispose of your soil,.....your a fucking idiot.
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Let's just say my outside plants have never looked better!!! Soil is the easy part to get rid of.... Those damn trimmings are where I get all worried.
Yards love it. If one of your bros has a pad with a yard, just give it to them. Mulch it around yard. Good stuff. plants will go off.


Active member
This is the funniest thread I have read in a long long time...when crops grow outdoors, where do farmers throw their ..."used" soil? Just wondering, hmmm maybe they mix it and bag it to sell to YOU!
There is some truth in problem soil being a vector and infecting the next grow. But if you didn't have any pythium, root rot what's infectious? answer...nothing, thats right boys and girlz nothing. Most of you flush two weeks plus so any bulit-up is negligible. The Earth would've been used up eons ago with this nonsense, lol. RE-plenish its nutrients, toss old rootmass out yes but toss the whole thing, no. I have been using the same soil with a few additives for over 20 years! 3lbs does too think about it and spend your time on better things, just this reporters opinion. Back to you in the newsroom Tony, Badmf reporting, outstanding in his field. :joint: